- Woolworths eGift Cards 5% off(groupon.com.au)
- Dan Murphy's eGift Cards 5% off(groupon.com.au)
The Deal
- $95 for a $100 eGift Card
- $190 for a $200 eGift Card
- $475 for a $500 eGift Card
The Deal
- $95 for a $100 eGift Card
- $190 for a $200 eGift Card
- $475 for a $500 eGift Card
combine this deal with your weekly WW half price deals
Good deal as always but this is no better than CashRewards 5% off which is available all the time.
Only benefit of this I can see is that you can use up Groupon credit, if you have any.
I also find groupon takes a few weeks to send you the egift card whereas cashrewards is normally only a few hours
I also find groupon takes a few weeks to send you the egift card
Comments made on a recent groupon deal was gift card gets emailed in a few hours when you buy from groupon. Not sure where you got the few weeks from
Never got mine earlier than 4 days after groupon purchase. Waited 2 weeks once.
last two 7.5% off ones from Groupon took at least 2 weeks to come through
They still quote '2-4 business days' on ad. Took 4 business days +1 for my most recent WW egiftcard order to be delivered. With weekend total was 7 days to deliver. This was about 1 month ago. I wish they delivered same day, as buying via Cash Rewards.
I also find groupon takes a few weeks to send you the egift card
For those that negged my comment above
I got the Woolworths voucher emailed in 6 min after i bought it.
@easternculture: Is that the actual WW e-gift card or just a notification from groupon? I also got 2 separate emails from groupon within minutes of purchase, one was indeed a groupon 'voucher' but not a WW e-gift card.
My actual e-gift card was sent from egiftcard@everydaygiftcards.com.au (not a groupon email address). I purchased on 22/9 from groupon & the e-gift card arrived from egiftcard@everydaygiftcards.com.au on 24/9. Took around 50 hours this time (much better than previous order which took almost 7 full days).
BTW I voted for this deal EC. Cheers!
It's also worth noting that when purchasing through CashRewards, you can choose gift cards of any value.
Really? Any value? Cool. I usually buy through Entertainment Card.
Can also pay by PayPal, unlike CashRewards or direct thru WW website.
Good if you have funds in your PayPal account, saves the need to transfer them to a bank account. But the wait for delivery of the egc is a negative.
I'm surprised not everyone on ozbargain has the entertainment book which gives the 5% all time as well
For the past 2 years I haven't bought it because I realised it makes me spend more. I prefer buying Groupons where they're for individual places, as opposed to having this huge book and feeling this mad rush every May when I'm trying to use up some of the cheaper Ent Book vouchers.. even the ones far away
or you could get the application, I tend to always use it to buy wish gift cards at 5% off and whenever I go out to a restaurant we will pretty much always use it
The 5% off WISH gift cards was one of the main draws, but once they became available on CashRewards I wasn't missing out. I don't eat out at expensive places too much and I wouldn't be eating at some of those places in the book if it weren't for the book (i.e. I'm spending to save money).. so now I'm living happily ever after…
Why pay for a book of 'bargains' when there are so many bargains available elsewhere without having to pay for the lead?
The book has 100's of vouchers for restaurants in the city which of many I know are good, there are also bargains in the book that never appear anywhere else.
Can this be used at Caltex to fill Petrol?
No, but the Wish gift cards you get for the same price on cashrewards.com.au can.
I have bought petrol with a Dan Murphy egc in the past week. It does work. This was an egc bought from the Dan Murphys website. Went through no problems for me at Caltex (and a Woolworths supermarket).
But only particular Caltex stations accept WW group gift cards, not every outlet. There's a list on the WW gift cards website of outlets that will accept them.
And you can use these to pay for Caltex gift cards in store which can then be used more widely.
The Ww branded ones yes. The others no.
All egift card can be used all stores.
good deal
I am waiting for 7.5% off ones.
Do we have to use the entire amount at one checkout or use it like a credit card?
Can be multiple times, as long as they're enough funds in there.
Woohoo. Thanks EC.