Slow NBN Speed with TPG- What to Do?

Hi everyone,

I'm not sure if this has been posted before, but here's my situation:

I've moved into an apartment in Melbourne CBD since May and it is NBN ready. I signed up NBN plan with TPG with speed of 25Mbps/5Mbps over 18 months (contract). However since I've moved in, my internet speed is very inconsistent and it is extremely slow during peak hours. Most of the time I'm getting download speed of 4Mpbs, upload speed of 3Mpbs and ping around 160-200.

I've contacted TPG when I first noticed the problem in May and they told me to conduct several internet speed tests and reset my internet connection set-up. Ever since then, I've been waiting for them to resolve the issue and they even sent out a technician to check the speed. But since it was around 11am (off-peak) when he visited, he was getting speed around 20/4 and ping of 20. I usually have to work and when I get home it is at least 6pm (peak hour).

TPG responded me 2 weeks ago saying they have involved NBN Co's management team to investigate this incident as they believe it is not their problem but NBN Co's. I don't know what else can I do about it but just sit and wait and hoping one day they'll fix this problem. Today I called TPG's customer service expressing my frustration because I have't been getting the speed that I signed up for. All they said is this issue could take weeks or months to be resolved and there's nothing they can do.

Personally, I want to change to a different service provider right now as I doubt it is NBN Co's issue but rather TPG's own problem. However I'm still in the 18 months contract and I couldn't find any clause in the contract that will allow me to opt out free of charge because of their slow internet speed.

Can someone help me with some advice/ suggestions as what can I do now? Does anyone here have a similar experience (maybe with TPG NBN)?

Thanks guys!

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  • +2

    Only Solution TIO (telecommunications Industry Ombudsman).
    Before you make a complaint make sure you kept all records of you and the service provider.

    • Thanks for the advice! I think I'll definitely lodge a complaint with TIO as they promised to call me back today to update but failed to do so….again. Not sure how much evidence do I need to support my complaint though? I have the phone records with TPG and some emails but that's about it.

  • +2

    TIO as mentioned above. I was with TPG for 7 years (!) and then when they expanded aggressively my internet speed went down to unusable and unstable.I had to fight them for months with the TIO before they admitted fault. I switched to Telstra and never looked back. Sure they're expensive (comparatively), but I've never had slow or unstable internet with them. I'll never go TPG again.

    • I was with TPG as well in my old place with ADSL2+ for more than 5 years and everything was great. Ironically now I'm on NBN plan and speed is even slower than before.

  • +2

    I had exactly similar issue with iiNet. With plan of 12/2 Mbps, I was getting max speed of 3-4 Mbps. Called iiNet, complained TIO, argued with NBN for 3-4 months - No result. At the end I upgraded to 25/5 Mbps plan to get the average speed of 10-12 Mbps and iiNet gave me free Wifi extender.
    Problem was congestion and there was no plan for upgrade. Two months back with TranscAct FTTP, I was getting speed of 10 Mbps for last 3 years at same plan. Then I migrated to NBN and I was told that my PC is old, my Netgear USB Wi-Fi router is no capable of getting good speeds, I am at wrong end of exchange, blah blah.

    My conclusion is NBN is poorly designed and managed, poor modem/router provided by companies and more costly. Get a better router and the speed will improve.

    • I did found some forums saying that NBN could be faulty in CBD areas but that was about a year old. Not sure this is issue is still existing :P

    • Its pretty easy to argue to the TIO that its not your PC or router. If your router and PC can download the higher speeds during the quiet hours then it demonstrates that your hardware is physically capable of those higher speeds. Don't let your ISP's technical support bully or offload their responsibility.

      I'm not a network administrator but even a cheap/poor modem is more than capable of reaching its theoretical speeds. The processor chip inside these devices is fast enough to respond and send the network packets, especially to a single host/client. Eg. visiting a speed test website is no problem for a cheap modem as it is only sending/receiving on a single connection. I think the expensive modems only benefit if you are into peer-to-peer stuff where the modem has to respond to hundreds/thousands of connections per second. The faster processor means it can respond to more connections more quicker + the processor chips don't slow down as the processor begins overheating.

      Personally I had such a terrible experience with TPG that I tell everyone never ever go with TPG unless you are forced to. I had to pay for my own electricians to prove the problem was with Telstra's telephone exchange since TPG kept denying that they could find a problem. When TIO asked TPG for our recorded telephone calls, TPG selectively sent half the telephone recordings because the rest were no longer available. TPG internet plans are cheap but if you ever have a problem then watch out. TPG had a terrible working relationship with Telstra's technicians (ie. the wholesaler network/infrastructure). I find it hard to believe their working relationship with the NBN are any different.

      Like Nytrojen above, I'm now with Telstra for the ADSL. Telstra's technical support guys are more knowledgeable and resolution services are way more efficient. When my ADSL modem was unable to connect for a fortnight I was sent a newer model ADSL modem + refunded for the time that my internet was unavailable. The cause was an upgrade of the ADSL hardware in their telephone exchange.

  • +1

    I was with TPG last 1.5 yrs. Every week I have to call TPG Technical support for connection problems and speed. Most of the technicians doesn't know what to do or how to solve problems. Their technical support calls are connecting to Philippines. I think they have some printed copies of technical support guidelines and when we call they just read that to us. (unplug modem / connect directly to wall socket / re-start laptop /…..).

    I am not happy with TPG.

    • Why don't you switch? Are you still under contract?

    • +1

      I think most of us have gone through this stage. my first was with iinet after awhile it does slow down, then Telstra, then tpg all have the same problems. yes their call centres are all oversea and yes they got no idea what they on about, as they read instructions from their guidelines. these guidelines will determined whether it not customers side faulty. as a IT point of view is that there can be so many errors and it be hard to determine where its coming from. As for the NBN it just crap,

  • +1

    This is not adsl2+ you are paying for a certain speed if you are not receiving that speed and they wont fix it then you are not getting what you are paying for.

  • my adsl2+ with them is very slow, they don't have NBN yet around my area, but I will be considering other provider once the NBN is available. I am still under contract with them so can't go anywhere yet.

    • im with tpg now how fast is your dl/upload? and how far are you away from the exchange. Also keep in mind the modem you are using also affect the speed as well. ADVISE never buy a modem from you internet service providers. Buy modem such as draytek and self configure. it can also push up the speed. for mine im connect 14000 from 1km from exchange. so my download is 1.2mb so I lost around .2mbfrom 1km. my last net provider was Telstra connect 24000 from 1.5km from exchange technically should be able to download at around 2mb but was doing less then 1mb due to the crap modem I got of them for free, got new modem and was doing less then 2mb

  • When OP mentioned TPG, it all made sense!

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