This was posted 9 years 6 months 17 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Sony A6000 16-50mm Lens Kit @ Harvey Norman $606 After $100 Sony Cashback


Similar to the previous deal but $92 cheaper.
The price appears as $786 before cashback on the product page but when you "ADD BUNDLE" and check the cart, you will find the bargain price, "Discount (): -$498 Total: $706"!

The cheapest local stock I can find. Actually, cheaper than grey imports too.
$878 @ digidirect
Cheaper than body only price $711 @HN

Picked up one from HN Castle Hill store today :)

Note: Adding the $25 promo code will jack up the total so you can't use it.

Claim $100 back from Sony cashback

Edit: Looks like HN corrected the price so it now appears as $786 in the cart.

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closed Comments

    • stuff u
      jksjks, is this kit still worth buying at this point in time or should i just keep waiting

    • +2

      Then pay 4k to get 4k with the overheating Sony A7rII then.

      a6000 is an awesome bit of kit. Some of us like to take pictures with our cameras, video is a bonus.

  • Now that's the right price for this kit… Everything shouldn't be blamed on the weak AUD. Sony has done well making its place in the Canon Nikon dominated market. Last year with the free lens and now with the cash back.. Though the cash back I'm sure is just to clear as much stock for mk2.

    • What is the free lens deal?

  • even at 800 with a single lens this is a good camera.

  • Pretty good price and an amazing camera!

  • A7000 rumoured to be announced September

    • A10000 will be out around 2020

      • +4

        Well if you think waiting a month or less for what's potentially a big upgrade then you are unwise and or desperate. It should have 4K video which looks so much better even on a 1080p screen and it basically is like taking 1800 photos a minute at 8 megapixel since you can pull stills. It will and should boast some amazing features such as super slow motion and other features found on the rx10 ii and rx100 iv

        Although it may be severely overpriced like those models mentioned above but the benefit is the likelihood of the older models being further reduced

        Notice I only mentioned it's possibility of being announced I never told anyone to actually wait. It can serve as useful information especially to those who buy without research and kick themselves when the new model arrives if it appeals to them.

        Some people might not appreciate the information but I'm sure some will
        As below comments suggest people are happy to discuss the next model

        • +4

          Well if you think waiting a month or less for what's potentially a big upgrade

          …at double the price!

          The A7000 is supposed to be the NEX7 replacement. The NEX7 in 2012 was $1,200-$1,300 with our good dollar.

          If the A7000 is meant to sit in between the A6000/6100 and the A7s, it's going to be priced accordingly too.

          then you are unwise and or desperate. It should have 4K video which looks so much better even on a 1080p screen

          Unwise or desperate, or don't care about 4k video and want to use the camera as a camera?

          and it basically is like taking 1800 photos a minute at 8 megapixel since you can pull stills.

          If you shoot 4k30p with a standard 180 degree shutter for good motion, all your photos will be effectively shot at 1/60 - better make sure you and your subjects aren't moving fast!

          If you increase the shutter speed, you end up with staccato motion. So you have to decide between 1/60 photos or possibly unusable video.

          Being able to pull stills from video should only be thought of as a last-ditch trick, rather than a feature. Unless you're shooting relatively still subjects maybe. You still get far, far less information than a JPEG, and even less compared to RAW.

          I too am interested in the A7000 rather than the A6000, but I hardly think anyone who isn't interested in spending double the money is unwise or desperate. The A6000 is a very good camera that can take very good stills and good 1080p video. The rumoured A6100 would be a closer replacement to the A6000.

        • @eug:
          Yes I agree with the unwise/desperate comment and virtually corrected myself somewhat when I mentioned the probability of it being overpriced.
          I also rarely take videos but when I do then 4K is absolutely stunning and when you have for example a child's birthday and you need both video and photo at the same time eg. Blowing candles the stills you pull are better than 2mp stills in the situations where video is demanded and the only other cameras there are smartphones. ( I played spot someone with a 'real camera' at the Ekka was quite rare same all,it's to most events I go to)

          It's also good when you are video taping in general and find it useful to pull a still.
          You are correct about shutter speeds and someone wishing to learn more about 4K photo mode should do some research about the pros and cons.

          I agree based on the last 2 Sony releases that it will be extremely overpriced.
          I really wanted the rx100 iv but it would have cost an extra $700 after I sold the mark iii. Not worth the price for 4K and slow motion unless I'm rich, a fanatic or seriously need that video power in a pocketable Sony.

          The future of noob photography might move towards 4K to 8k video with images being pulled. There is already a video camera like a GoPro or drone that automatically makes and edits videos based on moments it senses during the video recording. When Packer and Gyngell were having a punch on the photos sold for $250,000
          If I saw this I would have probably captured it with 4K video with 400mm zoom at my disposal.
          The video would be great as it captures the entire scene with audio and allows fairly good stills.
          Would you have taken photos or videos in that situation?
          I wonder which is more profitable although I realise that video would receive millions of views for many years.

        • @thelastnoob:

          If I saw this I would have probably captured it with 4K video with 400mm zoom at my disposal.
          The video would be great as it captures the entire scene with audio and allows fairly good stills.
          Would you have taken photos or videos in that situation?

          I have to say, in my many many years of taking photos, I have never been in a papparazi-type situation like that, stalking someone with a 400mm zoom. If I wasn't stalking, I wouldn't know what was happening 400mm-zoom-distance-away.

          So my equipment choices are based on the photos and videos I take most frequently, rather than the off-chance that I see some rich people having a biff and no one else being around to take the same photos or videos. :)

          In my dream world I'd like them all! A7000, A7s II, rx100 IV. A camera for each occasion.

        • @eug:
          Within a couple of months of owning the fz1000 I attended a gun seige, g20 and recorded an arson attack on an educational building. Extremely high resolution footage is a dream for law enforcement if a terrorist event is filmed. Usually we get grainy footage. CCTV is usually worthless for identifying people in most cases.

          Although these sort of situations are uncommon I am just giving some examples of real world usage. I am interested to know what you would be inclined to do in an event such as the packer fight if your camera had 4K and super zoom. I would definitely film but that said I am a noob photographer.

          Photos are much higher quality but obviously miss a lot of other details.
          I wonder what would have made more money although I'm sure good 8mp grabs would suffice for low res newspaper covers and standard low res resized web images which would net you super high quality video and above standard photos.

        • @thelastnoob:

          Within a couple of months of owning the fz1000 I attended a gun seige, g20 and recorded an arson attack on an educational building.

          Are you the type of person who seeks out events like that?
          How many times in your life will you expect to have your camera on you when all those things happen in front of you?

          I am just giving some examples of real world usage

          I'd be interested to see what the results would be if you started a poll asking everyone here how many times have they been in a gun siege and witnessed an arson attack while having their camera with them.

          That would be more representative of real-world usage IMHO!

          I'd also be interested to see what happens if a gunman sees you filming them.

        • @eug:
          Yes I was seeking such an event for certain reasons. The gun seige was on the news, arson was noticed while I was driving past and obviously g20 was planned.
          I would hope to be courageous enough to film a gunman if not able to distract or take him down.

          With war zones and dangerous events I always appreciate the person taking personal risks to document the event whether it's for money, glory or to document it.

          The cops that executed the Brazilian man in Australia could have been filmed from a good distance as police have been known to take phones and delete footage.
          See aclu Mobile Justice on YouTube

          On my 17th birthday party I was grabbed by police for taking a photo of one. When I asked her what I was being charged with she said it was "assault with a flash camera". I was eventually released without charge.

          I should really mention a really good example of 4K and that when you are at a sporting match and have the option of photos or video only or if someone demands you video the event. 4K will give you plenty of good stills.

        • @thelastnoob:

          Yes I was seeking such an event for certain reasons.

          Ok, so it's your real-world usage. Not the typical camera user here.

          4K will give you plenty of good stills.

          As long as the sportsmen move slowly enough for you to get a sharp still at 1/60. :)

        • @eug:
          You can up the shutter speed to get a perfect still although that would effect the video

          Point is that if you are ever going to use video 4K absolutely demolishes 1080p and is futureproofed for longer
          Having the option to pull 8mp stills is an optional bonus and a vast improvement over 1080p stills which are regularly captured and used often
          if your burst rate is not high enough or you are not really great at timing then 4K high shutter video is great for capturing nature, action etc
          4K is getting older and has been used in small cameras such as GoPro and also the lx100 so there shouldn't be many good reasons to exclude it unless cost or heat can't be managed

          Panasonic implemented it a year or more earlier than Sony and for a much lower price

        • @thelastnoob: Oh absolutely, I'm all for 4K. My next camera will definitely support 4K recording.

          All I'm saying is that not everyone cares about 4K video recording. Some people really only care about taking photos with their camera, so spending double the money for a feature they don't care about isn't the best thing to do.

          With regards to pulling 8MP stills from 4K recording, it works, but as I've mentioned before you're sacrificing a lot of information and quality. Blew the highlights in the sky? Too bad. Subject in a bit of shadow? Too bad.

          4K is getting older and has been used in small cameras such as GoPro and also the lx100

          Bitrate, bitrate, bitrate!

        • @eug:
          its 100Mbit on lx100 what do you refer to?

        • @thelastnoob:

    • @ thelastnoob

      A7000 rumoured to be announced September

      September of which year? :p

      I first read about the imminent release of the α7000 in September 2013.
      And there have been regular ongoing rumours since September 2014 about it being released "next month" or at some time in the near future ;-)

      • If you read the rumour sites they have accurate information a lot of the time and also rate the probability of the leak being credible with a rating system. Wikileaks leaked the existence of the rx10ii and rx100iv and the rumour sites published this information before announcement.

        As with all leaks there can always be last minute delays

        It will be expensive so you can actually decide now what your needs are in regards to 4K and dynamic range, slow motion, potential ibis etc

        • When it come to "predictions" the rumour sites are inaccurate more often than not.
          They don't even seem to be totally sure if it will be called α6100 or α7000 (or both).

          If the rumours keep predicting something will be released "next month" for two years, they might eventually be right - hehehe
          Confirmation bias is strong ;-)

          That said - it is crazy to think that Sony won't eventually release an update to such a popular camera - maybe it's popularity is delaying the release…

        • +1

          Wikileaks leaked the existence of the rx10ii and rx100iv and the rumour sites published this information before announcement.

          I can confirm the existence of the RX100 V.
          …and the A7S II, 5D Mk IV, iPhone 7, Galaxy S7, Galaxy Note 6…

          I bet I'm correct! :)

        • @eug:
          It is very good to know release date patterns even if they can and do deviate sometimes. Very important for considerations such as iPhones and go pro's.
          The early iPhone rumours are can be quite accurate as well as GoPro information can come months and months earlier based on the chipset that provides the processing power. ( this can predict res and frame rates)

          I am watching to see the A7s ii before running to the shops to get the existing model unless I am willing to resell the a7s at a loss. Unless someone has a real need to buy a device or upgrade its best to be patient especially if being so close to a rumoured announcement at a close time to a suspected announcement pattern/ cycle.

          How many millions of times have people bought a device only for a newer model to come out and they have been unaware whereas if they looked they would have perhaps not been caught unawares and left disappointed.
          For those of us who like to think and plan ahead it's essential, for people that don't care they can live in the moment and make decisions for today.

  • +1

    Thanks ~ Bought one. May consider to upgrade to new A6xxx/A7xxx when it is on sale during Xmas.

    P.S. Currently using NEX-5R (2 generations prior to A5000), and has 7 APS-C E-Mount lenses.

    • +1

      a7000 will most likely cost more than double this. Don't expect it to be anywhere near this price by Xmas.

      • I agree. With AU$ dropping like this, I am expecting the new A7000 has RRP around $1300.

        I hope the new one will have IBIS. Half of my current lenses don't have optical stabilisation.

  • Good price but I'm hanging in there for the a6100/a7000.

    • +2

      I was thinking the same thing 8 months ago … when A6000 was on Boxing Day sale and I missed the best price so far. Hope Sony is ready to announce the new A6xxx/A7xxx in September.

    • Sony just made their September announcement yesterday. The rumored A6xxx/A7xxx still not revealed yet and likely it has design issues that delay its release for so more than 6 months.

      I am glad to catch this deal.

    • A6xxx/A7xxx announcement is most likely delayed till 2016 Q1. Source:…

  • Is this camera better value than the RX100 MK3 for casual users?

    • +1

      Depends if size matters -ie do you carry mk3 in pockets often
      Also depends on what lens you use/need
      Pancake lens is great to keep size down as long as you don't care about zoom
      Rx100 mkiii can be bought for approx $600 second hand
      There would probably be a lot of review/forums discussing this same question

    • +2

      If you are not sure, I would recommend RX100 MK3. A6000 bundled lens's quality is not as good as RX100. Also, if you do not need the benefit of interchangeable lens and bigger sensor, RX100 MK3's performance is more superior than A6000. The only downsides for RX100 is slightly slower in low light environments and slower auto focus.

      • +2

        Also, if you do not need the benefit of interchangeable lens and bigger sensor, RX100 MK3's performance is more superior than A6000.

        To me, the bigger sensor is what makes the A6000 performance superior to the RX100. Low light is a big factor for me when it comes to describing a camera's performance.

        That, plus the fact I can change lenses. Not everyone will bother changing lenses though.

        The only downsides for RX100 is slightly slower in low light environments and slower auto focus.

        What do you take into account when you consider a camera's performance?

        • +1

          Bigger sensor is good with good lens. But @ttkc is planning for casual use only, and less likely to invest in expensive lens. Compared to A6000 standard kit lens, my test sample's image quality taken via RX100 MK3 is better than A6000 + 16-50mm kit lens in good lighting condition. Just my personal opinion ~

  • This has gotten me tempted, but I have no pressing need…will wait.

  • tempting, but reckon this camera will be cheaper come year end.

  • Great price and very tempting, should I hold out and hope for a free lens like last year?

    • This bundle is with lens included. Or at least thats what the deal says.

      • sorry, I was meant to say wait to see if sony will throw in the 55-210 lens aswell like last year, which looked like it came after the round of cash backs looking back at past posts.

  • Doesn't this make it cheaper than the A5100?
    Which is better, the 5100 or 6000?

    • The primary difference is overall features. For example the A6000 has a shoe for accessories like third-party flashes, Bluetooth mic, etc. The A5100 does not.

      What will be better is what suits your own personal needs.

      • +1

        Can't believe that you did not mention EVF. That's the main and important difference.

        • Whoops - that too! =)

      • And the α5100 has something the α6000 lacks: a touchscreen…

  • Great camera, paid about $800 a year ago from JB.

    • Me too!

      Fantastic price.

  • I already have the Olympus PEN E-P5 but I've been looking at something with a larger sensor so I can capture more (?) when I'm doing astrophotography. Does anyone know if this will suit me better or is my Oly sufficient?

  • Is this any good for video? I'm thinking about a compact mirrorless to use for lecture videos (YouTube/Udemy) - and also as a great photographic camera.

    Would be great to have control via the Mac - which is why I was initially thinking the Canon EOS M3 which has the EOS Utility.

    • Yes it is top performancer at this price tag but a5100 is better in terms of video codec.
      not sure about control via mac

      • +3

        Firmware 2.0 for the α6000 was released in June, so the video codec advantage the α5100 once held is no longer an issue for most ;-)
        (Note: You will need a minimum 64GB Class 10 or faster SDXC card to take advantage of it in both cases)

        Control via many versions of Windows or MacOS is possible using the "Sony Remote Camera Control" application.
        Wireless control using a mobile or tablet is also possible using the "Sony PlayMemories" application (on Android or IOS).

        • thx

        • Damn, nice work. Had no idea they added the XAVC S format via the firmware update.

          Maybe I should go with this over the EOS M3. Do you happen to know if the Sony Remote Camera Control and iOS app allow you to control in video mode, or just photo snapping? Seems unclear from their website.

        • +2

          @nelga: The quality XAVCS delivers on my A6000 is simply outstanding. It does significantly shorten the recording time though, since the bitrate is significantly higher.

          On a 64GB card, what used to hold 5.5 hours of 1080p/50fps video now only holds about 2.7 hours at 1080p/50fps.

          But damn, it's clean.

          As for the Sony camera control app, you do have some good control over the camera. Yes, you can control video and photos and you can touch areas of your device to make the camera focus on that area (a feature I wish they had built into the A6000 via touchscreen).

    • +1

      I'm thinking about a compact mirrorless to use for lecture videos

      Do keep in mind the video length limitations of these cameras. The vast majority of still cameras will only record continuous video for about half an hour before stopping, either because the sensor might overheat, or to avoid being classified as a video camera which attracts higher duty in the EU, or both.

      If you can take breaks, no problem then!

      • In Sony's case, it's the EU restriction. The A6000 will record 29.5 minutes before quietly stopping (not even the stop beep plays).

        The encoding chip does get warm, but if you flip out the screen, it will record the full 29.5 minutes without a problem. I see no reason why it couldn't record until the memory card was full if Sony released some non-EU firmware to remove the artificial time limit.

        • I used to have overheating problems on my NEX-5, even with the screen flipped out. I don't remember seeing it on later cameras, although nowadays I don't really use the NEXes as B cams anymore.

          I find it really annoying how Sony artificially region-locks their cameras. On my Canon I can easily choose between 25/30 and 50/60 fps. With Sony, you're stuck with the camera's original region.

        • @eug: Correction! I just played with my friend's A6000. You can now choose between PAL and NTSC to get the different frame rates. The box also comes with UK, US, and Aus power cables. Finally!

        • @eug:
          When i switched my old rx100 mkiii to ntsc it would appear as a warning every time i turned camera on
          can you test this as it was such a nuisance and time waster I went back to pal :(

        • @thelastnoob: OK, I'll try it out when I see him next.

  • I have the NEX-6 which I love and still use a lot. One thing that I would like to have though is GPS/GEO tagging as part of the phone. Does anyone know if the newer models come with that or was that phased out in preference to having WiFi sharing etc functionality?

    • With some cameras you can sync to smartphone app to get this function.
      Usually it is a battery drainer as well when used on some cameras.
      If metadata is not stripped then you can potentially give away addresses online.

    • The A6000 does not have GPS functionality, but there are apps that you can install to utilise your phone's GPS instead.

      • Those apps apparently put in the gps data of where ur standing with ur phone and camera, as opposed to where the photo was taken.

  • +1

    I placed an order this morning (at 9am) and it's still under review. I'm worried that they may not honour it even though it showed availability as in stock and estimated delivery is 2-3 business days.

    Yay shipped!

  • is this online or instore?

    • Online only :)

  • +2

    after you bought this, you will spend a lot of money into lens :) one you use prime lens like 35mm f1.8 and 50 mm f1.8 or cz , you never want to use the kit lens any more.

    • 35mm f1.8 is my favourite lens. Sigma's 19mm and 60mm are very good and cheap (less than $200).

      • What about the Sigma 30mm f2.8? Is it worth the extra money for the Sony 35mm?

        • +2

          I experienced both Sigma 30mm f2.8 and Sony 35mm f1.8, I picked Sony 35mm mainly because its aperture of f1.8. Also, Sony 35mm has OSS (optical stablisation) and Sigma does not. This will help to capture sharper images.

          I think it is worth little extra $$ (relatively small extra compared to Zeiss series). Sigma 30mm is about $165 and Sony 35mm is about $300+.

        • @Schpeltor:

          I couldn't find any stores selling Sony 35mm for $300+. Cheapest I found are around $400?

        • +1

          @abracadabra: My apologies ~ I bought it 3 years ago from Video Pro for $325. I just checked now and it is selling $430 - $500. RRP was $449 three years ago, and Sony has increased RRP to $599.

          Note: Sony 35mm f1.8 is made in China

        • @Schpeltor:
          how you can buy so cheap? i bought my one for $399 after 10%

        • i bought the sigma 30 mm before the sel 35. sigma is very good lens, about 8/10 to the sony.
          it s much better than the kit lens.

        • @thanhliemduong: It was listed on Video Pro for $399 and other places were selling for $375. I opened online chat and ask them if they can offer a better price. They offered $325 and free delivery.

  • -3

    The item is out of stock nation-wide for almost 2 weeks, when they are doing a review to see if they continue selling it or not, as the A7000 is just about to release. I called HN to make a follow-up inquiry and it was confirmed over the phone to me. The price is actually a clearance price for the model, but not listed as such with the usual sale logos/icons. The guy I spoke to said he was pretty sure they wont be bringing in any more of the camera, as this is typically what they do when they flog off end of life-cycle products.

    I already tried to jewbargain Camera House, JB's and Diamonds for a price match & was told by managers on the phone at each place they wouldn't price match, as they had called HN's already today and been told the same as what I was - hence they wont price match.

    • I placed my order at 8:25am this morning and just received my tax invoice at 1:50pm after review has completed. At 2:57pm, I received email from AustPost - "Your delivery is ready to be shipped from HN Moore Park - Computer".

      Looks like they have stock.

    • I think they re-stock these cameras after the initial sold out.
      I can still see available stocks in few stores including Castle Hill and Blacktown NSW.

      • +1

        Did you call, i called castle hill they say no stock.

      • I called & neither have stock.

    • My friend ordered online this morning from HN MacGregor QLD. He just picked it up at about 4pm today.

      • +1

        I have a feeling HN dont have proper stock listings and things just pop up every now and then.

        • It's definitely not the best! With the EOS M deal, there was one HN nearby that had stock. I went in and asked for it. They only had one, and it was a customer return. The guy also said 3 or 4 web orders came in for that one camera.

        • @eug:

          A day before this HN sale was out, id bought the a6000 for 878. I had to console myself that it was luck of the draw eith the HN stock lol.

    • I ordered mine this morning and picked it up this afternoon from Mandurah, WA. Not sure if they had any more stock, didn't ask, but happy with this price. Nice work OP!

  • I ordered one this morning and just got a confirmation letter from HN saying they will let me know when the order is ready for pickup. No tax invoice has been received yet. So any chance my order might get cancelled at this stage folks?

    • I am in same situation.

      • I just get called that my order of a6000 has been ordered by HN. I will be noticed as soon as they have stock ready for pickup. NO ETA.

        • I have a bad feeling about especially no tax invoice is received.

  • Good find. THanks

  • +1

    reverted back to normal price $786, also out of stock.

  • Hey guys,

    I know the deal is now expired but I'm still interested on the body only, with the cashback this is still a good deal for me (I don't need the kit lens as I already have e-mount LENS).

    Do you know if we can use the welcome voucher ( and cashback ?

    Final price would be then $586 for body only.

    I'm just not sure because of this paragraph in sony terms and condition cashback (…)

    "and the purchase must not have been made under any other offer or discount provided by a participating Sony Australia authorised dealer"

    Thanks for your help.

    • HN order shows this purchase is entitled for $100 cashback.

    • for $8x more you can have the 16-50mm lens (worth at least $2XX on ebay)
      if you have another body can still use it as spare?
      not sure with sony e-lens, but I know canon lens (supplied with their kit package)does not last very long.

  • just got a email saying "sorry, your order has been delayed" They were in stock when I placed the order! Just so everyone knows, you need to redeem the $100 cash back within 14 days of purchasing the cam.

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