Lycamobile Demanding Sending of ID to India!

Lycamobile has suddenly barred me from calling out, two weeks after I Activated my SIM and was making calls with no issues.

When I rang them, a useless Indian call centre Rep told me I need to send in copies of my passport, credit card and drivers licence to them in India by email.

Should I send it to them?

Has anyone else had the same problem?

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Lyca Mobile


  • +8

    I wouldn't send them my credit card, id be porting out today.

    • I have $50 credit on my account!

      Otherwise, I would.

      • +6

        The wrong people get a copy of your card and you could loose alot more money.

        • So should I take it up with the TIO?

          How much do they get charged for each complaint?

          I want them to suffer as much as possible for doing this to me!

        • @sydneylisa: TIO does not charge any money.
          Try different staff at Lycamobile and ask them to do id verification at Post Office. Some rouge staff is trying to get id and credit card information from you. Report this to Lycamobile or TIO.

        • -3


          You do not know what you are talking about.

          TIO do charge money, to the Provider Lycamobile for disputes. Anyone else know How much? I want to make Lycamobile pay for this pain.

          The Post office has nothing to do with it. Lycamobile are the ones who are scamming me, dude! You have no idea, mate.

        • +2


          It appears to be $44 at the first level.

        • @a a a:

          Very good, at least I won't feel so bad now once I take it to the TIO.

        • +2

          Out of all the items asked for, credit card should be least of your worries. Anything goes wrong with it, the bank will refund it. Lose your passport and driver's licence details, identity theft can be a lot more costly.

  • +5

    Sounds like a Scam…

  • That's why I wanted to check if anyone else has had similar problems.

    And how they overcame them?

    There was no option to verify ID when I Activated, and now suddenly they want the world!

  • +2

    No Way. and They never ask for Credit Card Copy.. Cancel the subscription. Move to other Provider and port the same number. There are other cheap and good options rather than just Lyca.

    • -3

      What about my $50?

      • +1

        Why would you put $50 Credit. I always $10 recharge on the go with Auto Renewal of Max $10 and i can keep track of the calls i make.

        • Next time, I will.

          But in the meantime, what about my $50?

        • +2

          @sydneylisa: Take a risk of Sending CC copy to Somewhere in India to some rep or loose $50

  • +1

    Switch to Lebara, they don't check ID. Good for burner phones.

    • -4

      What about my $50?

  • +2

    Post your concerns on their Facebook page and it will get sorted

    • I'll give it a try but I don't think that will help.

      I told them on he phone I would complain on Facebook about them, on their Facebook page.

      They said to me that the Facebook people don't have rights to see individual accounts.

  • +2

    Never give credit card details over email. I wouldn't even send your ID.

    Call them back and try and record the conversation as well as post on their facebook wall. If you link us to the post we can all like it so it brings a lot of attention.

    • Good idea, will do.

    • They said no, there wasn't.

  • +2

    btw did u call the right customer care number or random mail you got? you may wanna try get in touch again…proofs physical copy to india doesn't sound right.

    • I just called again and got the same answer…send in ID by email

      • +1

        I guess u have to switch

        • -2

          What about my $50 credit????

        • -1

          @sydneylisa: maybe just send ur ID's but NOT credit card…and say ur not liable to give CC details

        • @johnnybravoo0:

          I'm taking it up with the TIO first.

        • @sydneylisa: i don't see other reason not too…btw do u know whats the usual processing tym?

        • +1

          @sydneylisa: have 1 of 2 options:

          1:cut your losses,get over it and use the experience as a lesson learnt (pretty damn cheap one for only $50 ) OR

          2:Keep your 50,hand over all the ID they will ever need to become you….and enjoy the debt,the legal issues and the explaining you will need to do in order to justify how an Indian call centre were given your most personal details without question.Your call.

  • -5

    Indian call centres are best, that's why now most of the countries hiring them, anyways call again you might get different and experienced representative.
    Most of the time they sort this kind of issues easily and quickly.

    • +1

      I disagree.

      Most countries are now hiring Pinoys, which are now cheaper than Indians.

      I definately prefer a Pinay accent over an Indian one!

  • +1

    Deffo make a complaint to TIO. State the outcome you want. I've made complaints to TIO in the past about Virgin mobile when those muppets in the Phillipino call centre won't resolve issues. An Australian rep has always got in touch and compensated me, they are really motivated to get rid of you and pay you off but always in account credit. That might not be useful to you though. I find now with Virgin mobile if I threaten TIO action by email, they get their act together and sort it out swiftly. On the phone they couldn't care less.

  • +1

    Stay away from Lyca, Lebara, etc. Stick with Telstra or Optus

    • Amaysim?

      All call centres and all staff are in Australia.

      • all those resellers give you 2nd rate service..and for what? Telstra sim starter kits have been low as $1 recently. and vodafone just has limited service

        • actually some resellers provide better service than Optus' and Telstra's Filo call centres, at least you get Aussies with Amaysim and Jeenee!

  • +1

    What about the $50??

    • How do I get it back?

      • +1

        I think you should send your details via email. By the sound of things you value the $50 more than your privacy.

        If I were in your position, I would do what many others in this thread have said and walk away. $50 is a trivial amount to spend days worked up over.

  • Just send them everything. Send them a copy of your debit card that has only a tiny bit of money in it.

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