Hey guys,
I am completely new to bikes, but I have been riding a Southern Star bike (from Kmart maybe?) for a while but it is rapidly nearing the end of its life. The tyre has a stab wound and the brakes could be more aptly termed relaxers (i.e. they don't work).
I had a look on bike exchange and gumtree and did not realise how expensive bikes were (most of them were $1k!).
I am looking for a bike just to ride 1-3 km (one way) each day to University (or possibly hospital for placement next year) and will be riding mainly on the footpath. My only intention is travel.
Could you please recommend a bike for me? I really feel out of my depth. If it helps, I am 171cm tall and lean.
I had a look at this bike and it seemed promising: http://www.momentumbikes.com.au/road/momentum-r120.html
My budget is ideally $200 or less.
EDIT: The Momentum-R120 is in stock on bike exchange I believe.
This one looks really good as well! http://www.reidcycles.com.au/condor-road-bike.html#product-t… - I hope to buy a bike within 1 or 2 days (+ free shipping!)
The only tool you really need is a hex tool which would come with a lot of these assemble yourself bike.
If you want a service then get it from a bike shop.