Cheapest online backup

So I have a Hardrive where I back up it increasingly worries me about fire, theft at my home. I have never backed up my desktop PC to anything else but a Hardrive so am new to backing up to the "cloud". Can any one give me any tips as to if getting rid of my physical Hardrive is a good move and if it is, what is the cheapest cloud storage available - I think I need approx 200GB ?


  • I'd keep the physical hard drive as a backup. It can take days, weeks, months to download your files again from the cloud.

    Carbonite, mozy, amazon cloud drive, dropbox, google drive, one drive, box, backblaze are all providers.

    If it were me, i'd put the important files on google drive (free 15GB or paid 100GB for $2/mo) then just keep the rest on the external drive.

  • Best backup plan is have 3 copies of your data - the original data, 1 backup and 1 backup of the backup.

    For me, I don't want to ever think of backing up data otherwise I probably wouldn't do it. I use a mac, so use Time Machine to backup to a local HDD attached to my router. Time machines does its thing and I never worry about it. Time machine only protects me from hardware issues though, not if my house burns down. So for documents I feel that are important, I store them in a Google Drive. Its $1.99 a month for 100GB of storage so is plenty for me. The additional benefit of Google Drive is the documents are synced across both of my PCs for additional redundancy. Dropbox and OneDrive etc all do this as well.

    I definitely think a combo of cloud/device sync is the way to go and its only getting cheaper and cheaper. You could even use free services such as Flickr for photos if 100GB is not enough.

    • Best backup plan

      Really? It's superior to everything?

  • +1

    Microsoft Office 365 subscriptions include 1TB free. If you happen to have an address, it's $2 a month:

    If not, Office family packs that you can split between 5 users could be good value if there are others in your family or friends that want to split it. (Each person gets 1TB free.) Or there are other options, but I haven't looked into them much.

    • +1

      in addition to that, many of the nexus devices come with 100GB google drive for free. If you already own a device, it might be an option.

    • Isn't there also a $7/month sub or something that gives you unlimited within limits unlimited storage?

      • No.

        Google drive is about $10 a month for 1TB, Office 365 gets you 1TB for about $5.50 per month.

  • +1

    I love it how everyone is recommending Google because it has 100GB storage that you must pay for and agree to them collecting whatever data they wish (meaning all of it) when the OP clearly states he requires 200GB.

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