Hey guys.
eGlobaL is an online store based in Hong Kong. Their prices do not include GST and in some cases are a lot cheaper than Australian prices.
Facebook page says: "Big News! PayPal is offering Free Shipping for eGlobaL on Sept 4th.2015 which means tomorrow!!"
Guarantee: http://www.eglobaldigitalcameras.com.au/eglobal-guarantees.h…
Audio Technica AD900x: http://www.eglobaldigitalcameras.com.au/audio-technica-ath-a…
Sony MDR-1A: http://www.eglobaldigitalcameras.com.au/sony-mdr-1a-premium-…
Saved at least $50. At Mwave and Headphonic these headphones go for $245.
Let's hope they don't raise the price tomorrow to grab more from you.