Hey everyone
Looking to buy a copy of GTA V and want to know if there are any current deals and or the best place to buy right now or in the very near future.
EDIT: This is for PC
Hey everyone
Looking to buy a copy of GTA V and want to know if there are any current deals and or the best place to buy right now or in the very near future.
EDIT: This is for PC
PC, preferably lower than the current RRP of $80
Oh PC master race, why not set the computer send you notification via RSS feed when a deal comes on?
Maybe wait for steam sale?
Thats all i can think of really
lol. I do have RSS subbed, just dont have time to look at all of it all the time.
There's a lot of deals posted everyday!
@rdx: I think there is a way to make it email you when some deal match your keyword, google it, instruction should be within ozbargain. I haven't had time to set this up though
$52AUD, never used them however its not the steam version but the other one :P
Do you already know of cdkeyprices.com?
Otherwise I would personally go for:
There are probably cheaper out there but I've used them before and can personally vouch for them.
I paid 80 and pre ordered. It was worth every single cent! Note this one came with bonus in game money, our Mil for story mode and 500k for online (or something like that) which is useful to get you set up quickly with weapons, ammo, cars etc. Not sure if this is still available but worthwhile checking.
Which platform? Whats ur budget?