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Vinomofo 2010 Shiraz $60 + Shipping


Appears to be 2010 Giant Squid Ink Shiraz
Sells for $155 per bottle at Dans


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  • IAMAPLEDGEDMOFO Gives first time buyers $100 off first purchase over $180

    UNITEDBYWINE100 Free delivery

  • +1

    Other way around

  • OP, need to add price and shipping to the title.

  • Nice work finding out what it is…. I tried yesterday and had no luck

  • +5

    OP, please update your post to reflect the purchase price being $360 - you can't just buy one bottle, you need to buy six.

    This is one of my bugbears with Vinomofo. An obscure $150 wine is discounted to $60, with a six bottle minimum purchase and everyone gets excited.

    At the end of the day, wineries can price their wines as high as they like, and there is a reason stock needs to be offloaded for discounted selling via Vinomofo. There are plenty of excellent, high Halliday scoring (if that's your thing) big Barossa wines around for $30 a bottle, which don't require a 6 bottle minimum purchase (2012 St Hallet Blackwell shiraz, 97 points and can be found for under $30 is a case in point).

    • +1

      Ta. I see Dan has that example wine at $36 ea (or $34.20 in 6+) - does anyone have it under $30 at the moment?

  • You can find it for $29.95 at winestar (http://www.winestar.com.au/st-hallett-blackwell-shiraz-2012). Langtons stocked it until a couple of weeks ago for $30, plus they had a $50 off coupon for spends $250 and above. Unfortunately that's gone now. I can really recommend it, an excellent drop, particularly for those who like rich Barossa shiraz.

  • -6

    You could buy 6 of them & return the 5 saying you don't like it and get a refund.

  • Vinomofo has some excellent wines at great prices …… but yes it does pay to check and not get caught up marketing, but then I only buy their $8-12 per bottle wines which are better quality than what i get for the same money at Dans.

    When it gets to some of their expensive wines, it pays to shop around.

  • Is anyone able to confirm that it was through giant squid ink? Thanks!

  • +1

    Thanks Angmav, i can confirm it is 2010 Giant Squid Ink Shiraz 2010 but i haven't opened a bottle yet.

  • I have received the wine. Opened a bottle and is amazing. I paid $235 and can honestly say it's the best wine I've ever had.

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