So yesterday whilst I was on lunch break I was minding my own business talking a walk when who should I bump into in the middle of the city but another one of those damn charity fund raising types. Don't get me wrong I'm all for helping the less fortunate and I'm no Ebenezer Scrooge but I try to avoid them when I too also have my own financial situations to deal with. In this instance it was regarding Unicef.
Now this individual introduced herself and I ended up introducing myself or well she saw my work uniform and knew where I worked. She did the whole spiel about helping the less fortunate, clean drinking water etc etc and then at the same time she started taking down my details name, email, account details as well It was like she didn't give me a choice or chance to decide IF I wanted to start a monthly donation or not. There were other fund-raising people nearby so I couldn't exactly attempt to walk away otherwise I would bump into another one. Now I'm stuck having to make phone calls and emails to the charity not to mention my bank as I don't want any funds to be taken out.
what are your thoughts on charities, on these fund-raising processes? how do you handle these individuals? Would love to hear your thoughts….
I just stare at them as I walk past. They usually try and say something funny. In that case, I'll laugh, but I'll keep walking. If you want to be confrontational, ask them how much they get an hour :D