This was posted 9 years 5 months 7 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Access All Domino's Codes Available EG $5.95 Trad, $3 off Orders - Tampermonkey + Script (Chrome)


This has been covered recently and is something I've used for months now as well, original whirlpool source. Just thought it's definitely worth highlighting as this is tonight's order:
1x Trad Pizza - $5.95
1x Extra Value - $5.95 (might use a Trad and change toppings!)
2x Free Mousse (Thanks TA!)
-$3 (using script)
= $8.90 Pickup


So, Chrome users:
1) Install Tampermonkey
2) Install script linked to in deal
3) Go to, and click through to online ordering
4) Where you normally enter a code, look to the right for the drop down menu, click something and see if it works or not
(Side-note: Many coupons listed but aren't available to you)

Coupon codes aren't displayed, so no way of sharing them, you have to use the script to get the deal!

Check out all the latest Pizza Coupons & Deals

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closed Comments

  • +8

    Just ordered a traditional pizza for $3.95! Going to pick it up on the way to gym… thanks OP!

    • +3


      • +2

        Bring planet fitness to AUS

    • +32

      Picking up a pizza in your active wear?

    • -6

      the script is not all that good

      There is heaps of listing and not sure which one works…
      so u need to spend time clicking through each one..

      more faster to just find a code on ozbargain

      • +5

        Traditional Pizza + Mousse for 3$ STOP COMPLAINING MATE

        • How did you get that? :S

    • How did you get that? :S

      • Traditional pizza voucher for $6.95 with the -$3 but they have taken off the -$3 voucher awhile back.

  • Can't see how you're getting trad pizzas for $5.95. Don't see an option for that. Everything else works good. Thanks

  • +1

    Hmm, just a loading icon for me sadly, the drop box is there just no values to click on.. :/ Wanted pizza tonight too

    • Hmm tried closing and reopening chrome?

      • Same here.
        Restarted Chrome.

      • +1

        Seems to be working tonight :)

    • Yep same here too

    • same here. i have restarted windows and chromes. screen only shows loading icon.

    • +1

      I used Mozilla to order last night, hope that helps.

  • +1

    Coupon codes aren't displayed, so no way of sharing them, you have to use the script to get the deal!

    From memory, once you place the order, you can view it afterwards and it shows the codes used.

  • +1

    Hey, which selections did you choose for the

    1x Trad Pizza - $5.95
    1x Extra Value - $5.95 (might use a Trad and change toppings!)
    and the free mousse


    • +2

      I think I just clicked 'Traditional Pizza - $5.95-$X' and it processed it at $5.95, but all depends on the store

      • When I press install on the script, it just takes me to a page with lots of code… is that what's supposed to happen? Cause when I don't see the 2nd box on the voucher code .__.

        • +2

          Did you download the Tampermonkey extension?

        • +1


          okay got it, thanks mate :)

      • +3

        It must be as it seems $6.95 is the lowest price for any non-value pizza at my local store (Surfers Paradise), also combines with the $3 off order and can use my loyalty card to get 10th pizza free there too.

        Good deal mate.

      • how did you add "2xthe free mousse"?

  • Interesting. Thanks OP

  • Trad pizza for $5.95 in a store in Adelaide isn't working for me. But 30% off works somehow.

    Edit: I have tried the 'Trad pizzas from $3.95 - $15.95' code and it reduced the price to $6.95.

    PS: There is the $3 off a deal as well.

  • very cool. nothing cheap at my local atore

  • How did you get 2 mousses/micce? Am only getting one? Or rinse and repeat that code thingy for the mousse?

  • +2

    And the pizzas will taste much better once the Eagles win tomorrow

  • Worked at my local Dominoes, $1.15 for a pizza and free chips. Paid in small coins of course, with 30% off and also $3 off. It stacked :D

    • +9

      What was the look on the cashiers face? Surely they would be suspicious about that. I mean, the ingredients sure would cost more than that.

    • Do you remember the coupon code for free chips?

    • Lol

  • Over half of them don't even work. Very hit and miss.

  • +1

    Why didn't you split the order and do it twice? that way you get to use the -$3 off twice. It's what i am doing right now.

  • My Traditional Pizza is $6.95, at Bass Hill, what suburb is yours OP?

    • Add the 30% off and $3.003 off.
      Should reduce to $3.95

      • mine shows as $2.95! (30%, $3 off, trad pizza)

  • The Traditional Pizza code for $5.95 can also be applied to Chef's Best Pizza's… Sweet! Thanks Spackbace. (Code - Traditional Pizza's from $3.95 to $15.95)

  • +1

    What's stopping me getting 3 cans for free? Haha this is hilarious

  • Thank you so much. I enjoy the free sides

  • +28

    Here are some Pick Up codes that work for a SA store.

    Deal Voucher
    $3 Off Order 399762
    30% off order 550304, 908836
    Cheesy Garlic Bread ($3.00) 169239
    Chef's Best Pizzas ($6.95) 458517
    Chicken & Prawn Pizza ($8.00) 771319, 557309
    Garlic Bread ($2.00) 634733, 612789
    Traditional Pizza ($5.95) 476698

    In the code I changed

    return showStatus('Voucher loaded. Value: $' + money(window.prices[offer][pos.priceIndex]), false), updateBasket(), true;


    return showStatus('Voucher ' + code + ' loaded. Value: $' + money(window.prices[offer][pos.priceIndex]), false), updateBasket(), true;

    and it reveals what code is applied.

    • what is the line number

      • Line 387 worked for me.

    • Thanks!
      Your codes worked for a NSW store too.
      Ordered 2x Chef's Best Pizzas.

  • Someone should order pizzas every week for the next year with this haha

    • +1

      I get pizza's at Caroline Springs VIC every tuesday.
      Can't wait to see their faces

  • awesome stuff!

  • +1

    I get $2.95 pizza, but I'm too scared to order it after reading this.…

  • very very nice sir thank you 3 bucks for a pizza .

  • +6

    If you get extraordinary cheap pizza, you could potentially get Extra Flavour from some not so kind Domino workers.

  • I used a coupon for chessy garlic bread last week, they put just a trible of cheese on it.

    • +1

      Triple or treble cheese? Either way.. Sounds good!

    • So you got the normal cheesy garlic bread? awesome!

  • +2

    Thanks OP not sure if they will even honour it but I got 2 pizzas , 2 sides & a drink for $2.80

    • Let us know how you go.

      • +3

        I Will haha, No doubt they will question why 2 orders are free and the other 3 are <$2

        • This should be interesting.

        • Imma try after this if it works out for you

        • +1


          Good luck with it! Just so everyone knows I ordered it for Monday as I have had pizza the last couple of nights but I'll let you all know how I go :)

      • +3

        UPDATE: Got all of it the staff dident even question me just gave it to me!

        Photo or it dident happen:

    • Which coupons did you use lol

    • yeah tell us which ones you used! dont see how you managed to get that

      • +9

        Okay so.. i added a Peperoni which is $5 then added the 30% off voucher (550304) then added the $3 off voucher (399762) which brought the total down to $1.16 per pizza then repeated for 2x free garlic breads then repeat again for a 1.25L drink for $0.46 (

        I think i can say im a true ozbargainer now!

        • +1

          For some reason my 30% doesn't work.
          Whats the code for the garlic bread.

          EDIT: Wow $1.16 pizza lol

    • +2

      And this is exactly why this method will be shut down very soon.

  • +1

    hmm the 30%/50% off codes dont work for me. it adds them to the cart thing but it doesn't decrease the price?

    • +1

      Yeah, same problem here. They are added but doesn't subtract from total.

  • +2

    Awesome didn't use the Tamper (couldn't work it out) and I used 399762 $3 off and 476698 Traditional coming to $2.95. Cheapest lunch ever! Thank you.

  • +2

    Does pizza prices have a peak and off peak prices? Last night it was like this:
    But today, this morning it is like this:

    $3.95 vs $2.95 total, same store, any reason why?

    • I think it's to do with the 30% off code caus it doesnt change the price atm, I had the same prices as you did

  • +2

    Quirky to use but fun. I'm ordering a basic pizza for $2 ($5 base price less $3 off order). Seems the best value I could manage though I may splurge and place two separate orders coming to a grand total of $4.

  • +1

    Anyone finding extra spit in their pizza? I'm seriously worried about them tampering with it, would rather (obviously) have them flat out refuse the order.

    • +2

      If it's anything like when I used to work at pizza hut, the guys making them just see the order and do it, especially if it's busy, there's no time for vindictiveness. Don't think anyone really looked at the price on the dockets.

      Prepay via credit card probably helps too…

    • +3

      My guy was probably more concerned with obtaining his Year 10 Record of School Achievement than the profitability and sustainability of his current employer. I don't think the spit will become an issue until management enforces it sometime over the next week.


  • +1

    This is crazy. 30% off and $3 off order. Value pizza = $1.16, plus the free mousse.

    Feel a bit guilty doing two separate orders.

  • +3

    Just ordered my dinner for pick up later. I ordered a traditional pizza with cheesy crust for a grand total of $0.00 (Free pizza + $3 off). Thanks OP!

    • Out of interest what's the point of getting $3 off a free pizza, isn't it free anyway?

      • +3

        Cheesy crust has a $2.95 surcharge.

        • Exactly this. I was going to get it anyway since I haven't had it in ages, getting it for free was just a nice bonus.

        • Aha! Pizza novice here…

      • -4


    • Do you remember the coupon code for a free pizza?

      • The code I used only applies to Corio, Vic. but it was 656848284624

  • +2

    Just picked up a $1.16 pizza. Thanks OP!

  • +1

    $3 Off Order (399762) + $3 Cheesy Garlic Bread (169239)

    anyone willing to try it? haha

    • +1

      Tried it with Belgian Lava Cake $2.95 -$3
      The supervisor straight away don't believe it and I lied to him that it's a Domino's FB promotion like Free Mousse

  • +10

    Waiting for Domino's to launch a missile strike against the Ozbargain servers!

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