Here's a cracker of a deal for ice cream lovers. Only reason they're on sale is best before 28th October 2015, which is still a fair while away. Starts Monday. Enjoy :)
8x Golden Gaytime $4.99 (62c Each) Best Before 28/10 @ All NQR Stores VIC (Starts 31/8)

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heh "explosion in my mouth".. :D
looks like he had a "gaytime".
Your nickname "Balls" suits you.
"ranks near top of my list"
Wonder what number one of the list could be?
Probably something involving balls and paddle pop sticks…
Bubble 'O Bill meets the requirement.
There you go: pays to have open mind about a Gaytime, Balls.
Thanks TA - even if it is tomorrow, it's still a while away. this stuff gets demolished in seconds, not days.
too bad not in SA ;(
I use these to scoop the ice cream out of the gaytime tub.
If you want to pay $1 more and get 4 less, that is up to you, but this is OzBargain ….
well since I am sydney I think the extra $1.00 will be fine
I think you have trouble reading anything at all on the page since you missed in the title, description and a users comment that you are getting 8 items. Have fun paying twice as much.
Oh yes my bad
You can have a Gaytime anytime in Sydney.
I would do anything for a gaytime.
Maybe you should contact Balls…
Oh my, nice find TA.
I might add the $1.99 for nanas donuts are a great price too. Those are pretty nice. I think normal price is $6 at colesworth
Nice, I thought Woolworth's $4 for 4 was good; this is $5 for 8.
Well done, OP!
But… no NQR in NSW sadfacetrust tightarse to bring the gaytime
Should've negotiated a deal, TA. Would've been an interesting coupon code.
Got no response from HQ lol.
notquitetight? nah tightquiteright?
So it does stands for not quiet right
More than a decade ago I used to live in Glenroy. Was so impressed with their prices until someone mentioned that what it stands for. Later realised it ok by law to use them past the best before date. Not everyday super market thoughIt's not just stuff passed their best before (and it's still legal for supermarkets to, just generally not done, as far as I know). They also sell discontinued and misprinted stuff. A while back they sold misprinted Magnums. Used to work near the Kilsyth one, and always used to hit it up after work for cheap junk food.
I was thinking of buying this, taking them all off the sticks and placing them in the tub and eat from there, because the tub version of Gaytimes really sucked. Not entirely, but it didn't stand up to the stick version.
Just let them all melt and then scull them out of a medicine glass. Liquid gaytime.
Nothing worse than a gaytime with soggy biscuit
a viagra flavour icecream would help a soggy biscuit…
Streets should make it.
There marketing slogan could be
"Golden gaytime now has viagra flavour icecream, your biscuits will never be soggy"
Cory Bernardi is going to launch a Senate investigation into the subversive activities of Streets in promoting Gaytimes.
Seems TA is searching for a gaytime
Do we need to use the discount coupon code "gayarse"?
The cappuccino gaytimes were the best.
We will see a lot of gay people at all NQR stores in VIC come Monday. Too bad no NQR in NSW otherwise I will be gay too.
Nothing wrong with being happy, some people… Whoosh
lolz I knew I would get negged when I posted the above. Yup, some people…
If anyone is in western Sydney, Abcoe at Penrith also has this deal -
About 20 packs left at Coburg as at 4:30pm Monday.
long time ago before i tried it i used to giggle at the name thinking its just some marketing at work and wont last long around.
once i tried it it was like explosion in my mouth, this stuff is god tier icecream and ranks near top of my list