• expired

Free New Beef Protein Isolate Sample from Bulk Nutrients


Free Beef Protein Isolate sample in choc coconut flavour. Curious to see what it tastes like? Fill out the form and secure a free sample! Says in the email that "In its raw state, our beef derived protein is over 95% protein!!" It does have 27g/30g of protein which is extremely high.

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closed Comments

  • +4

    What country is the beef from?

    • +1

      concerned about mad cow disease? I would be too…

      • +2

        No, I'm concerned about standards of production. Or I could just keep using my Aussie whey protein…

        • +3

          Yeah prions are no laughing matter, even autoclaves have trouble killing them.

    • +4

      It looks like a Chicago Bull

    • +3

      Doesn't say anywhere. From my experience, Bulk Nutrients is a legitimate company with quality protein if that provides any solace. I'd ask them if their live chat wasn't offline.

      • +3

        that's what they used to say about nanna's apple pies

        i reckon it's probably made from beef bones/carcasses and whatever is left over after the good meat is taken .. probably similar to how stuff like extruded dog food or gelatin is made

        • That would only make sense. It makes no difference to the protein but a lot of difference in the customers head. (The "ethical" customer whose worried about food waste while at the same time they're worried about not eating anything that isn't "prime".)

        • @Diji1: actually it can make a difference to the protein. ther are many types of protein in and outside cows and they are not all broken down and absorbed as effectively.

  • +3

    I'm hoping it tastes like Bovril

  • +11

    Why can't the beef just taste like beef? choc coconut beef does not sound appealing…..actually neither does drinking beef. Well I hate people who judge but don't try so I'll get one.

    • +3


  • +1

    27g/30g protein is 90% by my calculations, not 95%.

    • +5

      "In its raw state, our beef derived protein is over 95% protein!!"
      If you were to buy the raw, unflavoured variant, it is 95% protein. 28.4g/30g protein with 0 fat and carbs. What I mentioned was the choc coconut flavour protein content.

      • Makes sense, thanks.

  • +10

    I have a beef with this deal

  • Can't wait to try it. Sound weird…

  • Claimed.
    Cheers! Keen to try it out.

  • Interesting… never tried…

    A quick search and it seems that it's not actually made from beef (meat) it's primarily made from throwaway parts (similarly to gelatin).

    OP any comments on advantages over whey?


    • +2

      No lactose

    • +1

      I've heard about it plenty of times but I never realised it was pretty uncommon in Australia. Not too sure what the advantages are. Maybe more/less nutritional benefits. Some people find that whey protein upsets their stomach too much so maybe this could provide a better alternative. Otherwise, protein is protein. I'm just interested in the taste/texture.

      • If you don't have issues with lactose or dairy, I don't believe there is an advantage of using this vs WPC or WPI. Maybe you won't get whey protein farts… Which actually could be a big advantage… Worth noting that whey protein is one of the most bio available forms, not sure how beef isolate compares.

  • Anyone interested in their other products, no affiliation, just stumbled across this other section when getting this freebie. Might be worth sending samples to the folks and/or in-laws etc. if they happen to screen IPs for double ups.


    • +1

      I can 100% recommend Bulk Nutrients without qualifications.

    • -2

      They are tasteless. Seriously, save yourself the money and go ON

      • ON may taste better, but it has lower protein % than Bulk Nutrients WPI, around the same as their WPC, and is also more expensive per kg.

        • -5

          But again. Bulk Nutrients is an overrated brand that has horrible tasting products. If you eat shit i guess youd like Bulk

        • -1

          @xylon224: Last I checked I don't "Eat shit." I'd rather save $5 a kilo than offend my delicate taste buds.

        • @xylon224:
          You obviously have never tried their Cookies & Cream flavour WPC, I drink it after every workout. Love it.

          Their other flavours aren't great though, but that's mostly because they don't taste like anything and/or tend to clog more than C&C in my experience (but I only use a manual shaker).

        • @LockieF: No i did. that was a shocker. kys bro

  • -1

    I'll buy it if it costs less than WPC and I can stomach the taste.

  • -1

    The question worth asking is the bioavailability of the protein in comparison to whey.

    Though at 95% protein content (or thereabouts after adding flavouring) the maths may prove to be in a similar ballpark..

  • Not sure how they claim no gelatin, my understanding is it is essentially powdered gelatin usually with added creatine or amino acids.

    Look how much protein in a gelatin packet (http://shop.coles.com.au/online/national/davis-gelatine)

    I'm not an expert on the matter but maybe a rep can clarify.

  • +4

    I'd like my beef protein shake medium rare thanks.

  • soy protein would be a better choice if u wish to have high protein(90%) and low price(below $10/KG)

  • +2

    All academic at the moment - the promotion's been halted due to being 'inundated with requests'.

  • +1


  • Sample received today!

  • tried it out with 250ml of milk. Didn't really like it that much. It was a good reminder why I swapped to raw (unflavoured) protein to avoid these chemical-like tastes.

  • Received mine today. Gave it a go with 200ml of water. Compared to the other BN flavours, this one tastes really artificial.

  • Got mine yesterday. Finally realised my teenage Ren & Stimpy dream. Drinking meat.


  • Quite liked it! Definitely won't replace my WPC, about to drop a 15kg order for some sweet summer time gains :D

  • Sample arrived today and I diluted it with 60% water/40% milk in a 600ml bottle. Tasted great! But then again, I'm not picky with sweeter flavours.

  • +1

    Just got this email:

    We would like to alert you to the fact that our internal product-testing program has detected that recent batches of the following products may contain minute traces of Dairy products:

    Product Name
    Batch Number
    Used By Date
    Beef Protein Isolate Choc Coconut

    Unfortunately, this was the batch that our free Beef Protein Isolate Choc Coconut samples were produced from.

    The above product is completely dairy free based on its core ingredients; however, due to recent changes in manufacturing we are issuing this urgent warning that it is possible trace amounts of dairy were included.

    If you or someone close to you suffer from any conditions or reactions that are linked to the consumption of dairy goods, such as anaphylaxis, then we highly recommend that you discard your free sample immediately. This is not an issue for those with lactose sensitivities, rather consumers who have very sensitive dairy allergies.

    We encourage concerned consumers to contact our helpdesk via [email protected] or phone (03) 62664725.

    Please note that Bulk Nutrients is working with priority to return this product back to a dairy free status. It is anticipated that these products will be available completely dairy free by the 9/10/15.

    At Bulk Nutrients we hold ourselves to the highest standards so please do accept our deepest apologies for this issue.
    Please rest assured that we are doing everything in our power to notify our customers, and update our policies to ensure this never occurs again.

    Best Regards,
    The Team at Bulk Nutrients

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