So I've got some loans from going to college in the USA (have dual citizenship-mother was American). Anyway…
I owe about $64K USD which is currently about $90K AUD.
The interest on these loans is 6.2% and I have two options:
1)Pause the loans and stop repayments for up to 5 years(interest still accumulates @6.2%)
2)Reduce my repayments from $1100 AUD a month to $650 for as long as I want.
Actually my third option is to combine the two above options and pause the loans for 5 years and then make the repayments less.
I need help answering the question: which of these options should I take out while the $AUD is tanking?
Should I pause completely and just wait for the dollar to come back up to US 75c or thereabouts (if that will probably happen in the next 5 years?)
Or should I pay minimum repayments of $650 a month to keep chipping away at the balance?
What should I do? Thanks for your help, I'm pretty clueless with these things.
Does anyone see the AUD coming back to US80 cents in the next 5 years? It would take more of a downturn in the USA for us to get much benefit right?
Aussie dollar is more like the fall further, or stay the same, than to rise again, according to what I've read:
If the last few decades are anything to go by, the AUD fluctuates around 55-75 US cents. Staying somewhere near 100, as it did a couple of years back, was an extremely rare anomaly.