Hi everyone,
My girlfriend has just begun the free trial for a month on Netflix and so far I'm loving what I am able to watch !
However, I have a few questions regarding how to use netflix and how it works…
1) Everyone who has signed up on Netflix has access to all the movies/tv shows on it, the only difference between premium etc is the number of devices you can have logged on?
2) How do you navigate the site… I can't seem to just look for the categories of new movies or new releases or 2015 comedies?! (I'm starting from the browse homepage area) It gives me all sorts of movies from years back
3) Is everything uploaded in HD (if the show has HD), even anime?
Also, just would like some general feedback regarding everyone's Netflix use :)
Thanks a lot :)
1) Yes, and the premium memberships also have higher resolution.
2) I too found it hard to find things on Netflix by just browsing and searching, so… I built a site that solves that problem: http://www.whatsonnetflixaustralia.com/
You can set the category (E.g. Comedy) and drag the sliders (or dropdowns on mobile devices) to restrict the year of release. I also have IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes filters so you can narrow down the list to the best movies. Feel free to spread the word about the site (fb/twitter/etc) - I'm trying to make more people aware of it.
3) If your membership is at a level to get HD, then it seems most shows they have in HD. If they have it in HD, it will stream in HD if your bandwidth is large enough (Netflix automatically works out your bandwidth and sets the quality accordingly, it also adjusts so always starts out low quality and then increases quality as your bandwidth allows).
General feedback - I love it :)