Bitdefender is free for a six month period again. I paid for 20 dollars for it two weeks ago, such is life. Enjoy everyone.
Free Bitdefender Internet Security 2016 (6 Month Licence)

Last edited 25/09/2015 - 00:17 by 1 other user
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Yes you can but it is not really recommended to have two AV running at the same time.
makes sense !! Thanks !!
Avast and malwarebytes is the best combination.
It's like wearing two condoms at once, it's possible, but really, why?
Just in case.. extra protection :-)
Two condoms on increases the chance that a break will occur in both the condoms.
This. I like how this guy describes it
More protection doesn't mean better.
Either have one or none and accept the consequences
Yes but go into the Avast shield settings and disable real time scanning. Either that or disable real-time protection on Bitdefender. It's fine to have both installed as long as you only have one real time scanner. You can use the other one for scheduled scans / on demand scans if you feel it's necessary.
And after six months?
You pay…what else do you think would happen?
Or you could install a free antivirus if this doesn't get given away for free before 6 months is up.
its not trial, and is basic Windows any good? Most virus software shouldn't slow you down that much
So basically you have no idea about AV or computers, let alone marketing. Enjoy your Windows Defender.
Windows Defender isn't the best protection.
Bitdefender is pretty light - I've been running it on a number of my computers of varying specs and there's always a 3 or 6 months free offer so I haven't had to pay in like 2 years.
@dosada: i have been using many PCs over more than 10 years without any virus, malware, adware or bloatware. not bad for someone who does not have idea, no?
After six months you keep an eye out for another free six months. I've been using Bitdefender for years and they haven't got a cent out of me yet.
do you mind sharing what you used to monitor the promotion?
As iChopstick says, right here.
You uninstall then hope get another product.
I already have it how do I get the 6 months? does it have a code?
This doesn't seem to give you a code like previous promotions. You have to download a pre-activated installation.
With 2016, BD no longer uses codes. It's done hardware activation style like Windows 10 I think.
Whenever there's free giveaways it won't be by code anymore, so it will be very inconvenient. You're probably going to have to uninstall and reinstall the new download.
Right on the page it says
Bitdefender INTERNET SECURITY 2016
and the button is
GET YOUR ACTIVATION CODEEnter an email address and it says
The license key has been sent to your email.
If you didn’t receive it, click here to resend it.Are you saying that no longer gives a code? I'm still on a 9 month license so I don't want to mess with my activation.
You don't get a code, you get linked to a personalised download file to install.
It doesn't affect your existing 2015 keys.
Correct, no code.
If you have an existing 2015 key, you can convert it into a 2016 license (again, no code) but it doesn't seem to work with 'free' codes, or at least it didn't work with mine, which was not a unique code.
No need for anti virus anymore.. haven't had one for a year and im fine.. default windows security is enough
Exactly, people just jump to free things without thinking.
Once again, not being aware of a problem, doesn't mean you don't have one. Decent anti-virus should be the first thing you ever install on a computer, unless you never turn it on, plug in a USB or connect to the internet.
I wouldn't jump to the point of stating that you must be running AV software.
Locking down other elements of your system, employing good controls within the browser (e.g. to prevent elements like flash auto-running) and practicing good discipline when using the internet can eliminate the need to have an installed AV product…
How controversial -…
On Windows? I'd say installing A/V is a good rule to live by. On my Mac and on *nix? I don't bother.
Sure, the more computer literate someone is, the more likely they are to put into practice good security principles. But for many, a computer is just a tool, a device to get their work done. Personally I download torrents, I browse to dodgy web sites and I'm a total sleaze with the number of one-night USB affairs I have with randoms, so A/V is a good idea. For the majority of users, I'd say it should certainly be a requirement.
Sharewareonsale what is this shit.
get comodo.
Given how often Bitdefender gives away keys you'll probably see another promotion in 2 months.
Honestly, check out the search results for Bitdefender:
An odd strategy to keep giving away your paid software.
Is this actually considered a full retail version or a 6 month 'trial' which will constantly nag you to subscribe?
A full retail version that lasts 6 months then nags you to subscribe.
Have you used the free Bitdefender trials? It straight-up does not nag you to subscribe - no popups, ads, notifications etc, nothing. There's text in the titlebar that says 'not for resale' and a text string in the bottom left of the client that states the amount of days you have left. That's literally it.
No I haven't, but once the 6 months is over, surely there would be a popup or something to get to pay to continue using it.
@ozhunter: When it expires you just uninstall it. 'Nagging to subscribe' heavily implies during your usage period, not after the period has run out.
Those aren't trials. Those are proper licenses. I just wanted to know if this was like that, or if it's a real trial (i.e. nagware). Since they don't use keys now, things might change in how BD does free licenses.
Please change link to the above comment from @24601
Can't believe op actually paid for these sort of things…Does the windows not come with inbuilt anti virus software called microsoft security essentials?
now called Windows Defender - which catches ~85%
You can't believe it because you have a big viral dose of Solipsism. That you consider it unbelievable (your words) that someone, somewhere would need to pay for anti virus software shows that you don't actually put much thought into what you do or how you approach objectives.
In this individual case I reinstalled windows on my sister's computer and it was easier for me to buy her a cheap copy of bitdefender, ramp up the settings and then not have her computer infected from whatever dodgy shopping or porn sites she visits.
I posted this in order to share the information with the ozbargain community. Most adults come here to find bargains, not get drawn into some moronic debate about X over Z or whatever you will comment on next.
I got caught napping because I'd been using MSE for years. Get rid of it now and find something better before you get hit with a CryptoVirus like me. Fortunately I didn't lose anything in the end but what a PAIN. Took a couple of weeks of late nights to recover my stuff. (I have a heap of photos and such - literally terrabytes).
I don't think any anti virus will catch a crypto virus (fit certain Avast and Kaspersky don't), you need malwarebytes premium for that.
That's complete nonsense. The signature for the Cryptovirus I was hit with was added to MSE within a week. I had to add the directory I had a copy of the virus iun with renamed extension for forensics excluded) The thing operated on a timebomb activating at a particular date and time so for a lot of people hit on the same day including me, the signatures came too late.
@syousef: Well I just fixed (a month and a half ago) a PC "protected" by MSE that was hit bad :-) That was CryptoVirus 3.0, out in the wild at leasr since March.
It's amusing how you diss MSE in one comment and then rush to protect it in another. There is absolutely no doubt that MSE's protection is shocking -
I'm not defending anything.
But saying MSE won't catch a cryptovirus makes it sound like it's not built to do that, and that is misinformation. The problem is MS have decided that their AV is not a priority so they completely let signatures and engine go to hell. It use to be ace - look at the same AV tests from 3 or 4 years ago. I would not recommend it at all now. Completely gone to hell.
@syousef: Not sure what you're arguing here. I've said [much better AV solutions] Kaspersky and Avast do not catch crypto virus. That is a fact from my experience. Also a fact and from my experience is that Malwarebytes does (will also clean an infection post disaster). Crypto Viruses are so notorious because of constant evolving signatures (reference: Google). MSE has zero chance against them, period.
You're talking as if there is only one kind of Crypto Virus. At this point there are dozens. The signatures do not always evolve quickly, but the encryption keys sometimes do. Some are going to be caught by AV because they are less sophisticated and others not. Some AV engines update every couple of hours. MSE was doing it I think daily by default.
There was a brilliant article about the cat and mouse game between AV researchers and continual revisions of one of the crypto viruses. If I can find it again I'll post a link.
This is the article I was talking about:…
But yeah get rid of MSE. Even a free Avast/AVG is better.
Out of interest when was the last time your computer had a virus and how often?
For most people the most important thing would be email and web scanning where you could get a virus quite easily.
Going to install windows 7 on a desktop I have, haven't used windowsbforbyears and now I'm downloading this for prep… Non of this protection business with Linux sheesh.
Anyone who does not know how to upgrade for older bitdefender to 2016 version for free, follow this article. Worked for me as I upgraded my total security.…That article explains how to upgrade previous versions to 2015. You sure it wasn't BD 2015 (not 2016) you upgraded to ?
I upgraded it to 2016. Give it a try. Use their links.
Thanks for confirming.
Your link goes to "How to upgrade for free from an older version to Bitdefender 2015", and that page has 2015 installation kits.
At the very bottom of the page is a 'Related informations' link: How to upgrade for free from an older version to Bitdefender 2016
My antirivus solution is not to let my girlfriend use my computer.
i never pay for my AV's because theres always deals like this every time im due to renew. Its great! thanks OP
I won't pay for one because the minute you do the antivirus tends to end up turning to garbage and a new brand rises that provides much better coverage.
Thanks OP, my Norton 360 only had a couple of weeks before it expired so this came in handy.
Has anyone got ANZ netbanking to open in Safepay? Commbank works fine but ANZ won't let me open netbanking in the Safepay browser.
Installing/ Uninstalling an endless looop.Registering doesnt work for me, get in an endless loop of signing in errors. Just deleted it off my system, going to get something thats better and free that actually works
which site… or
Mines working fine, did you uninstall your previous AV before trying to install bitdefender?
Just a pro tip, if you have an existing Total Security license, make sure you uninstall it first, even though the installation process includes removal of the old version. BD saw a mismatch TS-IS so instead of giving me a new IS license for 6 months, it upgraded my TS 2015 to TS 2016, and my old expiry continues (I have about 90 days left).
I'm too lazy to go through it again, so I might just wait for the next giveaway.
Another pro tip.
I went to upgrade my TS 2015 to TS 2016 as per the instructions on the Bitdefender website. I had about 80 days left on my current subscription.
When I uninstalled I forgot to write down my current license key beforehand (noob error). When I went to the My Subscriptions part in my Bitdefender account it wasn't there either. Just for a laugh, I found the key that was emailed to me in March this year and entered it in (expecting it to say expired). Lo and behold it worked ! Not only that but instead of 80 days left I now had 270 days, and with the 2016 version !!!How could you trust a software that has many loopholes and buggy to defend your system?
If you know of antivirus software that isn't buggy and/or bloated and/or ineffective please let us all know!
I have Avast installed - Can I have this as well on my PC?