What Do You Guys Think about Fixing Home Loan for 3 Years with Bank of Queensland?

Anyone got experience with BOQ ? I am planning to refinance with them for 3 year fixed investment loan ? Please suggest your ideas….! Thanks

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Bank of Queensland
Bank of Queensland


  • I fixed this week for 3yrs with ING. Ppor, but with a nearly 90% LVR so rate shopping is a bit of a pointless exercise having paid no LMI.

    Motovation for us is not to try and 'beat' rates (the banks always win) - but rather giving us certainty that the next 3 years of savings over and above mortgage payments will allow us hopefully to upgrade from an apartment to a house, and keep the apartment as an investment.

    Whats your motivation for locking in rates?

    • +1

      How did you get out of paying LMI with 90% LVR?

    • keep the apartment as an investment.

      In that case you'd be wanting Interest Only, with 100% Offset.

      • Not possible. The avoidance of LMI required that the loan remains p&i. Would rather forgo a potential future interest deduction than hand over actual $$$ now.

        Was an LMI promo in nov/dec last year. I think a few lenders still do 90% no lmi, if you are lawyer/accountant/medico etc

  • +2

    Broker here.

    The choice is up to you. Fix rates gives you the certainty in the future.

    Would you like to give me a pm so I can see if we can work out an incentive that will be better than going to the bank and will get you the same product? :)

    • Yes please. I don't see a reason to go to bank as long as I am getting the benefit…! Thanks

      • Can you send me a PM ? Your account has PM block on :)

        • That's my referral Tom :)

        • @bghunter: haha. good one! If only that program is actually running :P

        • I am new to oz bargain…! How do you unblock…???

        • @vssv: my account > messages > settings > allow private message

  • Sorry, I was trying on my mobile site.

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