Just in case some OzBargainers have a Samsung washer that has been recalled, please watch this Sunrise story.
We don't want any more fires due to these washing machines.
Just in case some OzBargainers have a Samsung washer that has been recalled, please watch this Sunrise story.
We don't want any more fires due to these washing machines.
This whole situation has been out for years. I have a Samsung washing machine. I read the recall just over 2 years ago. Had a rep
From Samsung come out to fix the machine. Took all of 5 minutes. I think a lot of people just aren't bothering because "it won't happen to them".
5 minute phone call and a 5 minute house call. Problem solved.
Dont be so sure - our local paper reported one of these machines that were supposedly fixed, caught fire.
I might be wrong but I recall the article inferred that there were two fixes, as the early fixes were suspect. Might want to check with Samsung
Oh BTW OP, relying on Sunrise for consumer advice isn't the wisest thing to do.
I was chatting to the repair guy as he did ours. All they do is put a little plastic cover over a risky electrical connection. Certainly was quick, but didn't fill me with a tonne of confidence.
I think there's a lot of people who have just happened to miss the recalls though - I posted a news story about them to my timeline recently and two of my friends only then realised that they needed to get their machine fixed. One hadn't heard anything at all, one had heard about it but assumed that it didn't apply to her older machine because she'd only heard about it recently.
Found these links posted by deal_junkie, from an old thread on the same subject.
Another news story http://www.smh.com.au/nsw/samsung-recall-washing-machines-fi…
Their fix is a plastic bag so that condensation builds up in that and not the inside of the machine. It looks like this has been done to later models when samsung realised their was a problem. I love where samsung state "technicians used a fire-retardant, industry-standard polyethylene bag".
Seems like Samsung should have scrapped all affected models and withdrawn them completly from sale or completely reworked the internals to make it safe.
We only found out about this a few weeks ago, so we called Samsung to get the machine fixed (had had it about 5 years). Then I read that even when fixed they had problems so I called The Good Guys where I got it from. They knew all about the recall and told me to bring it back. I opted for store credit and they gave me the full purchase price. I bought another machine on special which was way bigger and better anyway and ended up out of pocket about $200. Pretty happy with that outcome. I was not going to accept a repair after reading about continuing issues.
Good to hear. I believe that Harvey Norman are also providing their customers with similar assistance.
Who's on first?