Australia Post Bike Just Hit My Car, Caught in Security Camera, What Do I Do?

Happened 24/08
At West Byford 3:30pm

Security Camera link

Different Angle

(MUTE PLEASE) No sound, loud buzzing only

He hit my car, by accelerating and NOT looking, scraping the bottom bumper.
He even checked if my mum would react and sped out of there!


Who can i contact to Auspost?


closed Comments

  • +2

    Your Mum needs to be careful when opening her doors.

    No idea who to contact at AP.

    • yea lol…

      • -4

        I would honestly let it go. The footage looks worse than what it is; you were bumped in the bumper!

        If the bike hit a panel, yeah different story…

        Even the picture shows the damage is very superficial. Never be perfect, but literally can be buffed out.

        Seriously, it would be hard to have a smaller accident.

        Having said that, considering how entitled everyone is, and the client, and damning footage, you may as well try make some money out of it!

    • +1

      Your Mum needs to be careful when opening her doors.

      Lol yeah that was a pretty noticeable bang, not just a light touch.

  • maybe stop the posty and ask if he would like to pay,then tell him you will follow it up with auspost if not.

    • +4

      He noped the sh*t out of here…

  • +1

    I would try and resolve it with the postie first - he'll be back at the same time tomorrow. Don't tell him you have footage of the incident, give them a chance to come clean (I would covertly record this conversation).

    If they admit it get their details and some repare quotes and offer to let them pay for it.

    If they don't come clean report it to the police and the postie will probably lose their job for leaving the scene of an accident and auspost will pay for the damage.

    • I have work all week.
      I already called Australia Post and got a case number.
      Do I need to involve police?

      • +9

        If Australia Post do not come to the party quickly, then involve the police as he left the scene of an accident without exchanging or leaving his details.

        • +1

          Exactly. This disgusts me. How someone can just do that without a care, like when people scratch your cars at shopping centres peeves me off. I would have contacted your insurer, their job is to gandke it for you. I would call the police for their advice because he left the scene of an accident. Put it on him. He shouldn't get away with it.

          I can't imagine Australia Post will be too happy since he represents them. I mean you don't expect a postie to damage your car. He has to know what he did. If you didn't have the evidence he could simply deny it. This behaviour is wrong. Was he drunk or what? I wouldn't confront him. Can't be trusted. What a gronk!

      • +12

        Because you have contacted auspost allready I would be contacting my own insurance and ask them what they would like me to do. You pay a lot of money for insurance may as well make them earn it.

  • Try and pull him up tomorrow, If you're home of course. Would be nice to see his face.

  • What a derpy Postie. Looks like he's had a few too many before riding that bike lol. Jerk for causing that much damage and just pissing off without leaving a note.

    Keep us posted (pun not intended) on how things go. What a pain - but great you've got it on camera.

    • +4

      While the postman is at fault, don't businesses usually have some kind of public liability insurance?

      The most that guy get would be a scolding but the one who pays is Australia Post.

      You first need to

      1. Contact the auto insurance company and state you have the video evidence of the accident or incident
      2. Contact Australia Post and state you have contacted your insurance company regarding accident.
      3. Let the two parties sort it out for you.
    • +1

      Reminds me of a little kid playing Mario Kart, bumping their way around.

      • Literally. Like what is he doing being allowed to drive that bike?! Can only imagine what he's like on the actual road. Keep off the footpath people. Disgrace. Shit driver period.

  • +2

    Nice footage quality…what cameras do you have?

  • +5

    You don't need to contact Australia Post.
    You contact your insurer - let them contact Australia Post.

    • This is the correct answer.

      You contact your insurer. They will look after the rest.

      • I will contact RAC today.

  • I'd make a police report, he left the scene of an accident.

    Then i'd contact my insurer, tell them you've got footage of it.

  • time to call in the bikies.

    except he is on a motorbike and therefore is already,by definition, a bikie…….hmmmm

    you have a quandary there my friend.

    as whaletooth-carver said
    contact your insurer and provide the footage. you pay insurance for the insurance company to follow up on insurance.

    • +1

      Plot twist — you call the bikies and the gang leader shows up with a few of his friends. You get a closer look at the tattooed hambeast clad in black leather, and it turns out he's the damned postie that hit your car…

  • +2
  • Ahmed Fahour is at Princess Park tonight. Wait in the carpark for him with your evidence and get him to pay up.

  • +4

    Can't contribute but… that guy actually hit a parked car… I never thought people were actually dumb enough to do that…

  • +2

    Poor form on the postie. Has a quick look and obviously relises his (profanity) up and goes on his merry way. OP be glad you got that on camera. Auspost have insurance for these exact things, the guy wouldn't even be out of pocket.

  • auspost must have sufficient insurance covers. Don't worry you will not pay anything.

    The postie may not aware the damage to your car.

    Btw,he rides very fast.

  • Not taking away from the fact that the Postie is in the wrong, why is your car parked forward of other cars and in front of the letter box? This has to make it hard to put mail into the box. The gap may however be larger than the video suggests.

    Maybe the letterbox needs to be moved.

    • I had to move the car forward over the weekend as we were moving something…
      the guy had all the time in the world to pull over and put my neighbors mail in, as you see in the video…

      • I hate excuses. If you park yr car on the road and it is hit. What's the difference? Be careful, hello? What's his hurry?

        • +2

          My son was a postie for a while and like most transport workers they are under a lot a pressure to do a lot of deliveries in as short a time as possible. That is probably why he is in a hurry. It is no excuse for his behaviour though. He must abide by the law.

        • Wasn't meaning any offense to posties. Absolutely not. Just saying he was driving crazy. No wonder it happened. I don't think anything justifies causing damage then leaving. If he didn't have the camera footage he would be stuck with it. Not about him being a postie.

  • Make an insurance claim provided you can identity him. If you can't identity him then you need to contact the Police to identify him before you go to your insurer.

    • Just put it through your Insurance. Auspost know who the Postie is although this isn't relevent. The video is pretty damning evidence.

    • If i make a claim, would that be "bad" for me and my insurance as I literally did nothing in this accident.
      Im gonna ring RAC and get advice.

      • You can talk to your insurer first and ask them to confirm if it will affect your premium for next year.

        If it does affect your premium then reporting it to AP with the video and still photo evidence and a couple of quotes will get to the postie for a resolution.

        If it doesn't affect your premium then you should let your insurer take care of it.

      • Usually no fault claim won't impact anything.

  • Talk to insurer. You can get advice before you proceed with anything. Don't put a claim in until you kniw what you need to know. Feel bad for. It is annoying. It put's you out. The nerve if him. I'd have chased him down the street if i saw him to anyone's car. No not bad for you. Your not at fault. Claim through their insurance.

  • +1

    Post are self insured. They'll pay up. Lodge the claim thru your own insurance company and let them do the rest becauae that's why you pay them the big bucks.

  • +1

    LOL what… how is that even possible, how did he get his bike license? Look at him check his bike for damage, check if anyone saw, then take off. 100% thought he could just get away with it, and was happy to have someone else pick up the bill for his incompetence. Throw him in the chokey!

    • +1

      Finally, someone who sees it. This is NOT normal. Where you been? Lol :) I said earlier keep off the footpath!

    • +1

      been more than 48 hours and still nothing from AusPost… Gonna call their head office here in Perth tomorrow…

    • +1

      how did he get his bike license?

      lol since last month, the postie in our neighbourhood is riding a pushie (e-bike*). We're only 1km from the post office, and they're cutting costs…probably why.

      Being able to hear the old Honda was a nice way of promptly collecting the mail.

      *Front hub motor "pedelec" (pedal-assisted)

  • +1

    Did you ring your own insurance for some advice? You have evidence, Why not report it to the police for leaving the scene of an accident? Leaving it too long may back fire on you. Are you hoping they will do the right thing? I hate to tell you but…. I am hoping you get some justice though. :)

  • LOL@your mum.

    I thought she actually heard the collision and was walking out to inspect the damage! But instead she was more anxious about the post that it looked like she'd been waiting all day for and casually walks out to get the post without noticing anything had happened at all…

    Sorry I just had to point that out. Just trying to see something else positive in all this.

  • +14

    Had to update,
    Australia Post in my local area dealt with it and sent me a cheque of $1xxx for quoted repairs and I got it repaired… All happened between September and October.

    • +1

      Good on you

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