I just looked and Catch of the Day had automatically signed me up to club catch as I signed up for the month trial. Is there any way I can get my money back?
Catch of The Day Took $69 from Me
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That is one expensive mistake :(
Error in title - should be "i authorised COTD to take my money through ingorance and now i want it back"
I'm just gonna throw this out here… Have you, you know, asked them to cancel and refund it?
Worth a shot, but it is COTD… I doubt they'd refund it; they put it by default in the trial for a reason.
I had a similar experience with Amazon Prime. I just got on their live chat and said I forgot to cancel. I received a full refund.
Amazon are known to have awesome customer service, COTD not so much.
I've just canceled it this morning when I saw a $70 bill through my email. All you need to do is log into your account and under the club catch tab, there's a button somewhere which allows you to cancel it. Apparently the refund is based on how much time you have left according to the popup explaining the refund.
Seeing as I had 366 days left, I got the full refund.
On it boss
you can always contact their customer service and nicely explain that you are not actually interested and was not aware that there will be auto deduction.
most of the time if you ask nicely , business tends to understand and willing to refund you the moneyThanks for the info, just deleted my card on visa check out
Yess. Full refund thanks everybody.
See, easy…
Yeah thanks…..
Have you, you know, asked them to cancel and refund it?
Yess. Full refund thanks everybody.
And you neglected to untick the "Renew my subscription before it expires" check box in the Club Catch menu so ofcourse they took $69 from you after the free trial ended. dumb de dumb
Oh really? Thank you for enlightening me.
I don't why you were downvoted…it was a fairly visible option. Not like other sites that make you jump through hoops to cancel auto-subscription.
With trials, the first thing you should always look for is an auto-renew option.
Do they still automatically charge you if you make a new account?
The trial checks for existing credit cards in their system that have been used for Club Catch. You need a new credit/debit card to get a new trial.
Considering that it only lasts for 14 days, not really worth getting prepaid cards for $7. If they didn't have a ridiculous $50 minimum order limit, I would have been willing to pay $60 or so…
It's not only that. There are Club membership only deals that you can't buy with a normal account.
Thanks so much had the same problem this morning.
All fixed!
A lot trials have an option(which is selected by default) to continue as a paying customer when the trial is over. So you are the one who actually signed up and agreed to it.