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Creative Aurvana Platinum Flagship Bluetooth® Headset with NFC $299.95 + Free Shipping @ Creative Store


Or AURVANA GOLD for $199.95

xperience the master of sound craftsmanship with the flagship Creative Aurvana Platinum headset. Featuring powerful 50mm Neodymium drivers, NFC, Bluetooth® 3.0, Tri-Mode ANC technology and Creative ShareMe™, it is the perfect combination of sound, design and comfort. In addition, it also boasts high-definition audio support with aptX®, AAC, and enhanced voice communication with ClearSpeech™ Engine.

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Creative Labs, Singapore
Creative Labs, Singapore

closed Comments

  • dont care too much about all the hypes and features, all i want is bluetooth headset with decent sound and MASSIVE battery that can last for three weeks!

    • http://www.noisymotel.com/product.asp?ProductID=565&gclid=Cj…

      Dunno about 3 week battery(pretty sure nothing in existence can last thing long) but I hear these sound really good as far as bluetooth headphones are concerned and only costs $140.

      • usd 45 plus shipping
        i own these, good value.
        black ones 41.

        • Says it doesn't ship to me…

      • thats my point, battery technologies are very poor. people just talk about adding features, screen resolutions, increase processor speed instead of improving the battery itself.

        • But improving processor efficiencies will increase battery life. You don't necessarily need to improve the battery itself to improve battery life.

    • Then everyone is driving electric cars
      Do you listen to music nonstop for 3 weeks straight?
      I wish my mobile could do a charge every 3 years, I'm dreaming

      • long time ago people dream they can be on a plane or be under water (submarine)

        • Long time ago, not right here right now.
          They can make it last 3 week's but with a 10kg battery on your head

  • Why is this a bargain?

  • was $200 last christmas…

    i was looking to get the platinum last christmas but end up i got the sony MDR-1RBT-MK2 and never look back…

  • I'm pretty certain this is the normal Creative online store price for this set of headphones. I was lookinga at the Gold and the Platinum when I was looking for ANC headphones in May. I ended up with the Audio Technica ANC-9, I did get mighty tempted by the Creative headphones though.

  • +1

    Not a comment on this product as such, but I cant see the point of people spending big $ on audio gear these days when 95% are listening to downloads or ripped mp3. No matter how good the audio equipment you are using, you've already defeated the purpose by playing from an inferior source.

    It's like putting premium grade fuel into your datsun 120Y.

    • I hear you, and these are Bluetooth…..even AptX loses out. If you have an android phone you can always rip and use FLAC (what I do), but I am actually looking at getting a better source then my current phone….looking at a Fiio X5 II.

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