Windows 10 - 1 Month On

So it's been about a month since the release of Windows 10 to the general public.

I'm personally loving it, apart from the minor bug here and there. Performance wise, it is identical to Windows 8.1, and upon upgrade, there were no broken drivers.

I've upgraded my laptop (Lenovo Thinkpad Edge E431, Intel Core i5, 8gb Ram, 500GB 7400 RPM HDD), but the desktop (custom built) hasn't received the notification, and I'm in no hurry to update it as it is the Home Media Centre (PVR streams files from it, and runs 24/7).

Just interested to here everyone else's thoughts.


  • Haven't upgraded, as I really don't see any point in upgrading at the moment - Win 8.1 is serving me well.

    I also don't want Windows 10 due to the automatic downloads of updates; I want the choice of when to download.

    • +1

      Just a PSA: You actually can stop updates from downloading, just set the connection to metered in the wifi settings. It's a convoluted way of doing it, but it's good that they still have it for people with data caps (aka Australians).

      • You can also change it in group settings, but this requires the Pro version of W10.

  • +1

    My computer wakes itelf from sleep quite often. I have no idea what exactly is causing to wake. Does it have insomnia? Windows 8.1 had no issues previously so I think it's a driver conflict or perhaps a power management feature has changed something.

    Powercfg -lastwake command doesn't tell me anything though.

    • +1

      I think windows update schedules a restart at 3:30am

  • +1

    I don't know why but I am getting very conflicting results. My battery life on my Surface Pro 1 have gone down considerably (around 10%?), but the tablet is running much cooler than before (i.e. the screen do not feel as hot as it used to during usage).

    For my desktop, it's doing fine with it. The search function fails to work sometimes, but other than that, I don't see much difference between W8.1 and W10.

    • +2

      Yeah same here with search function. Just start typing and the dots just keep moving. A temporary fix for the without restarting the laptop is to restart explorer in task manager.

      • Thanks :D That solved the problem I had with it (for now at least).

  • +1

    So far for me:

    • One instance of blue screen of death (Synaptics driver issue)
    • SoundBlaster Cinema stopped working
    • Takes 5-10 seconds to have responsive keyboard/mouse after waking up from sleep
  • Been working well on my desktop, however not so well on my Surface…

    Periodically every touch and click is registered as a right click (sooooo annoying) and I had issues with background processes running at 50% CPU, hurting battery life significantly. Unfortunately had to go back to 8.1.

  • -1

    So far for me, everything is ok except I had one issue with TomTom My Drive Connect and was not able to update my TomTom GPS for a while. The trick is to do a clean uninstall of the software, restart the computer, then do a fresh installation of the TomTom software. The problem was that the TomTom software was difficult to uninstall using the control panel, and deleting items from the registry is not for the faint hearted. The solution was to download Revo Uninstaller, then do a clean uninstall, restart the computer and then reinstall the TomTom software, then update your TomTom GPS with Windows 10. I was concerned that the TomTom software is so dirty that a clean uninstall required Revo Uninstaller. I told the resident bully boy on the TomTom support forum that he should take his tablets and lie down, their software is dirty. I have been intimidated by experts, and he did not rate. Windows 10 is great so far, I love the open a private window option on Windows Edge. Windows Edge was the only learning curve. People obsessed with privacy can just change the settings. I have no reason to be paranoid. It is the first operating system to have such a massive army of beta testers making suggestions, and it shows. There are reasons why some people do not want family members to be shouting the wireless network password across the house, and reasons why some people would want Windows updates to download more quickly. You can always change the settings, otherwise, it may share your wireless network with your contacts who visit, and enlist the aid of your pc, torrents style to assist with Windows updates downloads.

  • +1

    I am one of those who tested and promptly reverted back to Win 7. I'll no doubt upgrade at a later time, maybe next year, when the bugs (some experienced above) have been ironed out.

    • Just remember to do it before the free offer expires, I don't know if your original license is valid if you revert.

      • If he saved the Win10 key after the upgrade, then he's already got the key, so doesn't matter when he does it. (That's IF)

        • If he only ran the Tech Preview, he won't have a licence for the public release of win 10.

          All depends on what he means by "tested".

        • @nismo: Ah yeah good point. I was presuming he upgraded after the official version came out (cause anything else before than would wasn't a final version anyway and you would expect bugs)

        • @Spectator:

          What you presumed could be right too.
          Unless he replies, we'll never know.

  • +2

    Been enjoying it on my desktop for the most part but could've lived with win7. I used windows media creation tool to install as I didn't want to wait.

    Had a couple of hiccups at first

    1) tried to install some mod that lets you change the window title bar colours. Crashed my comp and I had to do a full reset/reinstall because I didn't have windows recovery enabled.
    2) used CCleaner. Comp wouldn't boot but luckily had windows recovery enabled this time and got away without too much hassle

    Other niggles:
    * The all apps menu is annoying. Whatever happened to being able to right click and dragging folders? I was able to find a solution but it's a step backwards in functionality.
    * Default photo app is crap. The defaults editor couldn't change things back to windows photo viewer and regedit was needed.
    * Couldn't get homegroup working
    * If I had win10home I would very unhappy about the forced automatic updates but luckily I've got pro.
    * non-removable programs. I don't want to use onedrive nor do I have an xbox!

    Good points (compared to win7)
    * only takes up about 20gb compared to the 55gb that my win7 eventually became
    * native multi monitor management is much improved - start menu on both monitors
    * can finally use the netflix app instead of having to watch in a browser
    * very few actual technical problems. Haven't seen a blue screen yet.
    * free upgrade!

    Overall positive from me.

  • When will enterprise users begin migrating to win10?

    • Probably fairly late I'd assume? They do their own security testing and update everything accordingly and stuff. My dad's old workplace was still using Windows XP when Windows 7 was out. Though that'd depend on what company you are in.

    • Depends. I can see smaller business upgrading quickly, seeing as they might not have volume licensing and would be eligible for the free update, but large businesses will probably just stick to whatever they have until support is ended like they usually do.

  • +1

    I upgraded my desktop PC (Dell xps) on release day. Had a single major problem about 10 days ago where I lost the start menu and it was unusable. Finally managed to restart in safe mode, uninstalled avast av, haven't had a problem since.
    I like windows 10 more than windows 8, I never liked windows 8, 8.1 was better than 8, but windows 10 seems like a step in the right direction.
    The persistence of Microsoft to try and convert a desktop os to a tablet os (even though 99% of users are desktops with no touch screen) was utter madness.

    If your on windows 7 i wouldn't upgrade yet. If you're on windows 8/8.1 I would definitely recommend trying windows 10.

    • I had the same problem with avast note allowing the start and any icon on the task bar to be clicked on requiring a restart and then worked for 5 min. removing avast fixed right away.

      Not a single problem on my desktop though.

  • I'm having issues with bandwidth management. While downloading windows updates, connectivity on other devices on the network would slow to a crawl so that even browsing webpages on my iphone would take 30 seconds to load a page. It wouldn't be until the windows updates had finished downloading that I would be able to use the internet again. I usually have about 15mbps download speeds so haven't experienced anything like this since upgrading to windows 10. It was also happening when using uTorrent. It's like it has no bandwidth management or buggy QoS. Maybe its just my dodgy internet. Any tips? Anyone else noticed the same thing??

    • Go to Windows update settings.

      Then go to Advanced Options and select Choose how updates are delivered

      Then Toggle OFF the switch on the Updates from more than one place screen

      You can also just leave it ON but choose Send updates to Pc's on local network.

      This will prevent Windows from using your computer as a peer-to-peer client to send out windows update packages to other people on the internet.

      • Updates are peer to peer? F me.
        The amount of programs doing this is getting ridiculous, far from everyone is on a fast unlimited connection.

        • American companies always forget that other countries often have metered internet.

  • I have a "network cable unplugged" error on my HP N40L that I can't resolve. The cable worked whilst downloading the Windows 10 update files; no hardware was changed/moved in the process, but once Windows 10 was installed the error flagged up.

    Tried a number of fixes in various forums, but to no avail; Windows says the Ethernet adapter is working fine and the drivers are up to date. Currently relying on a USB WiFi dongle… any assistance appreciated!

  • had my xps from win 7 which has no major issues apart from a few bogs here and there but did the win 10 upgrade, didnt have a problem what so ever jus t a glitch with teh video card even though upgrading the drivers to win 10 type didnt solve the problem.

    then about 2 weeks later got eh BSoD and that was it, corrupted my win 7 image when trying to roll back and that was the end of it.

    happily using ubuntu 14.04, everything works…. now im playing with win 8 on a partition BUT im not liking the fact that window detects the video card but the drivers dont pick it up which is strange…. also some other issues BUT yeh linux is very capable and if i need windows quickly i can VM windows in.

    i did like windows 10, i think it was a great step in the right direction but i wish it didnt shit itself like it did.

  • Mostly driver issues with my toshiba laptop (it's old in tech terms, say 3-4 years?) so things like the trackpad on/off button not working, Function keys not working, and some software issues as well. Also, lately it won't go to sleep fully, but rather is in a continuous process of trying to go to sleep (black screen though).

    Otherwise, speed/snappiness has increased heaps, including multitasking capacity. Also, when sleep does work properly, the time it takes to turn on and start functioning is 1-2 seconds, tops, which is a decent improvement from before.

  • It won't connect to my router for about 5 minutes after start-up.
    I know that the router is fine as my laptop (also Win 10 Pro) connects instantly.

    • I had this kind of problem on my desktop machine (self built), but not on my laptop (obviously not self built).

      In the end it has to do with how the machine shuts down. Windows 10 has a new way to shut down that means it can start up faster (hybrid shutdown) - kind of like hibernate, but only for system processes. It means a much smaller hibernate file if it is not saving running applications.

      But, it can cause an issue with network drivers.

      Try this guide to turn off hybrid shutdown, and see if it helps. Of course, your startup times will be longer, but in my case it meant about a 15 second startup vs a 10 second startup - hardly something to cry over. And my network connects every time.…

      • Thanks for your efforts - will give it a go.

  • My Cisco VPN client didn't work with Windows 10. Eventually work got me onto Cisco Anyconnect client and that worked. There was no warning in the upgrade advisor, something to be aware of if you need an older Cisco VPN client working on your computer.

    Also, OpenVPN connect client didn't work when I use it in normal user mode. I had to run it in Administrator mode to get it to connect.

  • Have upgraded 8.1 touchscreen laptop to 10, couldn't wait. Much better, still learning, many interesting possibilities to discover. However, when I return to my desktop Win 7, what a relief. I know, it doesn't have all the tablet style features that no doubt are the future but it just works for me.
    I would like someone to find a way of getting Mobile Office to be accepted by my touchscreen laptop though. I have no intention of installing full Office or Office 365.

  • It's been great for me, although there were a couple of driver problems when I first updated. The biggest improvement is the boot time, I don't have a SSD and it still boots in a few seconds, which is a huge improvement over Windows 7.

  • Boot time has improved slightly, the virtual desktops has also been very useful as a university student. Haven't had many bugs or problems with it at all yet either.

  • The latest Windows update killed my desktops sleep function. Anyone have trouble getting sleep to work?

    • I had a number of problems with my desktop staying asleep - it would go to sleep, but the I would come back, sometimes only minutes later, and it would be awake again.

      You can google around and find some details about the command you can run to show you what woke the computer up. I found something which told me which devices were allowed to wake the computer up - there were three broad categroies. Network (wake on lan), keyboard, mouse.

      I then went into device manager and disabled the ability for each device to wake the computer. I started with the network - I don't need wake on LAN activity - but it was still waking up. I then turned off the keyboards ability to wake. I had to disable two devices for that. And that seems to have fixed it for me.

      I do still sometimes wake up in the morning and find it started - I think it is a timed wake up. I wouldn't mind a timed wakeup to do updates, if only it would just go back to sleep once it had finished. I haven't bothered yet, but you can also disable that if you want.

      In general, I have found I have had more trouble with my desktop, which is a custom build, and has gone through multiple hardware and OS upgrades (Vista - Win 7 - Win 10, new MB, new HDDs/SSDs, new CPU (3 of them), new memory, new graphics cards (I'm on my 4th)). I suspect there is just a little more "junk" lying around on my desktop. I am tempted to do a full reset of the OS at some stage, but mostly thing seem ok for now, so no compelling reason to do so.

  • TL;DR - not happy rolled back to 7 & 8.1

    I ran the Tech Preview on one laptop since last year - now rolled back to 8.1 (cheap, low end laptop and 8.1 runs beautifully on it).

    I ran the full release of win 10 on another laptop (2nd gen core i5, 8gb ram & Samsung SSD) I gave up after 3 weeks of use and went back to win 7 SP1 for two reasons:

    • It killed my battery life by 50% yes 50%
    • It was slower than any other OS I have used on this laptop

    FWIW: I am and have been an IT Tech for 15 years, so I know what I'm doing - I even de-bloated the i5 w10 and it still wasn't fast, smooth, snappy or responsive like it should have been (also did a clean install of w10 on it).

    I have 2 laptops that rec'd the upgrade notification, which I've since suppressed because it's annoying!!!

    • Upgraded a 1st gen i5, 4gb ram, 120gb ssd laptop to windows 10, runs fine for me.

      • I don't doubt that, but why is it a reply to my comment?

        • How is it slow? Just curious - takes 10 seconds from Windows logo loading to desktop (usable). Then again it may have something to do with the mobo of the laptop being SATA 2 rather than SATA 3 (Desktop, SP2, newer laptop all boot within 3-5 seconds.) and the SSD fitted was an entry level one.

        • @cwongtech:

          I'm not talking about "Boot Time" that is not what I meant - boot time on w10 is quite fast!

          To quote myself:

          still wasn't fast, smooth, snappy or responsive like it should have been

          Slow as in:
          Responsiveness and fluidness when using Windows.
          Response times when clicking on menus and going into anything OS related, Settings, Task Manager, Explorer.
          Explorer navigation and just generally using the OS was not smooth or fast enough. It was buggy/laggy at times
          Launching Built in apps.

        • @cwongtech:

          You said "runs fine" but then you talk about boot times, those are not the same.

          Windows "running" would be at the desktop using the OS.

        • @nismo:
          Haha alright :)
          W10 is fine for my use (Uni work, gaming)
          The search function is definitely moody for when it wants to work though.

        • @cwongtech:

          I actually loaded Win 7 onto a different SSD, so technically I still have Win 10 on another SSD.

          But for now I'm using w7 coz it's nice and fast/snappy :-D

          I might try 8.1 on the i5 soon.

        • its going to be a tough ask for many people… hell I run Windows 7 in classic mode so it looks like Windows 98… if upgrade to Windows 10 with its full DX GUI I doubt it will be faster as far as interface goes… it doesnt even have a classic mode

        • @tonyjzx:

          You're probably right about that.

          Strangely though, on a lesser* laptop, I never had the same slow experience running the Tech Preview (Win 10).

          *HP DM1-4108AU ~ AMD E-450 1.65GHz CPU with a Radeon HD 6320

  • updated 3 lappys, so far the only issue I see on one lappy is that the feature that puts my monitor to sleep keeps changing. I tell it never and a few days later it goes to sleep and I check to find out it is set to 15 mins. I have never choose that setting, always say never but this has occurred about 3 times on this one lappy.
    And another lappy had difficultly getting 10 to download took about 3 days of redoing it and then could not get onto the internet afterword. Struggled with trying different solutions then all the sudden it worked (not sure it is was something I did or not). Now, on that same lappy, we play a game called Second life which connects to the internet and for some reason we are struggling to get the game to work properly. We play the same game on the other 2 lappys and have no issues with it. So not sure what happened with this one computer but it has been a hassle ever since updating it.

  • +1

    will stick with 7, until I have to move.
    I am in a bro-mance with 7.. lest we forget it saved us from windows fista.

    parents went to 10, emails started getting stuck in outlook outbox.
    googling for a repair fixed the issue, but it was a bit of a headache.

    i agree with others, that it seems to be much improved over 8.. just still has some bugs.

  • +1

    Can't connect to MS Wireless Display Adapter on HP 250 laptop. Windows 8.1 can connect.
    Was on hold for nearly 2 hours to be advised someone from MS would call me back next day. Was called back 3 days later.
    MS advised HP won't update their drivers until October.
    Piss poor.

    • Hi Yoyomablue,

      Thank you for choosing HP.

      Please see links below as reference,

      HP Products - Where Do I Find Windows 10 Drivers and Software for My Model?

      HP Products - Common Solutions for Windows 10

      I work for HP.If the information hasn’t solve your question, you can continue to post further questions or visit HP technical support website ( ) or visit HP Support Forum( ) for further help. Thank you for your support.

      • Your support site is terrible.
        It has broken links, so I can't check for available updates or download the HP Support Assistant

        • Please find the latest HP Support Assistant under page

          Sorry for the inconvenience it may caused, I will send feedback for this broken link issue, hopefully it could be fixed soon.

          I work for HP.If the information hasn’t solve your question, you can continue to post further questions or visit HP technical support website ( ) or visit HP Support Forum( ) for further help. Thank you for your support.

        • @HPSupportAU1: I used the support forum, but couldn't get any help. Can you please advise when you will be updating your Windows 10 drivers so that MS Display Adapter mirroring will be supported?
          I am about to buy another 6x HP laptops but there is no point if they can't do this basic function

        • Hi Yoyomablue,

          the MS wireless display adapter's driver is not provided by HP as it's manufacturer is MS. I have personally found some other devices that will not work with it as well after windows 10 upgrade, please see comments in following link:
… adapter/9wzdncrfjbb1

          From the product technical data sheet I can get, it supports to windows 8.1 as you can find it in below link.


          I work for HP.If the information hasn’t solve your question, you can continue to post further questions or visit HP technical support website ( ) or visit HP Support Forum( ) for further help. Thank you for your support.

    • Exactly. I for one have stopped updating windows 7. I've yet to see the Get Windows 10 Icon on my PCs.
      It can also be blocked and unblocked using these simple registery hacks( if you still want to get Windows updates without them forcing a 3gb Windows 10 download on you.

      Also Windows 10 sharing and automatically uploading updates to other PCs over the internet.

      Sure this feature can be turned off(, yet it shouldn't be on by default, along with forced updates. As the average Joe probably doesn know about this and wonders why all there limited monthly allowance is being consumed. Not everybody has unlimited internet like Microsoft assumes they do.

  • +1

    My only issues so far have been the system memory leak( and calculator not opening on the first execution via the run command. Had maybe 2 at most BSoD so far. It's nice I suppose, I'm awaiting extension support for Edge.

  • Just updated HP Probook 4330s to Windows 10 and updated all latest drivers - can't project to wireless display adapter.
    Doesn't even find it when trying to add devices.

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