This was posted 15 years 1 month 21 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

COLES Disney Pixar's Up DVD - Only $9 when you spend $100+ in 1 transaction - starts 13/1/10


Buy Disney Pixar's Up for $9 at Coles when you spend $100+ in one transaction.

Found this in The Daily Telegraph in NSW, seems to be Australia-wide.

Sorry for the picture quality, took it with my phone.

Good bargain if you're doing your weekly shopping, I know we spend around or above the $100 mark for 2 adults for a week.

Updated post with new start date of 13/1/10 as confirmed in comments.

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Wish they'd do these deal for BluRay.

    • Totally agree - I only buy blu these days

  • I'm suprised they are doing this again, I know last time when they did the Harry potter deal sanity and jb took them to the tribunal and won

    • Curious - what for?

      • +4…

        Its anti-competitive, and if the ACCC had any balls or powers whatsoever, they'd come down hard on Coles & Woolies for doing deals like this - wholesale cost on this, and most releases, is $29.98, yet the majors sell almost EVERY new release well under this, allegedly 'at a loss to the store'.

        I for one don't believe for a second that they'd be selling every other new release at a loss (the wonderful world of rebates & secret discounts only the majors know about), but when they do a 'Buy DVD for <$10 when you spend $100' they must be. As a DVD buyer for an independent store, I spent many years hassling our buying group head honchos on this issue, and they really didn't give a shit (probably didn't want to rock the boat with our suppliers) - was very glad to hear Today Tonight do a story on this issue.

        Didn't know about the JB & Sanity bit though. Its a bargain, but these bastards are being very dodgy in doing so.

        (Sorry for the rant, but its a passionate subject - the DVD industry in Australia is a joke!)

        • Ah, competition laws.

          I don't think much would come to fruition of it. There are a plethora of other industries/niches that Coles / Woolies use loss leaders without reprimand.

        • +1

          .. XX when you spend XX' they must be!

          Didn't know about the JB and Sanity bit though. Yep, its a bargain for the end user, but its a dodgy one.

          (Oops, half my post got cut off !?!)

        • +2

          I absolutely agree with you on that
          I have a close friend who has a DVD wholesale store.
          wish I could give her a mention here!!!

          she absolutely cannot compete with these big guys. sometimes she goes in and buys from them for her good clients

          • -2

            @cameraman: I don't agree with this. Good on Woolies and Coles for doing these deals and if the little individual stores can't compete then they should just give up. I'm sick of seeing people petition to stop a woolies from being built in their area because their prices are twice as expensive and can't compete.

            If you want to compete with these big stores then price yourself competitively.

            • +2

              @bigosmallo: I don't agree with ACCC taking action in this particular instance (it would set a precedent for companies to not sell any loss leaders — which is done on a daily basis across many departments in Coles/Woolies/Big W), but your argument is slightly flawed. Competition is what drives prices down (and is the very reason for OzBargain!). Whilst Coles/Woolies are pricing very competitively — if they drove all of their competition out of the market place, there is no incentive for them to run any sort of promotions… they'd have complete monopoly (or rather, duopoly) over the market.

              • +1

                @pais: "if they drove all of their competition out of the market place, there is no incentive for them to run any sort of promotions"

                Give them time … I know of MANY CD / DVD stores that have closed their doors over the last 12-36 months - the same time frame their below-cost selling has gotten worse and worse.

                Competition is good, and I have nothing against it - hell, I love a bargain… but what these guys do with the DVD market is beyond that. Its one thing to do occasional deals, selling NEAR or AT cost price, or a bit below, but when these majors are selling MANY titles WELL BELOW wholesale cost - well below what any other competitor can buy these at wholesale, on a regular basis, thats beyond competitive - its anti-competitive = other stores CANNOT possibly compete.

                • -2

                  @mrdevil: I don't think you've read my post mate!

            • +1

              @bigosmallo: "If you want to compete with these big stores then price yourself competitively." - what, and lose money?? One thing to be competitive, another to be driven out because its practicably not possible.

              Try owning, running or being employed by a small business that has to compete with these majors before making comments like this.

        • +3

          To me this is a typical Today Tonight beatup. This is obviously a promotion by Coles to encourage shoppers to increase their spend to hit the $100 threshold. I wouldn't be surprised if they found a large % of shoppers were spending around $80-$90 and they want to push the sale up to $100, likely through high margin products situated at checkouts. They may also be seeking to attract regular $100 shoppers from Woolworths.

          JB-Hi Fi and other retailers bundle all the time. If Coles were selling latest release movies for $5-$9 alone (without any other purchase), then it would be a different story.

          It's also not a fair comparison with the fuel wars where Coles and Woolworths took control of the retail outlets and changed the face of the value chain.
          (Edit: spelling)

    • I think it was actually the rental franchises (Network video and/or Blockbuster) that complained, and I don't think any actions came of it. Correct me if I am wrong though.

      • They might well have, but i do know for a fact that Sanity won their tribunal hearing, then JB followed and also won. They, to my understanding won 'discounts', 'rebates' ect.

        • That's very interesting. Did they get discounts or rebates from the distributors you mean?

      • Yeah, Network Video, and the other mob who represents Video Ezy / EzyDVD & Blockbuster - but a lot of their stores also do a fair bit of retail sales too. I'm a bit annoyed the buying group I used to be a part of wasn't interviewed / involved, as they represent a lot of retail & rental stores … but I spent years nagging them in this issue, and they played the "nah nah nah -fingers in ears- not listening" game.

  • Geez.. a movie can be PG because it has 'Some Scary Scenes'?!

    Good deal nonetheless, interested in knowing more about swimmingtoad's comment though.

    • yes, the 'dogs' scene near the end is very scary…

  • Doesnt say anywhere that it starts tomorrow

    • Coles catalogues are Thur -> Wed….

  • +4

    Reminds me of those Pizza Hut game and pizza deals - I wish they'd bring those back - got both Battlefield 2 and Sims 2 that way…

    $29.95 with a 1.25 litre coke, game, garlic bread and pizza….

    • Yeah I remember that.. now that was a bargin! +1

    • I would wait until the promotion was over, and then they would sell the excess games at a cheap price. I bought Lord of the Rings, and Need 4 Speed underground for $5 each. Plus i got Ice Age DVD for $5, and Scene It DVD game for $5-$10 (budget version, already own the full version so just wanted a new disk with new questions). :)

      I got the Masterchef cookbook for $12.50 at the last Coles $100+ spend promotion, i wonder if Coles had the same trouble over that like they did with Harry Potter…?

      Anyway, good deal, i will try and get it. Thanks.

    • Yep best pizza deal ever. Shared the pizza with 2 other people who paid ME for it (they insisted). Ended up with BF2 for about $5 and ended up playing it for 400 hours.

  • +1

    I just went to Bilo and got the Up DVD for $9, sign says this promotion starts 13/1/09.

    • Did u have to spend $100+?

      • Yes spent $100

        • Thanks for the confirmation, post has been updated. Sorry I assumed it was part of the catalogue sale!

    • so they are honoring coles promotions at Bilo branded stores then?

      • Yes, they usually have the same promotions, the sign is up in the Bilo store at Pacific Paradise on the Sunshine Coast

  • Obviously still stuck in last year - promotion starts 13/1/10 :)

  • ….But it was advertised in Wednesday's papers with nothing to say 'starts Thu'.
    They usually have VERY limited stock, so I doubt there will be any left by the 2nd day.

  • You can get a raincheck if they run out

    • Really? I was advised (when I called Coles) that that would not be possible for the Harry Potter promotion last year.

  • +1

    Well I received a raincheck for the harry potter one, and the ice age, I think Head office werent going to offer one for Harry Potter, but since it sold out so quickly they changed their minds. So I am sure you will still be able to get a raincheck on the item.

  • I can confirm that it is available in QLD, a sign was up instore.

  • Is it the 3-D version ?

  • Not only is this a great price for a new release, UP is a FANTASTIC movie. Probably one of the best Pixar movies. Highly recommended!!!

  • +1

    Hi. Just went down to Coles and got this. It isn't the 3D version but still a great deal. I actually didn't need $100 worth of groceries so I just asked someone with a full trolley to buy it for me.

    • That's what i did to get the Masterchef cookbook. :)

  • +2

    In case anyone is interested in the BD version that comes with a free DVD version, it's $28 at BigW :)

    • What is the BD version?

      • It's short for Blu-Ray Disc. The release is a 3 disc combo pack:

        Disc 1: Blu Ray
        Disc 2: Exclusive Blu-ray Bonus
        Disc 3: DVD

    • Dang, I paid $29.98 for the BD+DVD at JB. Thought it was a bargain after seeing it for $40 at Kmart and $44.95 at Sanity.

  • I can confirm that Coles Capalaba (QLD) has this deal as well, so I would assume all Coles stores are running the promotion

  • Coles Greensborough (Vic) has them and the promotion started today.

  • Bought $100 worth of cigarettes - not for me! :P - and got this DVD for $9. I'll stash it for a gift. Last time if I recall correctly the Harry Potter DVD offer excluded tobacco.

    • +1

      I'd say that you were indeed lucky to get away with that sparkles.
      Our local Coleses displayed a caveat specifically excluding tobacco, gift cards, rain checks et cetera from the deal.

      • Didn't see any exclusions or signs at my local Coles. The sign simply said "spend $100 instore blah blah".

  • Darn, we missed the boat on this one…
    Our local (Brisbane) Coles had sold out by this morning when we went to get the groceries.
    I suppose it's swings and roundabouts,,, we scored the $10 Ice Age III Coles deal in December when grocery shopping at the Gold Coast on a weekend away and hadn't even seen the offer promoted.

    Live Long and Prosper,

    • That's bad luck - when I got it they had a huge four sided stand loaded with them. Granted, there was a few empty spaces but still loads of copies.

  • Got mine today. Thanks for posting this :)

  • +1

    I got my Up at Coles the other day but I went into my local Safeway/Woolworths this morning (Mountain Gate, Melbourne) and they are now running the same offer. Might be worth checking if all Woolworths are following suit.

  • +1

    I got mine at Safeway/woolworths too. And they still have plenty.

  • +1

    There is a "Buy Blu-Ray or DVD offer" on purchases 13/01/10 to 13/02/10 that enables you to claim by redemption a Bonus* Dug Plush Toy (*While stocks last) so find your receipt! (only 2000 available).
    (The address is Braeside, Vic, so I don't know if this is Target or Regency Recordings address or not, it says "Participating Retailers" on the claim form).

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