I know we have badges for popular comment etc but do we have one for most unpopular comment.
I really like reading the stuff people say. It's almost like a name and shame.
So do we have one, or can we introduce one?
I know we have badges for popular comment etc but do we have one for most unpopular comment.
I really like reading the stuff people say. It's almost like a name and shame.
So do we have one, or can we introduce one?
I guess you're right about that.. would still be funny to see
That award was broken some time later, https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/103409#comment-1392325
365 neg votes, thats like one per day for a whole year!
Holy snapping duck sh!t , and he's still about.
There is already the monthly awards that Neil posts where it shows you the most neg'd comments for that month.
bahahhaa thanks
I think it is a combination of trolling, bigotry and stupidity generally. Also many of them appear to be functionally illiterate so it is difficult to even understand their point. However, I do agree that sometimes it is fun to just bait people and wait for the outraged response; particular around the iPhone/Android holy wars.
Seems you got downvoted by an Apple fan already!
I own Apple products. I'm talking about baiting the Fandroids. They go Ape shit whenever something Apple is mentioned. (They must get PTSD in the fruit section of the supermarket).
Both sides are equally guilty in that area imo. I've seen enough Android fanboys and Apple fanboys being obnoxious, obnoxious enough for me to avoid talking to them. As a result, I tend to react badly to people bringing up their fanboyish rant. I think this will apply to many people on both sides. Though if you belong in one group, you are probably going to react badly to other side's fanboys.
Everyone has their own preferences, I personally think people should leave it at there and move on. I am more of an Android person; I like tweaking my phone around, flashing ROMs and such. That said, I know that this is just my personal preference. I try not to impose my preferences on OS onto other people when I give out recommendations (that said, I am a human being, I know that I will be biased, especially since I am fairly invested in Windows and Android). I recommend iPhones, Macbook Air and iPads to other people and I follow news on the Apple products as well.
@Oversimplified: I really don't care what people prefer either. I just get tired of the fandroids jumping on every Apple announcement and saying how much better the Android stuff is and talking about Apple "sheeple". I don't proselytize in the Android threads so I expect a similar courtesy in the Apple threads; if you don't believe how bad it can get go have a look at Whirlpool. I've tried a couple of Android phones and they are just too much effort to get them to do what Apple does out of the box and the support is no where near as good as Apple. I do keep looking for the "God phone" whenever a non Apple manufacturer comes out with a new phone but, so far, I keep looking.
@try2bhelpful: If you don't go onto Android threads as much, you would've not seen those obnoxious Apple fanboys as much as I would've. It's really a vicious cycle in my opinion, fanboys cause hatred towards the OS they are "fanboy-ing" about, so you end up criticising the OS more than you would've, which causes fanboys to become more active. The whole process makes everyone fight and defend what they own on forums and such. How obnoxious those fights come across to you probably depends on what OS you prefer (since if you are using the OS, you'd probably side with the OS that you are using).
All the fanboys are bad regardless what OS you look into. Android, iOS, even Windows Phone has fanboys who are obnoxious. I've seen enough from all three sides. If I try to look over my preferences and try to see how exertive people are instead, I tend to find that all fanboys are as exertive as the others. I frankly think it's bad for the industry, fanboyism only leads to monopoly and monopoly is bad for consumers.
@Oversimplified: I have never seen anyone who is pro Apple using expressions like "sheeple" or indicating the users are "thick" because they purchase Android products; they just usually sound overly smug. I don't make personal attacks on the Fandroids who are commenting on the Apple articles, I just say - "cause the Apple products are better"; that causes them to go into apoplectic rage. I don't think Apple products are better; they just suit what I want in a phone. However, I agree that fanatics of any persuasion are to be avoided at all costs.
@try2bhelpful: I've seen enough Apple fans who've pretty much insulted me on using Android stuff on my side as well. As I sort of implied, people tend to see more of insults toward what they own. I tend to avoid talking to them, because it doesn't benefit me that much.
@Oversimplified: I disagree with anyone insulting people on their choices; particularly when it is something as meaningless as what technology people choose to use. At the end of the day they are just tools. Can't understand why people get so "tribally" invested in them; then again I don't follow AFL either.
Don't like this idea, its promoting trolling….
Wouldn't be a name and shame, it'd be a trophy for a troll. That's why the comment is hidden once it reaches a certain amount of negs.