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KMASHI Car Jump Starter 8000mAh & Mobile Power Bank US $21.99 Delivered (~AU $31) @ GearBest


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Main Features:

  • High capacity battery of 8000mAh is adopted for fast charging
  • Support auto 12V emergency jump start and entirely replace the included battery for a car startup
  • It also supports general mobile phone / laptops charging and completely can be used as mobile power bank
  • High luminance and multi-modes LED light (Include keep the light, flash, SOS signal)
  • It is the ideal choice for night shift workers, overtime workers and many others
  • Four levels of power display indicate battery status, real-time recharging reminders, automatic shutdown under no-load condition
  • Multi-protection, safer to use
  • Over-current protects the device from overload, making it more convenient and more energy-efficient
  • Persistent current: 80A
  • Peak current: 200A

Product Video(youtube.com)

From Gearbest Rep

Firstly,we very thanks for all your support on Gearbest,It seems the KMASHI Car Jump Starter 8000mAh & Mobile Power Bank become popular deal now.

Since this product is in pre-sale and the deadline is September 30,to thanks for your support,GB and KMASHI decide offer two giveaway prizes for people who

comment and offer suggestions for this item.The two winners will be selected via https://www.random.org ,so everyone have the chance to be winner!

GB welcome you comment on this item,your suggestions will help us to improve and do better.
The winners will be announced at september 25th.
Thank you!

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closed Comments

  • It doesn't actually support (~19V) laptop charging unfortunately.
    Looks like a good price for a jump starter though.

    • ahhhh, the 12v is only for a short burst can't power anything off it. anyone have a link for something that could do that?

  • +1

    There is a Portable 8000mAh Power Bank Charger on Ebay for $17.88, it seems too cheap, can anyone see why, the next closest price for a similar item is $59.90


    • It could be like how there are fake xiaomis and genuine xiaomis. They look just about the same from the outside, but the insides are very different.

    • +2

      I've bought a couple of products from low feedback sellers for $17.88 and been burned, seems it's one of their latest scams. Paypal always refunds though.

      • +5

        I've bought a couple of products from low feedback sellers for $17.88 and been burned

        Strange, you would expect the fake ones to not supply enough current.
        Anyway, next time don't touch both leads at the same time!

        • -2

          Both leads? I'm talking dash cameras here. Burned=scammed, ripped off etc

        • +11


        • Terrible…

      • +1

        I received an email from PayPal, telling me that I had an elevated number of disputes, and that they might revoke the option of refunds from my account.

        • -1

          PayPal, telling me that I had an elevated number of disputes

          That sometimes happens if you attempt to use Paypal Buyer Protection as a replacement for common sense.

          The solution is to screen your sellers better, and only buy from those who you'd trust.

        • +2

          @llama: then I don't need paypal

        • @cameldownunder:

          Then it won't matter if they block you from Buyer Protection, eh? LOL

          Anyway, it's exactly the same concept as your Car Insurance company warning you that they don't want your business any longer, after your 10th accident claim for the year.

          Paypal offers the Buyer Protection as a bonus service, and they make the rules. If you are making risky purchases, they deem it as "abuse". From my limited experience, I'd say that this will only occur if Paypal cop the refund, since the seller has vanished (so Paypal cannot claw back the payment).

          Whilst that happens all the time, if you are continually making Protection Claims then that would normally indicate that you were deliberately buying from shonks.

        • @llama:
          deliberately: "intentionally, on purpose, purposely, by design, knowingly, wittingly, consciously, purposefully;"
          what is the purpose in this case? To damage PayPal?
          The beauty of PayPal is that you can take some risks when buying stuff, giving you opportunity to buy from less reliable sources.
          I guess I had PayPal "coughing" up the money once, when the parcel got lost on transition.
          The rest of my disputes are resolved by me when the parcel arrives. The dispute helps the merchant to investigate the matter.
          The account that has been "warned" is the older one. In the mean time I have a second, almost "Virgin" account with PayPal.
          "aypal offers the Buyer Protection as a bonus service"
          I think that's the MAIN feature.
          Anyway, with all the future payment possibilities, and being now separated from EBAY, they better keep their customer happy.

        • +1


          The beauty of PayPal is that you can take some risks when buying stuff

          any time you buy ANYTHING online there are risks, which is the only good thing about PP is that they take on that risk themselves.

          i had the same message from stuff i had bought from ebay, if they cant guarantee there own "high feedback" sellers arent dodgy then (profanity) them.

      • burned? didn't get it? or shit product? usually means u have to send it back to get a refund which is the price of the item..

    • +2

      if its a Chinese seller with 175 feedback, avoid

  • Normal price?

  • and entirely replace the included battery for a car startup

    Does this mean I need to buy a whole new pack if I use it to jump a car? (Feel free to call me an idiot)

    • I think it's broken English and it just means that it can charge a battery so you can start it.

    • +1

      You are not an idiot. It means it can replace full capacity needed for a start. With other words even if you car battery is 100% empty this will be enough to start your car

      • +1

        and entirely replace the included battery for a car startup

        its meant to mean that you can completely replace the cars battery to start the car, but see my comment below as for why that seems bullshit.

    • Thanks guys, it's just some batteries advertise this in packs from places like Big W, but they are marked 'One use only' :)

  • +2

    I'm told a car need at least 600A and in most cases 900A plus to jump start.. 200A is useless?!

    • +2

      My understanding and experience (having purchased a 300A jump starter) is that if you leave it connected to the battery it simply trickle charges it, it will be a bit slower with a lower CCA (cold-cranking amps) rated jump starter but it will work if you leave it for enough time.

      I've had a 300 CCA jump starter connected to a battery that wouldn't start a 4cyl engine and after waiting 5-10 minutes it started. That was a lead-acid battery so no idea how it will work with something like this and whether this is truly 200A peak output either.

      • Dear cyssero,

        It will happened like this when you choose the wrong capacity jump starter.

        Every car have its standard CCA. If it didn't match , It always have 2 results:
        1 The car jumpter output is much lower than the car standards , it will completely can not charge your car.

        2 If the output is just a little lower than the car standards, you need to wait few minutes to get the car started.

        We suggest that you need to check the car details again , make sure that you know the right capacity for you own car jump starter. You can search on the web with your own car model or contact your car seller to know the details .

    • "In most cases 900A plus"?

      The vast majority of batteries can't even provide 800A(supercheapauto.com.au), and the cheap 200A petrol station jumper cable was enough to jump-start my car immediately.

      That said, 200A won't start all cars, and certainly not in all conditions. This thing sounds better for partially drained cars or for letting the car battery itself charge enough for a single start.

    • +2

      Yesterday I bought a new battery for our Aussie V6 and it had 560 CCA on the label so, based on the assumption that;
      a) Aussie V6's need at least (if not more than) an average sized battery to start
      b) the label on the battery is not understating it's capacity
      then, what you've "been told" is so incorrect, it's not even funny.

      But agreed that 200 CCA is unlikely to start much…
      Maybe @cyssero has it, you need this and your half-dead battery to turn the engine over.

      • How much did that cost?

        My father bought a jumpstarter + air compression- only specs I can see on it are 900AMP peak power and 400AMP "Booster Power". I used it on his 3.5l V6 on Saturday and it did nothing, not a peep.

        • $152 I think it was. For an Australian made Century.

      • +6

        200 CCA is unlikely to start much

        Seems to be enough to start an argument! :p

        • Better

    • You were told wrong.

      Also, you're confused or don't know the different between A (amps) and CCA (Cold Cranking Amps).

  • +1

    im gonna call bullshit on the jump start thing…

    in the vid linked on GB page you can see where the black clamp sits when they have pulled it off the battery

    then you can see when they go to start it the jumper clamp is back where the battery terminal is but the terminal is off screen now (imagine that…) use the red line of the handle in the middle of the battery to see what i mean. it appears that the terminal is indeed on the battery again thus motor is starting from the cars battery and not the jump pack.

    video in question https://youtu.be/JjTYfBT7aRc?t=3m24s

    • +1

      you can ground the jumper-starter-magic-box to the chassis of the car though…?

      • yea, but that is sorta besides the point of this.

        this gadget is meant to be able to jump start a car without a car battery at all. meaning it should have enough amps to crank the motor over on its own but ive never quite believed that claim.

        fwiw connecting any jump starter (be it jump cables or a jump box) you are better off connecting the neg (black) to something metal on the actual motor its self (a large bolt or something is ideal) rather than to the battery or bodywork because the starter is earthed to the actual motor directly. means less power loss through the cars wiring system

  • +3

    200amp peak current no good for starting a car, need 400amp minimum for small cars. I've got 600amp & starts large cars, diesels & boats with ease.

    • +1

      If your battery is only partially drained (e.g. left lights on while shopping), this should work. It can also charge up your battery enough to start the engine - just leave it connected for 10-20 minutes.

    • that is not enough to start v8s you need more amps!

  • +1

    A lot of guessing going on here, I have a 300amp 6ah! (old SLA type) jump starter and it has easily started a 1 litre and a 1.3 litre engine both were dead to the point of no clicking even when the key was turned, hook up wait 1 or 2 minutes leave jump starter connected, both started easily.

    Not indicating the offered item is any good but as long as a plate hasn't snapped off the connecting post internally a low powered jump starter works well as you get the quick fresh charge in the car battery plus whatever amperage the jump starter is combined.

    • This thing is 80A with 200A at peak, not continuously outputing 200A.

      • +1

        Yes, so it can dump a quick charge at upto 80 amps(never happen), and when left on to assist cranking can add 200amps short term peak to assist the battery which now has a partial charge.

        The pack I used would not maintain 300 amps for more than a second and I severely doubt it could hold 200 amps as it is only a 6 amp SLA.

  • You're really buying capacity. Think of it as a powerbank with the ability to jumpstart cars… rarely.

    I've only dealt with very bad situations where not even car to car jumpstarting doesnt work so these things? nah

  • Question from a novice. In trying to jump start modern cars with one or mor computers can the computers be stuffed?

    This may have been a urban myth started by the battery companies .

    Wish I had this for my old car ( 29 yo lite ace) today and yesterday - flat battery , left interior light and radio on, charged outside car on charger, and the had to replace + terminal . If it worked it would have been $9 cheaper to buy and let alone power and time wasted.

    • +1

      As well as storing energy, your car battery also has a smoothing function. The power coming from your car's generator is usually anything but smooth, it was built with the expectation that a battery would always be attached.

      So if you have a loose battery lead, and it becomes detached while you are driving, then yes there is a significant danger of your car's electronics being damaged - both by the "lumpy" power from the generator, and also from a situation called "load dump", but a description of load dump would be a bit too long for this comment.

      If your car's battery has failed open-circuit, you may be able to jump-start it from another car, but as soon as you disconnect the jumper cables you are in the same situation as the "loose battery lead" as described above.

      So it's not an urban myth, but it may be rather overstated. Most jump starts are because of a flat battery, not a damaged battery. That said, I've heard that once the car has started, it's good practice to keep the jumper leads attached for five minutes before disconnecting them. It may be that a completely flat battery isn't as good at smoothing the power, so keeping the jumper leads attached permits the donor car's battery to aid the smoothing for those five minutes.

      • Thanks. It seems it pays to check every now and then outside services. Oh also do not leave lights or radio on if an older car.

        Thanks Russ.

  • There are problems with the security certificate for this site.

    Ah the joys of gear best?

  • +1


  • Seriously 80A continuous current is nnot enough to jump start a car, don't waste your money on it.

  • So what's the verdict? Will this actually jump start a small car or is this just a over glorified torch?

    • over glorified torch

      this (also might be good as a usb battery bank but who knows if the claimed 8000mah is anything even close to accurate, might end up with one thats only 800mah going by the usual over exaggeration)

    • The verdict is you can have some fun with this if you attach one clip to someone's balls and the tickle their arse with the other

  • dont even know this thing exists

  • I think the figures are BS. "Persistent current 80A"??? So they say it can supply 80A at 12V, just under a kilowatt of power, persistently?

    Let's assume this battery is 90% efficient at supplying power at that rate (it won't be that high, but let's pretend). So it's putting out a kilowatt, and generating about 100 watts of heat.

    If you still have a 100W incandescent light bulb, I recommend you go and plug it in now, and hold onto the glass part when turning on the power. Feel how hot the globe gets, and how fast it gets hot. That's what will be happening to this battery if the "Persistent current 80A" claim is true.

    In reality it will be even worse, small batteries don't achieve 90% power efficiency when discharging at that sort of current.

    • That's what I was thinking - the sight of the two great clamps leading into the connector looked as funny as monster cable would connecting a tranny earphone, but holding onto a small metal-cased battery that is cranking over a car is something that belongs in a road-runner cartoon.
      I was looking for the "ACME" label.

    • 80A does sound exaggerated. It looks a bit undersized to have a 1KW boost converter that can run "persistently", although if the batteries run flat after 10 seconds, it could be possible if they had a large heatsink.

      100W of heat over a short time period won't be a problem with a properly-rated heatsink. I'm sure I could hold on to a 100W incandescent light bulb for a few seconds after first switching it on.

    • +1

      Had a bit of a look into this. Apparently these things use Li-po batteries which have C-ratings (Capacity) of 10C to 40C. The C rating describes the rate with which the total capacity of the battery can be discharged.

      For example a 1000 mAh battery with a C-rating of 10C can ideally discharge at 10*1000 = 10000 mAh or 10 A. (http://rcfoamfighters.com/blog/?p=84)

      For an 8000 mAh (8 Ah) battery a 80A draw corresponds to 10C and a 200A draw corresponds to a 25C rating. These both seem reasonable as 35C and greater LiPo packs seem to commonly available.

      Though at 200 A the total capacity of the battery would be drained in 2.4 minutes! (Though probably would get quite warm)

      • +1

        The batteries are definitely no problem as large quadcopters can pull 40-80A. It's the boost converter which steps the battery voltage up to 13.8V (12V won't charge a 12V battery) that'll generate most of the heat.

        It's possible for a small pack to put out 80A, but I think the problem here is the word "persistent". :)

        • +1

          I would be surprised if there was a boost converter in this device, one at that power level would be larger than the device.

          Thinking about the requirements for this, I think it probably contains four 2000mAh Lipo cells, connected in series. There is a step-up converter to charge the cells from USB, and a step-down converter for the powerbank function (easy to make a converter produce 5V at up to 2A). For the jump starter function, the cables will connect directly to the four cells in series. Although the voltage is a little high (4x3.7=14.8V), it wouldn't bother a car battery, and there will probably be a volt of drop in the cables anyway.

  • I'm kind of interested in one of these things for my bike.

    There are a number of similar products demonstrated on youtube.
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87Zgq7wsi24 10000mAh

    If legit that price seems pretty good, but would prefer one that also has regular 12V, 14V DC outputs etc. that some of the others have.

  • I got a 12000mAh Multifunction car jumpstarter for $90 with LCD % display on screen from Gumtree.
    I did try charging my phone & laptop also on my RAV4 and they all works.recommend.

  • Don't waste your time. This '200A' jump starter only has a 'persistent current' of 80 Amps.
    The standard sized car battery in my 1.5L four cylinder Japanese hatchback has a 480 CCA rating - that means a sustained 480 Amps of current for thirty seconds at -18 degrees Celsius.

    This device might work as a portable trickle charger but only if you have a really really small battery. It only has an 8AH capacity - most car batteries will sit between 40 and 100AH.

  • Firstly,we very thanks for all your support on Gearbest,It seems the KMASHI Car Jump Starter 8000mAh & Mobile Power Bank become popular deal now.
    Since this product is in pre-sale and the deadline is September 30,to thanks for your support,GB and KMASHI decide offer two giveaway prizes for people who
    comment and offer suggestions for this item.The two winners will be selected via https://www.random.org ,so everyone have the chance to be winner!
    GB welcome you comment on this item,your suggestions will help us to improve and do better.
    The winners will be announced at september 25th.
    Thank you!

    • Comment on here?

      • Yes.

        • Suggestions is to have a Battery Charge Indicator as you dont want to carry around a dead Jump Starter, so some sort of low battery indicator or even better a battery level indicator.

          One product which is quite good and reliable on the market : http://www.arnosmater.com/jumpspower/amg6S

        • OK, I'd suggest adding a 19V output so it can recharge laptops too.

        • @regenade:

          Suggestions is to have a Battery Charge Indicator

          pretty sure it does, 4 led's on the front of it show level?

        • Suggestion is to have qualcomm QC charging.

          And the 19v output for laptop is also a good idea.

    • Ahh…. PRE Sale…..
      still waiting when will my doogee f3 pro eventually ship from your warehouse. promised the end of August. now is nearly the end of Sept =)

    • Built in an array of flashing red LEDs so that it can be used on alerting the incoming traffic if the the driver and passengers are stranded at the side of the road?

    • Looks like a very useful device. Small investment vs having to pay for roadside assistance.

      Providing a 18-19v power output socket would also add useful feature. Maybe including a 12v lighter socket output adapter would be a low cost feature addition?

    • +1

      The winners will be announced at september 25th.

      /me looks at calendar

      29th sep now, no word from rep….

    • @gearbest
      Who are the two winners???

      • +2

        gearbest » user profile
        Last Seen 18 hours 7 min

        reps been on regularly, i did PM them originally. looks like just another hollow promise from another dodgy asian retailer?

        • +1

          seems gearworst won its self a permaban for being shit……. yay? :| https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/211479?page=3#comment-3103…

        • @nosdan:
          bummer, apart from slow shipping and the lack of communication (as per this thread), haven't had a problem with the dozen orders I've placed since FEB-2014

        • @nosdan: Now we'll never know who the winner is! :)

          @sebby: Same here. Either I've had no problems with my orders, or they took so long that I forgot about them. ;)

        • @nosdan:

          Dear nosdan & Regenade,
          Sorry for so delay reply, I was in china national holiday and almost forget to announced this giveway winner.
          Pls PM me your gearbest account, we are very happy to set a coupon for you to buy KMASHI Car Jump Starter 8000mAh & Mobile Power Bank Only $0.01.
          Looking forwowrd to hearing from you.

        • gearbest on 12/10/2015 - 20:37
          Dear nosdan & Regenade,
          Sorry for so delay reply, I was in china national holiday and almost forget to announced this giveway winner.
          Pls PM me your gearbest account, we are very happy to set a coupon for you to buy KMASHI Car Jump Starter 8000mAh & Mobile Power Bank Only $0.01.
          Looking forwowrd to hearing from you.

          i PM'd you within minutes of your reply above.

          nosdan on Mon, 12/10/2015 - 20:45

          but still not heard back? whats going on with this?

  • winner winner chicken dinner.

  • 100% genuine quality.

  • 29/9 - The code you entered has expired.

  • anyone else get there order past "processing" when you look at the GB site? mines been stuck at processing since the 17th sep.

    looks like its time to submit a paypal claim….

    • Hi nosdan,

      I am sorry to hear about this situation.

      Please kindly note this is the presale item, the presale ends on Oct.31th. We charged your money and processing the order after presale ends.

      Due to the Nationa Day holiday(Oct.1st-7th), we are currently experiencing a very high volume of tickets and orders. We will try our best to expedited the shipment.

      I have checked your order is well prepared and ready for shipping now, you will receive the shipping mail 1-2 days. Could you please keep patient to wait for it?

      We wish to apologize for any inconvenience caused. Thank you for your patience and kind support.

      Best Regards
      Gearbest Customer Service

      • presale ended in September.

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