Just browsing and saw this, but 8 hours left.
Haven't bought from Gamesdeal before, but looks almost too good to be true, so hopefully someone finds this useful.
Payment via Paypal incurs 4%.
Mad Max (PC) for A$23.98 too.
Just browsing and saw this, but 8 hours left.
Haven't bought from Gamesdeal before, but looks almost too good to be true, so hopefully someone finds this useful.
Payment via Paypal incurs 4%.
Mad Max (PC) for A$23.98 too.
gotta add that to my browsing habits then!
does this game still have alot of bugs?
ubisoft really do suck lol
Give him a break, you think of a buggy game you either think of Ubisoft or Bethesda these days lol
I purchased it just recently (post patch) and it works flawlessly on my PC. Obviously some people still having issues though.
There appears to be no way to avoid that 4% payment fee. You should include it in the price.
Wow this seems too cheap, anyone had experience with Gamesdeal before?
It's cheap because the game runs terrible on pc
it is an Unfinished game… so yeah that's about the right price
This game was actually pulled from the Steam store after a huge backlash from the quality of the port. I take it these are old keys, that's why they're so cheap. I'm not sure what state the PC port is in these days, but I'd recommend looking into it before buying!
I think there was an "interim patch" which fixed some things. I'll wait until it is in the bargain bin, personally.
Was just about to buy but the checkout screen is not encrypted!
There's no way I'm putting my details in there.
Yep if that's the case, best to steer clear. Not worth dealing with that kind of dodginess.
The game still cannot be purchased directly from STEAM despite a patch on 3 September.
Buggy crap…
The game itself is pretty good, in my opinion (have it). The only setback is it still have some wonky stuffs even with the latest patch (which fixes lots of things). However, the game is taken off of the shelf, which means they're doing everyone a favour and say "This game is still buggy, don't buy it", so obviously once it goes back on sale, they won't risk another fiasco, so it's a "If you want it, get it now and wait till it's fully patched" sort of thing.
I don't think they're doing you a favour, I think it is damage control. They would have left it there if there were no steam refunds the grubs. It's not like they didn't know the game didn't work prior to release
Of course not entirely a favour purely for the consumers, they're doing it entirely as a business decision, but it has an indirect effect on the consumer, which is a "favour" itself. I'm a massive fan of the series so I was massively…. displeased, even without reports from news sites, it's definitely impossible they didn't know about the bugs. Business-wise, they'd do well to not repeat it again, so I have some little faith. And they definitely can't justify "PC Ports cost too much" with MGSV currently topping the Steam top selling chart.
Cheapest out there