This was posted 15 years 2 months 6 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Disney Sing It Xbox 360 $19.99 @ JB Hi-Fi - Then Trade for $38 + EDGE @ EB Games!


JB Hifi have Disney Sing It for XBOX 360 on clearance for $19.99

It comes with a wired USB microphone.

Game + mic for $20 is a great deal by itself, but trade the game + Mic into EB Games for $38 (plus any Edge or Edge+ bonus) and you are getting a very very good deal.

EB have dropped their trade-in price to $24 following an overwhelming response on Tuesday from OzBargainers!

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JB Hi-Fi
JB Hi-Fi

closed Comments

  • +1

    arbitrage opportunity will disappear soon.

    • What do you mean by this?

      • +5

        He means that EB will soon lower the trade value, so you will no longer be able to take advantage of the differences in price.

  • Great find but problem is if JB still have them in stock!?

    • A couple of JB's I've been to have plenty of stock - Victoria Galleries and Pitt St Mall - also Macquarie Centre

      • +1

        JB at Werribee Plaza had heaps of these too…

  • Well considering it can only be traded for store credit, it becomes a less valuable deal since eb games usually overprice their products.

    • +2

      They pricematch though, so you can always buy their products at the cheapest price anyway.

      • Agree - price match a console or whatever and get that price plus a further discount

        • EB no longer pricematch consoles or hardware. You can only pricematch games in a very strict policy that managers often relax.

          • @Lawrence: Wow - when did this come in?

            I have bought all 3 of my consoles at EB Games using price matching - they are going to lose some sales doing it that way…

          • @Lawrence: do they still price match games that come with controlers like dj hero etc

  • This is my favourite kind of deal!

  • +3

    haha gotta love the concept of transferring JB's dead stock to EB, and at a profit no less!

    • Yeah - I had a look in EB and someone has already taken advantage of the opportunity. The traded in versions of Sing It are selling for $99.99 second-hand at EB!!!

  • can anyone confirm if this is in SA as well

  • what console is this for ?

  • ta

    • +2

      Any justifications as to why you voted neg? :S

      • -6

        because people who does this ruins it for geniune people who want to buy and play the game

        • By your logic, anyone who purchases a cheap item "Ruins it for other genuine people who want to buy the same item."

      • also I don't know about you guys but I wouldn't bother wasting my time driving to the shopping centre just to get this embarassing game at JB and then having to find the EB store to trade. Plus those without Edge card would get less so to take advantage of the offer you have to buy a EDGE card too. And EB could change their trade value anytime so you might not even get the $38. Finally, it's only store credit not cash and EB sell overpriced games so I rather not bother hence the neg.

        • Basically your problem is everyone's problem and the world revolves around you ey?

          • +3

            @ops2000: Guys he's offered his opinion on why he negged it, there's no need to start up an argument here.

            • @shadowfangz: Fair enough. Just didn't like his so called "Genuine People" comment.

              • @ops2000: Its just Thomas.

        • +3
          1. That's your opinion and that fact doesn't make it any less of a bargain.

          2. The Edge card is on top of the $38 trade in value.

          3. They might (and will) change their trade in price at some stage, but at the moment it's still $38 as stated in the original post.

          4. 'Finally', EB price match, as I stated in my post regarding GH5 (which I noticed you -ve voted. I'd vote your post down in spite, but then I wouldn't be any better than yourself).

          If you don't like the bargain, you didn't need to post at all. Instead, you post your unwanted opinions about how it spoils it for others (If people wanted to buy it and play it, why wait until they are practically throwing them out?), that it's an embarrassing game, that you need an edge card (uninformed and speculative), and basically no knowledge about EB Games trade in system or pricematching.

    • justification? negative for you then

  • Take it this is instore only?

  • Will this microphone work with the wii?

  • Has someone traded multiple copies yet? like 10+? I wouldn't mind a Wii!

    • I suspect multiple trades at the same store are not allowed - I have traded 2 copies of Godfather 2 before - not sure if you can trade any more than that.

    • Trades can be done in "Normal quantities only"

      1 No problem
      2 Is suspicious
      3 Will be denied if it has any real value, i.e. over $3

      • can u like trade 3 with oen person and then half an hour later trade another 3 with a different person or is it all logged in the computer or something?

    • The last time I tried trading at EB, I was told one copy at a time only.

  • just bought 2 copies from JB Hifi Blacktown and traded them in at EB for 38, and used it to buy lips bundle (not number #1 hits but the first version) which was 50 so only paid $30 all up for lips bundle which has 2 wireless mics as the sing it one doesn't work with lips

    I traded in 1 at EB and got GAME to pricematch both the trade in value and lips price instead of going to another EB to do the same thing

  • +3

    Just bought it for $20, drove to eb and traded it in for $38 + $3.80 for the edge 10%, then had them price match harvy normans $44 for guitar hero 5.
    Total for guitar hero 5, $22.20 plus 10 mins driving. Half price GH5 is worth a big +ve from me!

    • Good stuff - is that Guitar Hero 5 game only, or Guitar Hero 5 game with guitar?

      • That's the standalone game.
        EB has the GH5 guitar pack (guitar and pack) for $98, so if you were keen enough you could buy 3 sing its and trade them in for $38 a pop ($41.80 with edge bonus), then buy the pack and have $10 left over in credit. Total cost, $60. :)

        I picked up a rockband bundle from EB a couple of weeks back for $88 (more than kmart/target/JB, but I got a mic as well), and GH5 works fine with it. :)

        So all up, just over $100, I've got a nice music game setup. Now to just import Rockband 2 game off of ebay and my collection is complete. :D

        • wait so u can trade in as many of these as u like? cause ive got a few games i would love to get at half price.

  • is the trade in valid for imediate use only or can u use it later?

    • All states except NSW. You can put it onto a gift card which can be used at any store nationwide.

      NSW. You can put it as a store credit note, which can be used later at that store only

      • man y do i have to live in the crappy state… what about Game?
        and can anyone find info about trade ins on eb's site? cause i cant find a damn thing.


          There is a trade in section with a lot of info.

          • @2024: A few of them refer to a "Trade N Save" page, which i cannot find. The important info like what you need for a trade in and exclusion lists are no where to be found.

            • +1

              @Trance N Dance: There are no exclusion lists as such, only a list of games you can trade if you want to take them up on their offer of 'trade 2 games for X game and only pay $19.95' etc.

              To trade in you just need photo ID such as a licence or keypass etc. and the game of course.

              To answer your other question above, I would not want to try more than 2 or 3, they'll more than likely turn you down. However if you try it a few times through the day with different assistants I suppose you could get away with it. That or utilise numerous EB Games stores if available. You'll run the risk of them changing the trade in price the longer o take though. Australia wide trading in is happening as we speak, EB HQ will clue on sooner or later.

              I'd feel pretty cheap doing it so I wouldn't trade more than 2 (as it was I only did 1 anyway), but I've read of people getting consoles for a fraction of their cost by taking advantage of trade-in prices.

  • JB Bourke St (melb) has about 30 of them. near the pile of DJ Hero..go nuts everyone…! =)

    (btw…they're marked as $50 but run up as $20 at the register)

  • can anyone post up a reciept to get other stores to price match :D

    • Harvey Norman have a catalogue out at the moment for the GH5 price, if there is one in your area they'll just ring to confirm it.
      The Sing It price should be standard clearance price, if your local JB has stock, they should be at that price.

      Or do you mean you want to buy Sing It from Kmart etc. at the JB price?

      • yeah i wanna buy it at like kmart, target, big w, game, eb even cause they're all closer to me i have to go for a 30min drive just to get to my nearest jb, the other stores are just a 5min drive

  • I've just came back from a drive. Bought 4 copies of the Sing It form JB and traded them in 2 different EBgames. Both stores were nearby so all up took me 30mins. Might consider another sweep of these tomorrow :)

    • Bought 4 and still no +ve?
      Cm'on give poster some credit after you had some profit! :)

    • scan the receipt for me :D i wanna get stores closer to me to price match before i have to go on a long drive and fight for parking

      • I'd like to scan but don't have a scanner. JB would definitely have it at $19.99 all you need is to get the store to ring 'em and JB will confirm the price.

        • Some general info for future reference (but also for anyone else who may not have a scanner), just take a photo on a digital camera to get the same result.


  • Argh…mobile seems to hav double-posted. will post positive wen i get home

  • Clock is ticking till EB stop allowing it for trade. Any bets?

  • +1

    Just went and bought 4 copies from jbhifi and traded 'em in at 2 seperate ebgames (2 to each) and got $166 credit woot woot ;D

  • Any stores in queensland have stock??


  • SA stores only take ONE copy of any game.

    • ooohhh ouch….. i wonder who the lucky winner was

  • -3

    THANK YOU SO MUCH GreatWhiteHunter!!!!!!!!!!!!

    been meaning to get a ps3 for ages.
    so i noticed this post today. immediately rang my local jb to confirm price. then eb to confirm trade in price, then confirmed there was no limit no trading copies.
    so then i bought 10 copies of sing star bundle (went out on a limb, i know) total $199.99
    then went in to the first local eb, signed up for edge card - $10, traded in 5 copies and got $209 on a giftcard.
    went in to second eb, traded in 5 copies for $209 and used gift card, total $418 plus $9 cash
    got them to price match harvey norman $427 ps3 120gb slim console only deal.

    ended up paying $209 (+$10 for edge card) for a ps3 slim! Booyah!

    THANX… !!

    • nice

      • -2

        everyone is sydney can easily do this deal. if the stores dont accept more then 2 at a time (more then likely)
        just go to 4 or 5 stores and trade 2 each and get a giftcard each time……done
        i reackon the will catch on at the end of 2moro afternoon..also you can get it for $200 with 15% voucher only buying 9 sing star packs. instead of edge card

        • 15% voucher?

          • -2

            @RJE91: the 15% edge bonus voucher you get emailed after you sign up for webmail.
            i signed up today as im getting another cheap ps3 2moro for my bro. but it hasnt come through. might take a day or 2….

            • +2

              @snow36009: They no longer do this voucher.

              It has been replaced with a new edge card.

              DO NOT USE the new edge card, it tracks trade history…

            • +3

              @snow36009: Hopefully it takes a while for your voucher to arrive, letting others who are only single trading take advantage before the eb stores are flooded with them by those that lift 'taking advantage of a good deal' to a whole new level and they cause the trade in value to drop to ~$10.

              • @2024: Agree

                • @chichi: ah ok. no worries. was easier the edge card way anyway.
                  how does it track trade history???

                  • +1

                    @snow36009: New EDGE+ 2010 Cards which are bought for $29.95 are tracked.

    • WOW - now THAT is a DEAL

      Which EB Games would trade 5 copies at a time?

  • Is microphone included in the trade or just the game?

    • +1

      Microphone is included in the trade - I suspect it's one of the reasons the trade value is so high

  • I have a feeling you can return sealed games to JB - so even if they drop the trade price below $19.99 hang onto your JB receipt.

    I wouldn't hold a lot of stock though - might be expensive if JB don't accept returns….

  • lol relax what? 4$ profit on buying only games? waste of money cuz shuu

  • Called 3 of the stores to confirm all the information
    - They cannot accept more than 2 copies of the same game due to security reasons
    - The trade-in price for the game is currently at $24

    • Is that for the game with USB Mic? Or game only though? Seems to be a different trade price now then unless they gave you the trade price for the game only.

  • i can confirm that the trade in price dropped down to $24.

    • damn all in one day….. well stuff that cant be bothered to get it as trade bait anymore

  • +3

    lol…i wonder if snow36009 went and bought another 10 copies today without checking here first

    • Hope he did and JB reject return for 10 :)

    • That would be some great karma effect in play right there. :)

    • nope. i rang eb first thing in the morning and they had already changed their price to $24. so i didnt get any. must of changed overnight

  • Eb games now only taking it for 24 bucks. Extra $10 if you trade 3 games!

    • That means Snow should have got at least an extra $20 for trading 2 lots of 5!

  • Have u tried GAME? u get more trade value there

  • Snow benefited the most from the deal and didn't vote a +


    • +1

      An ozleech right there I would suggest.

      • Him and havoc-aus seem to be a plague in these types of video game deals.

        • edit: retracted original post, my comment paints the wrong benefit of doubt

  • Just thought I would let you guys know that GAME is trading it for $35.00 and you can go to EB GAMES and they will match the trade in price. They will call the local GAME store though. I did this even though it was at $24.00 for trade in at EB, they accepted it fine.

    JB HI FI has plenty of stock at Erina(at least 25 boxes around).

    The dude at GAME was real happy to try to rip off EB haha…

  • I was gonna trade a couple more of this but the local EBgame stores found out. This wasn't the same store i went yesterday but it seems that the staffs have been ringing other stores as there were too many trade-ins for this game.

    Got frustrated so I chucked it back to JB for a refund.

    • -1


  • I note JB Hifi have increased the price of Sing It to $27….

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