Old fashioned GP in inner west of Sydney

Hello everyone.

Just wondering if anyone can recommend a GP in Sydney who does not treat their patients like cattle.

All I am looking for is someone who actually listens to you and the symptoms you have before writing up prescriptions.

Someone who actually helps.

Is this too much to ask?


  • Dr Faisal Qidwai @ MyHealth Medical Centre in the Rhodes Shopping Centre (where Ikea is).

    He's only just moved there from another medical centre. Call up first to confirm he's working there. He's awesome. Thorough. Caring. Doesn't rush you. Asks lots of questions. Remembers you. Good man.

  • +2

    Thanks for that - the name Qidwai rings a bell. I think a Dr Faisal Qidwai had a tragedy where his mum was murdered by workers on their house a few years back.

    • +5

      Sadly, yes. But now you'll remember him for what a great GP he is :)

      • +2

        Just came ba k and yes, he listens.

    • +1

      happened up the road from my place. pretty sad

  • +1

    I agree. My doctor never listens to me and always gives me a lecture! He even tells us off! I had to google my own symptoms and diagnose myself.

  • +1

    Hi there,

    I love the Rozelle Medical Centre - either of the female doctors are my preference! Often booked out quite early though, so make sure to book a few days ahead. They can take up to 1hr with you (and put it down as a long consultation, for Medicare) - all while being bulk billed. :)

    Plus a few of them are very experienced in mental health - PM me if you need more info.

    Good luck!

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