Finally a decent bundle - its been a while.
Some solid games for the pay what you want price - or pay above the average (currently $7.30) and get Blacklist, Future Soldier
You also get Beta access to something - cant work out what :)
Finally a decent bundle - its been a while.
Some solid games for the pay what you want price - or pay above the average (currently $7.30) and get Blacklist, Future Soldier
You also get Beta access to something - cant work out what :)
Cheers thanks!
All UPlay unfortunately so pass.
Yeah, same. Other than that, it's a good bundle.
If only this was Steam I would of already purchased it! :(
Can anybody please explain to me why so many people say "I would of purchased it" instead of "I would have purchased it"?
I cannot get my head around the fact that so many people (including many Australians) think this is correct English and makes sense.
I have seen it so many times now and always wondered why people say that stuff.
Anybody please explain it to me how that came about.
P.S.: Also, can somebody please throw some light on why uPlay is allegedly so bad? I have never used but have only read quite negative comments about it. Is it so different from Steam and Origin and is it really so much worse than those two systems?
When people say 'would've' it sounds like 'would of'. It's not that hard to comprehend why it happens.
Ok. Although I did think that we all learned those basics in school.
But I see how it can happen now. I just hope that people do not continue to write how they speak or hear - we might end with many new "grammar rules".
It's just a question, so no idea why people downvote this stuff. Some people are just curious and happen to not know things. Unless it's like, "What time is it?" and they're holding their phone in their hand.
Yes, that's right. I just wondered as I keep coming across this "expression" more and more often in my work, including from people with degrees in disciplines where language is important such as literature and languages. It must be quite pervasive these days. That is why I wondered.
It was not even a criticism but honest curiosity and a desire to know.
Thanks for your tolerance and understanding. It is much appreciated.
@Lysander: I would of purchased it, but for all intensive purposes it didn't wet my appetite. I poured over the list for a while but nothing peaked my interest.
@Lysander: To be honest until you brought it up I didn't even realize I did it.
That being said I think it's just a bit of Aussie slang, so it's widely accepted considering I don't think there's a single person who didn't know what I meant.
Plus a lot of us smash these comments out in 20 seconds at work while a colleague or boss isn't looking, doesn't allow for all that much time to proof read and given the informal environment I don't think people are overly critical of spelling/punctuation errors.
@yacman: Also for me I don't like uPlay because it's yet another platform I have to run to play games, I like having all my games in one spot so even Origin is annoying to have, plus it does not feel as though it's had the money invested in it that the others (steam, origin) have, just to sign up it failed multiple times due to "cannot sign you up at this time" error that after a google search I found out was because my desired username was already taken, seriously was it that hard for it to tell me that was the reason? I'm not even asking for a active system that tells you if it is or isn't taken and provided suggested alternatives like other applications have just a reason it failed so I can think of another one and successfully sign up.
You need to do some research into the history and progression of English as to why and how it became to be used for communication and standardised. Then ull understand there is no right or wrong but simply a consensus.
@T1OOO: The English language is made up of words that people agree are words, yes, but it is currently agreed that "would of" is wrong, and "would have" is right. Simple as that.
It's constantly evolving and if ur now on the Right but part of a ever smaller educated minority then it dosnt matter because the people using it incorrectly who become the majority become the ones in the right as consensus by design or not becomes the reality. So stop trying to fight it and accept it. There are people like u in the 1500s that would have gone to their grave trying to hold on to things that now are reminents of an ancient by gone erea. So if u understood it right or wrong let it be it surved it's purpose. Just highlights what u considered wrong was really right after all ….. It's axiomatic.
As per Yacman's summary. They also got hacked I believe about 18 months ago. I had to reset my password and other details. I found the client dody and needing updates. (Was when I was playing Farcry 3). Haven't used it for ages. I pretty much only use Steam. (Origin because I have to for BF, but haven't played it for a while).
@T1OOO: I hold grammar in high regard. It helps you get your point across, the way you mean to get it across (ESPECIALLY on the internet, a notoriously poor vector for communication). It also adds to your credibility, increasing the chance that other will take note of your opinion (something I don't believe you are automatically entitled to, regardless of the common phrase to the contrary). I do my utmost to spell/say things the way they are currently supposed to be spelled/said - it's a useful trait.
You clearly do not care for grammar. I don't think there is anything else we can gain from each other here.
ur… part of a ever smaller educated minority
And bloody well proud of it.
Well they recently added 'fap' and 'fap fap fap' to the Oxford english dictionary……
Faith in humanity lost…
I agree with you. I do not like the "dumbing down" taking place in society these days, especially when it comes to language.
@Lysander: Sometimes I think 'smart' keyboards on mobile devices are also to blame. They learn words very quickly so if you get it wrong once, it keeps auto-suggesting it from the custom dictionary. Further reinforcing the spelling errors.
@T1OOO: Your message took me twice as long to understand than the time needed if you'd typed properly in the first place.
Can anybody please explain why people start a sentence with 'Anybody please explain…'. Instead of 'Can anyone explain to me why…'.
yes should just be "please explain …." or "why x "
its coz its faster to type, we now use smart phones more than computers,..
expect to see this also
"? x "
i lost my post, due to a phone call,.. shoot..
basically i said, thats a failing on your part not mine ;-)
uplay sucks, but I already have it for Rayman Legends and some other games, so no big deal. It mostly stays out of my way these days.
When I bought my Asus graphic card, I got a free Uplay game (Watch_Dogs) and it mentioned about 30 days limit download time. Does it apply to these games too?
uplay is like steam
So I don't have to download all the games in 30 days. Thanks for your info.
they had that problem before uplay
R.I.P. Tom Clancy
I'd say HAWX are the games that are yet to come.
Avoiding Hawx games as long as uplay exists, when i bought hawx 2, i only ever managed to play 30 mins of it since it needed a live Internet connection but Ubisoft servers always had issues
They flatly refused a refund and just ignored me ever since…
You have to pay above $10 to get Blacklist and Future Soldier, OP.
I got the beta code, but it came up as invalid when I tried to redeem it.
No response from their support either.
Anyone else have trouble?
Tried the alternate source in the comments?
Had the same problem. For some reason, if you cut & paste the code into the activation box it will not work - you need to type it manually.
I was really keen until I saw it was Uplay and not Steam, I've been waiting for a Splinter Cell bundle/sale on steam :( looks like I'm waiting until the Christmas Sale to try my luck.
yeah same
Yep agreed - would much prefer it was on Steam
Yup same, if it's garbage i can get refund off Steam. Ubisoft just ignores if you ask.
Ah crap. Bought the $10 package before realizing it was uPlay.
Oh we'll, I already have half the games in my steam library anyway.
I don't know if it has changed recently, but isn't it pay over $10 to get Blacklist and Future Soldier?
flap it
So I take it that this is only a tiny fraction of the Tom Clancy franchise?
And some of these games are available on Steam without any Uplay at all?
I'm thinking I'll pass
I'm fairly sure that some Uplay games that are on steam actually use Uplay as well. Perhaps not so intensively though.
Thanks I bought $10 package, I don't really care about it requiring UPlay, works for me. I do generally find Ubisoft are happy to release games in a poor condition so I really should finance them, but some of these games are actually when they released games in a very decent state.
I mainly bought it for Vegas 2, which I hope was as fun as Vegas was. The rest come as a low price.
Had to have uPlay for the AC games anyway (which I bought on Steam) so might as well chuck in a few more games. Good bundle.
you can always add non-steam games to you steam library to keep everything in one place
same, man I sunk some hours into Vegas…the co-op was fantastic :D
What wrong with uplay?
it is not steam
people dont like the have Steam, Origin, Uplay, GOG Galaxy, Desura… installed
Exactly. Too many game program things. And since ubi and ea are the biggest they cop the worst flak. Nobody likes doing business with guys like them.
Not only that but it does everything worse than Steam. For example, you can't download a game on one PC and move it to another. You need to download the whole game again. At least you couldn't do this last time I used it.
That was a huge pain for me and my housemates wanting to play Far Cry 3. Blew about 75gb of data and a lot of time.
Add to that, a lot of games will only let you install them 3 times. Ever. Plus the shady terms of service. Last time I accepted it I had to allow them to collect data on my PC usage, otherwise it wouldn't install Might and Magic.
Na, this one is because its bad. Origin for example is good, has some features that are actually better than Steam. uPlay is just downright bad a long with being separate from Steam.
Uplay doesn't offer barely any benefit to the customer except being a download client. Even once downloaded games still install in the traditional manner with an installer complete with install issues and DRM errors, instead of like Steam that handles it all for you without having to worry about it.
If they offered a client like Origin or Steam or GOG Galaxy I wouldn't mind.
I don't understand this logic.
It must be one of the extremely few examples where people are arguing for more monopoly control…
No Advanced Warfare. That game was amazaballs.
I'll only use steam. Sometimes origin if it's a free good game. Otherwise forget it!
I have origin solely for battlefield games, there's no other reason why it exists
Agreed! I have a LVL 116 BF4 account on PS4, so there is no reason why it exists at all.
I think this is a great deal! I almost went for the $75 pre-order and the Tshirt… but I wouldn't realistically wear a video game t shirt anywhere, and I also don't think my computer will handle the brand new Rainbow Six Seige game. So it will be interesting to test my system with the Beta…
Also, I think its stupid how half of you guys refuse to buy these games simply because you have to use UbiSoft.
I love steam personally… But I also don't really like helping the formation of a monopoly on products, which is what we are all helping steam to do (with all of these sweet, sweet steam deals). I also find it a bit annoying to have several programs to manage my computer games, but its not really a big deal.
Anyway, the Ubisoft games I have on steam launch through UbiPlay anyway!! So you can't really avoid the UbiPlay program. For $10 you can't go wrong..
the Ubisoft games I have on steam launch through UbiPlay anyway!! So you can't really avoid the UbiPlay program.
I refuse to buy games that use a 3rd party launcher in Steam, so yeah, I can avoid uPlay.
Okay.. So do you mind sharing why you REFUSE to do this? I can understand that Ubisoft want me to use their program to launch their games… probably so they have a bit more exposure for me to see their games store and potentially buy their games.
But I just double click on my game in steam.. it takes a few seconds to launch UPlay… which I just ignore, and then my game continues to launch in full screen and away I play! I just close uPlay afterwords… same with Origin. What's the big deal?
Steam is a launcher, uPlay is a launcher. Why would I use a launcher to run a launcher? It is stupid and inefficient, not to mention the issues (as mentioned in the other comments) that come with using uPlay. If I wanted to use uPlay I would launch uPlay, but UbiSoft insist on jamming it down our throats and make it part of their Steam games too. Ubisoft seem to be trying to get exposure in all the wrong ways, not all publicity is good publicity (see 'every game they have made recently').
I don't have any games that launch Origin from Steam. Origin for the most part works well and I use it only to play Battlefield 3/4, neither of which are available on Steam.
@CyberGenesys: It is annoying for you (although I would argue its only slightly annoying..) however, try and look at it from the producer's side of things. They probably want to have a shot at getting people to use their launcher more than a competitor's launcher…
At the end of the day, that's what Steam is to UPlay… a competitor. Competition means they will do weird things to try and get your attention or, as you say "jam it down your throat".
It doesn't really bother me. I just dont go out and buy games on uPlay in a hurry… or any full price for newly released games.
NEVER get preorder games from big publishers (incl Ubisoft [Watch Dogs], Warner brother games [Batman Arkham Knight], DICE [BF 4 / Hardline] just as recent examples)
What's wrong with Batman Arkham Knight?
Massive issues, unless you have a PS4.
Plus Steam was processing refunds like hotcakes after people realised they were conned. The publisher then stopped sales until they patched* the game.
*Make it actually playable and what they should have done in the first place.
Indeed but 2 other WB games have screwed me over, Arkham City had a known bug (not to me) for 3 months, the game would delete your save and guess what, it deleted mine just before the end.
On the mobile device Injustice, a game I loved, save got corrupted and the game backed up online the corrupt save. It was painful too.
I do not.
I pre-ordered BF3 a few years ago… and have several reasons why it was a terrible decision.
For others who do not know… even though these are block-buster, multi-million dollar $$$ projects; They seem to notoriously be released with bugs and glitches, with crappy single-player campaigns, and all for an over-priced release that probably doesn't include half of the future DLC that will charge you more (for a few guns to add to the game)…
EA pushed DICE! Not DICE's fault.
If I spend $10 can I gift Blacklist to a mate as I already have it?
You should be able to
Yes, separate codes.
I use a game fronted called launchbox. It's able to show all your games from Steam, Origin, Uplay, GoG and emulators with artwork and nox art downloaded . It is free to use the basic version but if you throw down a bit of cash ($20US) then you get thepremium version which include extra features and a Big Box Mode. Well worth the cash. Takes away the need to go through each game launcher. Links directly to the games .exe file. Worth checking out.
Cheers mate, will definitely check it out.
For what it's worth, I love Blacklist. Really great game.
Just a warning - check the detailed system requirements here:
1.Rainbow Six is not fully compatible with Windows 7 64-bit and Windows 10 64-bit.
2.Rainbow Six Vegas is Windows XP only
3.Rainbow Six® Vegas 2 is Windows XP/Vista only
I bought without checking this & basically have 3 games I can't play.
I'm running the Vegas series fine on Windows 7.
win7 x64 here as well.
Vegas 2 working on Windows 10 well.
The beta is for the upcoming rainbow 6 siege.