Book Depository Deals

Does anyone know when the book depository deals for 10% off a released? I looked at the past deals, but they seem to be quite random…. If you sign up to the newsletter, do they give you smaller deals more regularly? (like borders). Its just every time i make an order, less than a week later they bring out a 10% off deal. lol, its happened twice so far!


  • I've been waiting for a new BD discount code myself Davo.
    I'm still looking!!!

    Live Long and Prosper,

    • hahaha i ended up buying the books.
      therefore we will get a voucher in the next day or so :)

      • +1

        That's even more certain, because we ordered four books from BD today also!!!

  • +1

    Don't hold your breathe! I've got several orders in as well. I'd have thought that this would be a good time of year to boost volume with a coupon offer?

    Maybe all the snowed-in British have rediscovered books?

    • And they're reading them as fast as they can…

      Turning the pages rapidly generates a small but significant amount of body heat,, but the real bonus comes from getting to burn the books as soon as you finish them!

      • have yours arrive yet TeaEarlGrey? I suspect mine will take much longer than usual…

        • Not yet.
          One suspects that you're right and postal deliveries may be somewhat delayed!
          My wife is hearing stories from internet pen-pals in the UK who are flat out getting to the shops only to find there's no bread or milk on the shelves…
          Apparently, it's no longer humorous in Britain to say "I am just going outside and may be some time".

          • @TeaEarlGreyHot: ahh fair enough

            uk weather + postal strike + OS travel + mine distribution centre = long wait

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