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Masters - Garden Hose 15m - $5.80


Saw this on Masters Catalogue (20th Aug - 26th Aug). Garden hose 15mx12mm for 5.80. Felt it was a good deal considering the fact that I bought 5m one from Bunnings for 5$ sometime back. Hope this helps someone this spring/ summer :)

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closed Comments

  • +5

    Don't know about this particular one but you generally get what you pay for with garden hoses so this will most likely kink like a mofo and go brittle out in the sun and start perishing and spring leaks

    • Agreed. That's why I buy the cheapish ones with long warranty so at least I can return it. The ones without warranty only last a year, but the ones with seem to be a higher standard lasting me years in the sun, and are still only ~$13.

  • I only use the cheapies - find they last for a few years - for 5 bucks I reckon they are good value .

    I changed the fittings with hoselink stuff last time they were on special here.

  • It does it's job and I can always replace it with another one in 1-2 yrs time. Getting at a price of a Coffee :) wouldn't mind at all !

  • I have bought cheap houses in the past and they are aggravating to use. So I bit the bullet a couple of years ago and bought a Toro hose from bunnings. I can't remember the model name but it is red/clear/white. It will usually twist itself out of a kink, easy to wind, doesn't curl up, has brass fittings. Best hose ever and well worth the investment.

    • +4

      Wish I'd bought some cheap houses.

      • +1

        My house has brass fittings. Not red/clear/white though.

      • Blasted autocorrect…..!

  • +2

    I'm at a point in my life where I no longer buy cheap hoses. However the expensive ones are so thick and stiff it's ridiculous. Go mid-range.

    Thick and stiff.

    • +1

      I must be expensive.

  • +1

    Bunnings equivalent is $5.79. Is always this price. Bought one a while ago for a temp hose until I could get a hose reel on special. Hose is ok, but fittings are pointless. Water sprays out from every connection point. Replaced them with some pope fittings as I had them laying around and now works a charm.

  • +1

    Stay away from these. I had one which kept popping from the socket. As well as it expands as the pressure builds.. You rather spend a bit more and go for a 10-15$ Pope hose which lasts long and POP FREE….

  • Not a bargain, standard price at Bunnings, I bought a few on the weekend (Knowing they won't last forever)

  • Thus is the standard price. I bought one and it'd a POS but can't complain for the price. The fittings leak, the hose kinks and mine also exploded and split lengthways. Within a few days it turned black too. Lol.

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