This was posted 9 years 6 months 7 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

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Fitbit Charge HR $129 C&C @ Dick Smith


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Dick Smith / Kogan
Dick Smith / Kogan

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  • not sure if I want a fit bit flex or charge HR.

    To be honest I just want it to track some steps but mostly sleep monitoring. HR seems a bit faddy. Is the Charge HR worth another $50 on top of fit bit flex.

    People with fit bit flex or HR, please let me know your thoughts! :)

    Thanks in advance.

    • +4

      Something I've always thought silly was the that the Flex didn't have a screen so you couldn't use it as a basic timepiece. No point having something on your wrist if it can't at least tell you the time! At least the Charge has a screen and for the extra $17 (during this promo) you may as well get the Charge HR. Just my opinion but I suppose if you've already got a decent watch then the Flex would do but it obviously doesn't have the HR monitor.

    • +6

      the HR is definitely worth extra $50 for the display and obviously heart rate monitoring.
      But if that's not required and you don't mind something a bit less sleek, maybe just get a MiBand for $20?

      • Thanks for your advice, I have a fancy watch for work and I wear a suit all day so I don't really want something that big (or have two watches). The mi band and the fit bit is what im weighing up. Only thing with the Mi Band is i've read that the step and sleep monitoring isn't as accurate as a fit bit. This defeats the purpose of wearing one!

        Style wise I think the fitbit flex looks nicer than the mi band.

        But as an ozbargainer, i also care about how much of a bargain im getting! Life is too hard!!

        • +1

          Yeah agree that flex looks so much better.

          One thing to note is while the MiBand tracks sleep automatically (to a reasonable degree of accuracy, but not super accurate), with Flex you have to tap the band before you go to sleep and tap again when you wake up.

          When I used the Flex I didn't want to tap the button while I was watching netflix or playing with my phone in bed, but then I fell asleep and totally forgotten to tap the band, so it can be frustrating unless you can get used to doing it.

        • @paperkut:

          Can you shower with the flex? and would you recommend the charge HR paperkut?

          I do see it as a glorified pedometer, but has a few extras im willing to fork out for.

        • @Alfonso: yeah you can shower with flex. Tbh i would recommend the charge HR if you go to the gym/ exercise regularly/ involved in any kind of team sports but otherwise you should be ok with a flex.

        • +1

          You can actually retrospectively enter in the approximate times you were asleep and it will have all the sleep data for it which is pretty handy

        • A good thing about the Flex is that you can pop out the actual tracker and keep it in your pocket and it will still track everything normally, sometimes I keep it in the little coin pocket they have at the front of pants

        • This defeats the purpose of wearing one!

          The Fitbit isn't accurate either. So by your own argument why are you buying it lel …

        • -1

          @paperkut: >to a reasonable degree of accuracy

          OK. Did you test it yourself? Just asking cos it'd be pretty funny if all you did was worked out how accurately it measured your sleep by measuring your own sleep. Going on feelings in other words lel.

        • What fancy watch do you wear for work…?

        • +1

          @Diji1: I mean the band is pretty good in measuring what time I fell asleep and what time I wake up - when I look at the record the next day it seems pretty close to what happened. Regarding state of light sleep or deep sleep I have no idea how accurate it is.

        • +1

          @Diji1: why do you keep finishing your sentences with lel? what does that mean? do you mean lol? and if you mean lol, why are you laughing at your own words? Diji1 have you got a fitbit? why do you say its not accurate at all? Would like to know before i make the purchase. ta

        • @pitiek: Tag

        • @pitiek: !!

    • +5

      I got one and yes it's worth that little bit extra. The Heart rate monitor is a real plus.

      • So similarly to the handsomeMonkey question below, what do you with your heart rate records?

        Is it a on the spot, im trying to do HIIT fitness and therefore shoot keep my heart rate above a certain BPM? or are there other uses for it?

        • This will not be as accurate as a chest strap monitor.
          If you are doing HIIT and you want accurate monitoring use a chest strap.

          Having said that something is better than nothing so…

    • +1

      Might be a silly question but why do people need to monitor themselves sleeping?

      • I thought the same thing but a large percentage of the population have trouble sleeping and I think something like this allows them to monitor their sleep patterns so they can optimise their downtime… at least I think that's what it's all about ;) This sort of monitoring could only be done by clinics before these so I suppose that's why they're so popular but again I can only assume.

        • +2

          It can still only be done by clinics.

      • +1

        not a silly question. I work in a profession that has some BIG work hours and it would be good to see how much sleep i am actually getting. I am usually quite 'wired' when i get home and don't actually know how much sleep im getting. I drink a lot of coffee during the day to keep me going, however it tricks my body into thinking that ive had enough sleep.

        Its not healthy and it would be an eye opener to see how much sleep in actually getting. I can then manage my day differently if i find out my sleep routine is dangerously out of wack!

        • Sheesh, I hope you're earning the big bucks Alfonso?

        • +2

          @SteveAndBelle: Not yet, but it is the only reason why im still doing what im doing. :)

        • -1

          1) You aren't going to get an accurate figure using this device or any other device using 2 dollar sensors for that matter.

          2) The majority of your post is explaining how you do not get enough sleep. I'm not sure how having a number is going to change that for you.

      • +1

        The first person I knew who got a fitbit got it for sleep monitoring.

        My partner has problems sleeping and you can a good idea of the problems comparing her fitbit to mine.

        There are multiple sleep labs even in Canberra for doing tests on people with issues sleeping. I know of three people who have had to go to them for various sleep problems not including my partner.

      • I normally go to bed after midnight and sometimes stayed up until 2am but I get up at 7am for work. Is 5-6 hours sleep a night enough for an average adult?

    • +1

      HR has a much better strap too…I broke two of the standard charge without actually wearing them doing any sports or gyn work… got them replaced from fitbit but the charge HR has been pretty solid for the last 6 months fingers crossed.

      Our whole office was supplied with the Charge to get us moving and I think all but two people have had theirs replaced with the straps failing the insides coming away and the buttons falling off…

      • Hi Akoli

        I would like to hear what uses you use the HR monitor for? Also does the HR have automatic sleep detection and does it detail REM, Light and deep sleep in its monitoring?

        • The stats are pretty spot on to be honest… the watch is pretty good at working out when you have fell in to a good sleep and when you wake up…no need for you to tell it's smart enough to do it for you, there are two sensitivities I found high to be too sensitive, low works just fine.. the graphs show solid line for deep sleep light blue bar for slight movement and red bar when your awake…I use the HR for when I'm working out or on the treadmill, my main sport is jui jitsu but I cant wear it for that given the wrist grabbing risk and highly likely it would survive. My average heart rate is usually the same on days when Im stressed at work there a slight rise so it seems to work for me.

    • With hindsight, I'd forego the heart rate - it becomes a gimmick (you know when you are exercising) and it impacts the battery life severely. It's obvious in a dark room when you're sleeping too, if you haven't got it real tight.

  • +2

    Awesome ! Thanks. Way too much shopping for one day ;)

  • Thanks, got one.

  • I looked all over with the 20% from eBay for one and then was disappointed I couldnt use the coupon yesterday
    This is perfect

    Picked up 2 separately for C&C


    I think this is the cheapest I have seen the Charge HR

  • +1

    I bought a hr charge from good guys on Sunday. I can use the 30 day guarantee with this?

    • Same here mate >> Got one from office works on Sat 22/08 for 296 $ and fuming now seeing this post !! Tempted to buy this and return as new to office works ? Actually, this was suggested to me by a colleague. Not sure this will work and any advice will be appreciated. 40$ savings can probably go into a case of beer :-)

  • Tempting replacement for my aging Fitbit Ultra… ;)

  • Thanks, but I'll wait for the MiBand 1S/2 with HR monitor.

  • I bought a Charge (not the HR), used it for about 3 weeks and found that the display scratches extremely easily. It wasn't a huge deal, but it was enough to annoy me

    • I second this, Also it is water resistant not water proof.

    • Yeah for a sports watch its not well made…. I saw aldi doing one not long ago for $40 and it was fully waterproof… something you have to pay fitbit 350 for the surge for that feature… have the same system as the pebble eith the magnetic charger fully sealed…. nothing is replaceable anyway so not sure why they dont just fill it with glue to make it fully waterproof.

  • Thanks, was looking for one during the 20% off sale and it was all out of stock. Code last night didn't work as well. Got one today

  • -4

    Don't forget that when you wear this all day, your wrist is getting exposed to low microwave radiation.

    • +5

      True… but what other radiation are we being exposed to day to day? How do you know what's happening on the other side of the wall from your desk at work or the floor above or below you? An old office of ours was next to a SubStation disguised as a city building. The only reason we discovered it existed was when we were trying to figure out why the picture on our (CRT) monitors was wobbling. Once we found the Energex plaque (covered by plants) we contacted them and were quickly supplied with large, heavy lead shieled boxes worth around $200 each. That instantly solved the monitor problem but it of course made us all concerned about our own wellbeing. We moved soon after and the building owner got new tenants… an inner-city Childcare centre believe it or not! Eeek. … and no, although I was tempted to I didn't neg you.

    • Fitbit has tiny battery that lasts up to 2-3 weeks per charge. I doubt the amount of radiation produced by Fitibit would be noticeable compared to mobile phone, WiFi, TV/monitor, microwave oven, wireless mouse.

      • +3

        4-6 days battery for the Charge HR - in case anyone is mislead by the above battery life figure.
        Source: I own one.

        • Yup battery life isn't great I tend to miss the notifications when its about to die. bought a cheap charger from ebay and just charge it at work when I'm busy and not walking anywhere.

        • Thanks for the correction.

  • Thanks OP, got one for the pregnant wife :)

  • Dumb question.

    What's the difference between small/large?

  • tempted to get one to replace my FitBit ONE, but I am already using the MiBand (it never leaves the wrist other than to charge) in conjunction to the ONE. The MiBand offers unlocking ability for my RedMi Note…..

  • Cheers, purchased one for mrs :)

  • How small is small and how large is large (jokes aside) would a typical woman's wrist be to small for the large size?

    • The vast majority of women would be considered small, with most blokes being a large. That said, the large does cater for a larger percentage of peoples wrist sizes, so if after using the Fitbit sizing tool you are 'between sizes', you're best to go for the large.

    • I currently have the HR in a small and I have a small wrist (I am well within the small on the Fitbit guide). However, I am ordering a large as I prefer to have more "notches" left over on the strap for when I slide the strap further up my wrist (have three on the small left over). Plus I can get plum now. :)

      • Appreciate the replies guys, purchased

  • I am interested in getting the charge HR. However is a bit concern about the metal buckle as I am planning to wear it while playing soccer (Goalie). Can anyone share their experience of wearing it for contact sports?

    • Don't wear it. Well I wouldn't anyway. A lot of competitions don't allow jewellery/watches etc due to the dangers of hitting someone with it. You should check with your comp.
      It's a personal preference, but as keeper your distance covered would be minimal anyway!

      • +1

        How is he meant to keep track of stoppage time then?!

      • +1

        Thanks for the reply. Was going to tuck the device inside the glove for casual games. But you are right, our comp prohibit jewellery/watches.

        I am more interested with the heart rate monitor :) Don't think I will be moving much..

  • Anything different between this one and the surge? (is it worth it over surge?)

  • nevrmind

  • Damn, I bought one earlier today thinking I was a small size wrist but looking at that WRISTBAND SIZING TOOL it turns out I'm a large.

    I hope Dick Smith let me swap for my correct size when I go in to pickup otherwise I guess I'll have to chuck it on eBay or Gumtree then buy another :-(

    Hopefully the coupon works for a few more days.

  • Sleep monitoring interests me, but the idea of wearing a "watch / bracelet" to sleep is really off-putting.

  • anyone have a code for today? i missed yesterday's, have been looking at the fitbit charge hr for husband's father's day gift. Can't even get officeworks to beat it by 5% because they've lowered their price inline with DSE.

    • New code today! Hurry and get it!

      • Thank you, I got it this morning!! :)

  • hurry while code last massive30

    • Yeah $2 cheaper than Hardly Normal.

  • its the same on ebay. good guys have it at 159 plus 20% off = 127.2 :P

    • They must have only done it recently since I was tracking that and the Charge HR Black Large was at $196

      Glad they caught on

  • Just some information that someone may find useful.

    It looks like Fitbit may have increased the length of their wristbands on the HR. My partners black HR in large (from original release), has a shorter overall length than my just purchased plum HR by a few centimetres (my small HR wristband is quite small but still large enough for me with three notches left over). My plum HR in large which I have just collected, is on the smallest setting and I need to slide it up my wrist quite a bit (which will be good for running and HIIT). I probably would have stuck with the small if I had known the length of the wristband had increased (only got a new one so I could get plum).

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