Memory Cards - When Is Enough?

I absolutely don't mean to rain on anyone's parade - the prices/specials that are coming are certainly great.

But hasn't the currency of full priced memory cards been devalued? Every day there are 4+ codes for memory cards and USB sticks, plus an average of 1 powerbank every 3 days. Is it possible to pay full price anymore? If it is, hasn't everyone who was buying a card already bought a card?

I just think there should be one centralised post - like the Entertainment Book voucher swap page - where new offers for expandable memory are posted.



  • What's your question?

    • +1

      What's on second.

      • +3


        • +2

          No Who's on first. Whats on second…

        • @gabbasan:
          I don't know.
          Third base.

  • +2

    I expressed an opinion, proposed a scenario and invited input. Isn't that how a forum works?

    • +9

      Forgive my simple friend, his breviloquent reply was simply asking if you would be so kind as to elucidate the perceived problem you identified with the current state of specific product-type deals and their apparent adverse effect imposed upon the performance of the presentation of other increased-value offerings advertised by this community-based web-distributed service in perhaps a more epigrammatic manner.

      • +1

        +1 for sentence length

  • +1

    If people didn't consider them a deal and buying them, they wouldn't be making the front page, so they are 100% valid.
    Considering you have had 1 flop deal post in the last 3 years, maybe you should lift your game rather than complaining about the effort others are putting in.

    • -7

      Haha. An example of the internet citizenry at its finest. Bring the negativity, the insult when none was required. I'm surprised you didn't go straight to Hitler references.

      I was expressing an opinion for the interests of debate, not because I was insulting something. And yet you are a snark. Thanks.

      For the record, my idea of a reasonable response would be "I disagree - the varying quality and availability means that different posts are warranted". Did you notice how it was an adult response and not a snide remark?

      • +3

        Welcome to "how a forum works" :)

        • +2

          Nah I agree with Cypher. Everyone knows this place has a hard on for SSDs, SD cards, eneloops, mobile phones, powerbanks and game consoles and chicken nuggets.

          You will never change the opinions when people are getting what they want.

          There's some bargains here on stuff that I have no interest in. Be that as it may, its not like I pay any money to visit this place, nor do I feel like my dislike of that stuff should disadvantage people who want to buy that stuff.

        • @tonyjzx: Oh I agree. The deals presented here are by the people for the people.

          My comment was referring to the irony in ClaireChris' reply considering their earlier comment ("I expressed an opinion, proposed a scenario and invited input. Isn't that how a forum works?"), as cypher67 expressed an opinion ("If people didn't consider them a deal") and proposed a scenario ("maybe you should lift your game"). And then bemoaning the perceived insult, fired back with insults and a mentioning Hitler.

          I also understand ClaireChris' viewpoint. But I disagree with dictating how people should respond in the forum.

  • +6

    I disagree - the varying brands, quality and availability means that different posts are warranted and welcomed.

    • What an interesting take. I value your input.

  • +2

    Regarding the posts on memory cards and storage, because there's been some advances in storage technology just around the corner we're starting to see a lot of markdowns on flash storage. This happens everytime a new tech or product is announced… the same can be said for Apple products (new iPhone 6 etc), smartphones, processors, etc.

    the price will eventually settle on a new equilibrium and what we consider a bargain price will soon to be the norm, so what you're seeing is pretty much temporary and very short term.

  • +1

    So uh what do you guys reckon of dick smith posts?

    • I miss Eneloop deals.

  • +1

    The more toys you buy the more cards you will need. You can also upgrade your smaller capacity cards as the larger ones get cheaper.
    I was only thinking today … how many do I have around here..? 8 cameras, 2 tablets, approx? 6 phones, 2 car cams, ?? could be more!! LOL.

  • The issue comes down to capacity, type, access speed and price. I'm currently looking for a good deal on a 256Gb SD card that can fit into my HP X360 laptop. So far I haven't seen anything suitable. I don't think there is any problem with people putting the deals up there, it is up to people to see if they meet their requirements.

  • -1

    If all of the memory card deals were only on the one post, what would tightarse have to do with his time? :)

  • I think similar request has been made for those "Code" deals like eBay 20% off and such. Can't remember the reason why it's not implemented, I think it was hard to implement or smth?

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