Pram for 4yo and newborn

Hi ozbargainers,
we are going to need a new pram as our 3 yo is outgrowing our current baby jogger city mini and we have another munchkin on the way in about 6 months.

We like the baby jogger city select double but $1450 with a capsule! No way! Open to similar designs if you know of any.

The other option we were thinking is getting a buggy board type of thing for the city mini but my daughter wont stand on it for long, are there any with a seat that csn fold up with the pram?



  • +2

    why not buy one on gumtree? I see Baby Jogger Double from $75, and a
    Baby Jogger City Mini Double for $400-500

  • you can get skateboard style attachments with seat… but I don't think any of those attachments fold up with the pram, you have to disconnect them (easy) and store separately.

    We chose a Valco Snap Duo double width pram for your 2yo/newborn combo. Lightweight to lift and push, double front wheels which I prefer for stability over the single fronts, feels well made and it's one of the cheapest to boot!

  • Baby Jogger City Select from the states via Ebay… best way! The US version has a black handbrake, not red, and no wrist strap. That's it! But comes in a lot cheaper than local! Great prams, very versatile, and good resale once you do go to sell it.

    We were fortunate enough that my parents bought ours when we had our first (double plus bassinet kit). Mrs has since bought a City Mini GT which is handy for the shops because of it all being 1 thing, but if we go out properly (ie not just down the shops), we take the Select.

    I have a 3yo and 9mo, and the Select is perfect.

    1 left @ ~$812
    Choose your colour @ ~$820
    AUD conversion rates aren't the best right now! Don't forget CashRewards for a bit back

    Mrs also bought a side-by-side twin stroller at 1 stage, on special, but didn't like it because of the size. Sold it a few months later.

    You don't necessarily need the capsule with the pram (they'll only be in the capsule about a year anyway). Could just look at the bassinet kit (which uses 1 of the frames of the seats).

    • ^ This x10.
      We did a lot of asking-around & research. SO many mothers (husbands often excluded or MIA) buying on poor advice or due to "deals" - Only to re-purchase after the next child. We were told the Baby Jogger City Select well, but people still buy on looks and/or gimmicks/features never used.

      We found some of the sharpest prices here, so hopefully it helps with comparisons.

      We got slightly better pricing than that, and a part of me feels silly for buying new - When gumtree/ebay/facebook (mother's groups) are FULL of pristine options for CHEAP. My wife insisted on new for our first child - So I take the view buy well, buy once (planning on several kids), good economy.

  • Thanks guys, sorry I didn't reply I'd forgotten about this thread!
    Second hand is definitely preferred for the reasons above but being in Mackay there are limited local options.
    The capsule is something the missus liked with our first but unless we can get it cheap I don't think its essential.
    I also would hesitate with the side by side as we won't always have both the kids in it.
    I'm thinking we would be best off just keeping the city mini as we still have the capsule attachment for it, and getting a buggy board with a seat,but would want one that at least can be folded up separately when not in use so it doesn't take up too much room in the car.

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