I got a free Nespresso Coffee machine from Nespresso Club

We always buy the coffee pods from the nespresso shop, and use the member card, and get the free coffee's every visit etc etc. No discount or anything - just they always ask for the card and I hand it over. They are tracking the coffee purchase obviously. I cant say I am a massive purchaser, as we have our main built in coffee machine. Average usage not even 1 strip every 2 weeks or so.

Anyway, our nespresso machine busted a few months ago - I chucked it in the bin as I stuffed it more by trying to fix it.

Yesterday they called me and asked why I have not bought any coffee for over 2 months. I told them the story and they said if I buy 5 sleeves of coffee (about $36 bucks), then would send me a new machine for free (a good one worth $299 - they say - Delonghi umilk). Today, a nice new machine was delivered - better than our old one.

I suspect it is a bit like the apple store - they want you to keep using their machine so you don't go over to the opposition - so they subsidise replacements (My wife has dropped 2 in the toilet and one in the sink over time - note - that is Iphones, not Coffee machines).

We always buy 5 sticks at a time so this is definitely a free machine - and no delivery charges either.

Plus, they provided 2 recycling bags, if we take them in, you get more free stuff…..

It pays to belong to that club. Im not saying this is a bargain, just if you are a nespresso machine user - join the club….


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  • Did you join online or in-store?
    Do they ever have any sales?

  • You can join when you buy your coffee instore - as I have heard them ask people. But I joined online when i got the machine years back. I got a plastic card ini the mail - it has an rfid chip in it I guess as you just place it on a pad in the store when you buy coffee.

  • I have never really seen sales. I suspect they are like Apple in that regard. The machines are full price in their stores. Much cheaper when on special in 'normal' stores - but free is free….. I think my first one cost me $189, and I have a $50 cash back or something - was a long time ago.

  • +3

    Just goes to show, the money is in the pods, not the machine.

  • +1

    Same thing happened to me, bought a fully automatic sold my old nespresso.
    1 year later they call me asking why i haven't bought any. Told it because I was on awesome fully automatic Jura.

    They gave me the exact same deal 5 sleeves for a new machine.

    Why not? machine is a few hundred worth

  • +1

    I agree - if you really dont want to be in the Nespresso 'ecosystem' still take up the deal, dont open the box and sell it with the 5 sleeves - gotta be a sizable profit there - and who knows, they may offer it to you again a few months later!!!!

  • Thanks OP

  • FWIW, I love my nespresso machine but have not set foot in a nespresso store. Very happy with the compatible ones on special from the supermarket, well done on the free machine though.

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