I have a portable wardrobe that I bought from Kmart. The only problem is the boards they come with it have a smell. I've read online it may be off gassing from the glue which holds the boards together. What is the cheapest and simplest way to get rid of this smell. Is there a particular product which works best I've read volcanic rocks, baking soda, coffee grounds. Is painting it an option. Do i have to go to Bunnings or a hardware store to get products.
How to Get Rid of Particle Board Smell

Dont understand how this will get rid of the smell will the carpet sample left in the room absorb the smell.
Me neither - Harvey norman must be selling 'magic carpet' samples
The "new carpet smell" will overpower the timber smell using its "magic powers" and after a short battle will rein supreme.
How do you get the new carpet smell out of the wardrobe?
Do you put a new car in, so the new car smell overrides the carpet?
@rompastompa: No, once the wardrobe reeks of new carpet smell, just throw a dead rat or mouse in there. Wait a couple of days and you shouldn't be able to smell the carpet at all.
Typical poor bandage method of masking a smell with smellier item.
Your suggestion is….
Activated Carbon, scroll down see below, search for my next post.
buy real furniture in the first place - or leave it outside for a few days (not in the rain or it will turn to mush)
Maybe that is the last option if I can't get rid of the smell. By real furniture do you mean solid wood furniture. What brands or particular wood should I be looking for in a wardrobe.
Pretty much anything except particle board / mdf - only these have the formaldehyde smell.
Try gumtree mate, youll get proper furnture for the price of that crappy chip board stuff.
Thanks for the quick reply. Never knew about certain furniture having a smell. lesson learned here, better to know this now. Smell just takes over the whole house. I will check Gumtree as I did get a good used quality desk which didn't smell
I've cut a lot of MDF and never had that smell. And I have a sensitive sense of smell.
OP, by the time you buy paint, wait for it to dry, etc. it's probably just as cheap to buy a ozito router and a (non-stinking) sheet of MDF from Bunnings.
Or return it! That's what we did with a vacuum we bought once… Its made-in-china plastic absolutely STANK, but especially when the vacuum was turned on and became hot - so we took it back.
Try the baking soda. Cheap and easy. New chipboard furniture does smell for a while but wont hurt you.
And vinegar. Together, in a sealed container.
Or coke and pop rocks
Do i leave the baking soda open in a small container. When you say a while roughly are you saying over time the smell will dissipate.
Yes, .. one or a few open small containers should help.
Giving it a wipe over with warm soapy water will help too.
No matter what you do it will smell for some time.
I don't mind the smell of new furniture but I can imagine how it would annoy some.
I'd just wipe it down, and leave next to the window (open) for a few days to air.
Thank you everyone for the comments and replies I've decided to get rid of the wardrobe the smell is giving me a headache.
Just leave it outside (in a dry place) for a week!
Wow, it must be really strong?
Paint it …
Damp teabags apparently absorb smells
Activated Carbon Activated Carbon Activated Carbon Activated Carbon.
Heaps of them.Baking soda will work. Add water mix in paste make sure not runny as some particle board may swell and be ruin.
Spread all over the surface, leave for a day or two, vacuum when dry.Works extremely well in freezer and fridge, just leave a thin layer of baking soda on a plate(larger surface) and it will work for months.
go to harvey norman and grab a carpet sample…sometimes they will discontinued ones for free. Leave that in the room for a few days.