This was posted 9 years 6 months 22 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

$0 Google Play Album - Whitney Houston: The Ultimate Collection


Free Google Play Album - Whitney Houston: The Ultimate Collection.
18 songs.

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Google Play
Google Play

closed Comments

  • Pipped on the post. Thanks GaB :)

    • +1

      Thanks TA. Just lucky. Got home a few minutes ago and noticed it wasn't posted yet.

  • +14

    And III Eeeey III will always Pos+ yooooooouuuu!

  • +21

    What was Whitney Houston's favourite type of co-ordination?


  • +1

    Who is Whitney Houston? I only listen to doof doof EDM.

  • Today I learned from Wikipedia Whitney's only daughter actually died last month on Jul 26, at age 22

    Nobody has any idea how she passed away….

  • +8

    What was Whitney Houston's biggest hit?

    Her last one!

    • +13

      I hear shes doing ok, shes been off the drugs for over 3 years now!

  • Note: There seems to be a problem with the URL link. Please try again later as Google is fixing the problem.

    worked for me

  • +6

    To this day I still listen to the Bodyguard songs. What an amazing voice.

    • +1 Amazing voice. Send shivers through your spine (almost as good as Celine Dion hahahaha). Too bad she ruined it with drugs.

  • thanks OP. downloading now.

  • +2

    Awesome. One of the best modern day singers. R.I.P.

  • +8

    Love listening to this one in the bath.

  • +4

    Top post! Thanks for sharing. Time to boogie!


  • +8

    Thanks OP. I Will Always Love You.

    • +2

      Someone needs a bodyguard.

    • +2

      That's the greatest love of all!

  • +4

    'The Ultimate Collection'. PHEW! Thought it was going to be a 'Greatest hits' album. That probably would of contained a mirror, a razor blade, a straw, some coke, mdma, hash, heroin and a few random pills they found in a drawer.

  • Thanks OP! Great find

  • Where is the Trent the brown bear?
    I almost think that Trent posted this

  • Awesome - a great album to add to the collection.

  • Nice. brings back lot of memories :)


  • -5

    i loved TISM

    I'm on the drug,
    I'm on the drug,
    I'm on the drug that killed Whitney Houston.

    I'm on the drug,
    I'm on the drug,
    I'm on the drug that killed Whitney Houston.

    I saw her body thrashing round.
    I saw her pulse rate going down.
    I saw her in convulsive throes.
    I said "I'll have one of those."

    Bobbi had,
    Bobbi had,
    Bobbi had it in her veins.

    Bobbi had,
    Bobbi had,
    Bobbi had it in her veins.

    Bobbi Kristina had heroin in her veins;
    Lance Armstrong did testosterone, was not the same;
    Heroes explore to give us hope;
    Whitney pushed back the envelope.

    Drank the slab,
    Drank the slab,
    Drank the slab that Amy Winehouse drunk.

    Drank the slab,
    Drank the slab,
    Drank the slab that Amy Winehouse drunk.

    I drank the slab that Amy Winehouse drunk;
    I injected some of Heath Ledger junk;
    I booked an appointment Joan Rivers Surgeon;
    Jared Fogle's charity's? i hate the same.

    Now I'm bored,
    Now I'm bored,
    Now I'm bored there's no stopping.

    Now I'm bored and there's no stopping;
    I need another celeb to fill a coffin;
    Where'll I get my next drug action?
    Odds on it'll be Michael Jackson. Doug Stanhope

  • thanks OP

  • +1

    enjoy? I've grabbed it, purely for when I want to set off all the dogs in the neighbourhood :)

  • +1

    Drugs are bad.

  • 'crack'ing post.

  • +1

    "Crack is whack" Whitney Houston RIP

  • A stubid question: First time to link the credit card. When I clicked the Free button, been asked to set up the credit card(Amex).

    When finished, got the receipt from google play, price is $0, but I checked my bank account, charged $1.36 by Google Servicesmountain View.

    Anybody know why charged me $1.36? Thanks

    • +2

      I'd hazard a guess and say that it could be that when you linked your CC, Google charged you USD$1 to 'verify' the card, which probably roughly converts to $1.36AUD. In most cases, these charges should disappear.

      • +2

        That's right. It happens when you first link your credit card to Google. Check again in roughly 3 days time and it should be gone.

        • Thanks, I will check later.

      • Thanks moo~

  • +2

    I've got the Greatest Hits album and all the songs are already on there - I'll take it anyway! Great find! What a sad waste of such talent.

  • +1

    Wow, that was a mission!!! Every time I clicked the Free button on Google Play it kept trying to charge me $NZ15.99 for the album. I use to live in NZ several years ago and I searched high and low to ensure that I'd changed my address everywhere I could, but nothing I did seemed to work. I even had my Australian credit card and mobile phone linked and everything. In the end it turned out that it all hinged on the address in the Google Wallet (which was hidden away). Once I changed this it was finally free! Weeeee!!!! Thanks OP, listening to the goddess now. :)

    • I use a US address in wallet with my 28deg card, although I might have to change to au because of how bad the exchange rate is getting. The problem is when you jump regions your google rewards credit goes to $0 and it takes a long time for them to start sending surveys again :(

  • +1

    Great post OP.

    Some of these drugs jokes are going a bit far though…

  • Thanks OP :)

  • Sharing a great cover of I Wanna Dance With Somebody by an Australian duo:…

  • +1

    (profanity) you kids! You kids nowadays don't know what music and don't know what talent really means!

    Artists nowadays don't sing, they flash their butts and their push up bras and they have a hit!

    Show some respect!

    • They also ride a wrecking ball while in their birthday suit.

      And let Autotune software do all the tone, pitch and volume correction.

    • IMO, what you said isn't 100% correct. As long as artists/performers/singers do their best to entertain their audience, I call that music. I listen to all kind of music as each has its own beauty.

      You don't like a specific genre doesn't mean that it is not true music. Other people may like/love it.

      • -1

        As long as artists/performers/singers do their best to entertain their audience, I call that music

        how is your favourite "artist" justin bieber doing these days?

        • I do listen to him sometimes but he's not on my favorite artist list. And I'm not that nosy to follow every single second of his life. I have more important things to do in my life.

          And for the neg you gave me, I just don't care. You are obviously a troll and you don't respect anyone. You keep insulting Whitney and her family even though you comments were removed by mods.

          I don't wanna waste my time. Just turn off your PC and go to sleep. You may find yourself better next morning.

        • +2

          I do listen to him sometimes

          that really sums it up perfectly…. any point you could have had is moot.

  • Is there some way to get free Playstore stuff without giving Google any payment details or giving them any money?
    Do they verify Optus accounts by sending a test charge through? I'm wondering if ineligible MVNO and prepaid Optus accounts can be used.

  • Cool! Many thanks OP!

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