Buy Daffodils from Coles & 100% of Profit Goes to Cancer Council

Thought I should share this with you all. Buy any fresh bunches or potted daffodils from Coles and 100% of the profit from the sale goes to Cancer Council support services in your state or territory. Thanks :)

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  • +5

    Just remember that's 100% of the profit. i.e. if they cost $9 and sell for $12 that means they're apparently giving $3 to charity. Not to mention the tax benefits they will receive by their reported donations.

    … Or you could just donate directly to the Cancer Council, claim the donation on your own tax and get daffodils elsewhere cheaper.

    • Ye, all great points. Thanks :)

      • +4

        No worries, btw appreciate all your posts!

        .. And it's not that I have have issues with people donating.. but I find Coles and other retailers very sneaky about how they try and get you to 'donate' on their behalf then claim the tax concessions themselves. By buying those flowers you can't claim that under your own donations when tax time comes around because you're just buying goods. Why should they benefit from your goodwill?!

    • Or you could just donate directly to the Cancer Council, claim the donation on your own tax and get daffodils elsewhere cheaper

      Or you could buy a Cancer Council teddy from one of their stalls next week - I've got all the different ones so far, and I think there's a new one this year. OK, so you can't claim a donation on your tax, but the teddies are pretty cute :)

  • Plot twist: They are selling them as a loss leader to get more people in their stores.

    • +2

      Plot Twist: they sell them a loss leader, and demand the difference back from the charity.

      • Plot Twist: the still over charge for all of their products.

        • Plot twist: There is no plot twist. Just a business doing what is in its best interests. In this case, PR 101.

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