It's a nano quadcopter, similar to the CX-10 but faster, cheaper, and can charge from and be stored in the controller itself.
Going to grab one to replace my worn CX-10.
It's a nano quadcopter, similar to the CX-10 but faster, cheaper, and can charge from and be stored in the controller itself.
Going to grab one to replace my worn CX-10.
Referee gets $2 in coupons. Referrer gets 10% off (if referee spends over US$10)
Cheers. Bought one after watching the video. Looks like a bit of fun.
Bought one. Didn't even know I needed one until I saw that video.
I've been looking for a decent drone - if anyone knows a deal for an actual decent bigger drone with a camera for a learner, please let me know!!
Anyway, I bought this Toy quad as it looks like a mad toy to learn with , cheapest I've seen. Thanks
I personally think, this quad is too small to actually learn on it and then to fly a real big one with camera etc (something like a phantom or a cx-20). I would suggest you train on a bit of a heavier quad to really get the feel for flying a good camera drone. I practiced on a jjrc h8c, which next to my cx-20 is nothing in terms of weight, power and size, I feel like even that was not enough practice. I personally would go for a bit of a bigger one if you want to really practice.
Just one thing about big drones though.. if you buy ones with brushed motors - buy about 2kg worth of motors in spare parts coz they burn out easily.
This nano quad could be quite a bit of fun I'm sure! For that price, I'm tempted.
I learnt on a CX10 and transitioned to a CX20.
The hardest part about flying a quad is learning not to fluctuate your throttle too quickly, and getting your head around the orientation of it. Two things I learnt fairly quickly on the CX10, after multiple crashes which didn't affect it at all.
Just don't try and fly these micro quads outside, the slightest breeze will seriously affect them.
you can learn and practice on a flight simulator to familiarise yourselves with the control.
e.g. the control is reversed when the quad is flying towards you compared to flying away from you
For learning the most important criteria is crashability and low cost. A phantom costs +$1000. I definitely would not recommend any novices to buy the expensive quadcopters until they get some serious experience. The expensive quadcopters carry a lot of weight and can accelerate faster than 60km/h. You can seriously injure people if you lose control of such a powerful and heavy quadcopter.
My first quadcopter was a $50 Syma X5C. It survived heaps of punishment from high altitude signal drop outs. It has a fantastic stability system and can recover from a lot of bad situations. The Syma taught me to be a decent pilot, enough that one of my YouTube video's has earned the dollars to pay for itself.
HAHAHA just watched that YouTube Video!
Would you think this is too small for someone who has never flown ? I'm not sure I can justify a phantom.
Any recommendations for no more than $100 for a beginner quad?
Syma X5C, I got mine for A$50 from shoppingsquare special.
No headless no one button return but with 2MP camera. Quite stable for you to learn.
@knick007: Personally, I think all the under $20 micro quadcopters including the FQ777-124 are a steal! If you've never flown a quadcopter or helicopter the micro quadcopters will give you a good taste as well as teach you heaps.
Beginners with a micro quadcopter can learn:
1) How to trim/setup a quadcopter.
2) Fine motor skills.
3) Direction and Orientation.
4) The helicopter "Ground effect" plus how to land safely.
5) How to side strafe.
6) How to 3D flip and acrobatics.
These are common skills which can be transferred onto expensive stunt quadcopters or outdoor flying.
You get more than 50% the functionality of bigger quadcopters but at 5% the price.
If you want to fly outdoors then micro quads are terrible. The biggest problem is visibility because you need to work out where the quadcopter is pointing to be able to control it properly. Most people can only control a micro quadcopter about 5-10 metres max.
I have better than 20/20 vision and I can barely see my Syma X5C past 50 metres away (the Syma X5C is larger than a frisbee/car hubcap).
@Mumbles: Cheers Mumbles!
I'll order one and keep an eye on Gear Best for the Syma X5C.
I might shoot them a email and see if they can organise another deal.
I really want to get into this drone thing it looks so much fun flying them.
@knick007: That's great!
Just a word of warning is that a lot of YouTube videos make outdoor flying look easy. The reality is that TONS of new owners lose or damage their quads. Definitely don't imitate my YouTube video.
Welcome to the world of flying. Hope you have heaps of fun. :)
What's the link to your YouTube video?
Got 2 to chase the damn lorikeets away from my balcony :D
The hubsan x4 is a good drone for a beginner, but it's about $80 on eBay with the 2mp camera - there is a cheaper.3mp camera version
Sorry, quad copter
Quad-copters are a subclass of drones, call it whatever you like. :)
I just bought a hexacopter a few weeks ago and now I bought this. Are you happy now? ARE YOU?!!
Thanks OP, took the plunge! :)
When purchasing quadcopters/drones, keep in mind the following Australian laws:…
The latter restriction seems a tad excessive and there's a push to increase this distance to 5.5km. Basically, it's illegal to fly a quadcopter/drone anywhere in a capital city or its suburbs.
I personally think it's a ridiculous notion that someone flying a quadcopter at 20 feet, 3km away from an airport in a park is going to be a threat to aviation in the area, but those are the rules.
I would hardly think these rules apply to a micro quad…
Technically, they do. All drones/quadcopters under 2kg. No lower limit is specified.
OK fair enough, but you could hardly imagine anyone prosecuting you or enforcing the rules for a 20g micro machine. Besides I doubt anyone would fly these outside of their house anyhow.
Well, I live within 4.2km of an airport…does this mean I can't fly indoors?
You can't fly at night either.
Wow screw you Australia for this! That is absolutely ridiculous. I wanted to make cool videos of flying around Southbank (obviously when I was a bit more confident)
Presumably making money includes putting videos on youtube?
Extra batteries - can only see… this on the site. Anyone in the know able to say if it would fit?
I don't think you can change the batteries easily. Besides they only take around 15 minutes to charge. You'd be better off buying two quadcopters than extra batteries…I've made that mistake
Not a bad idea :) Makes a great excuse to the wife when I buy two then!
Thanks OP, I'll bite. Always wanted a quad :)
Is it headless?
You can change to headless if you want.
Thanks looks good.. I'll bite.
I think Eachine H8 mini is better value but it is not that small.…
Yaw rate is very fast for a beginner though.
True, but the H8 mini is much much more stable and responsive though so is probably easier to get the hangs of the basics.
Cheers op! hope this doesn't kick off a new expensive hobby :)
It will. Check Syma x5c, syma x8c, cx-20, walkera qr 350 pro, …
Bought one, downloaded the Banggood app… We'll see when this arrives.
Looks fun!
I don't need one. Bought 2 thanks OP
Thanks. Got me one to play with in the office.
I have a 450 size that the kids want to play with now they can have their own cheers
After using a CX-10 and H8 mini, I bought one of these for my dad. He's having a good time learning with it. I personally think the CX-10 has a more comfortable and easier to use controller. The H8 mini though is much more stable and responsive, and is IMO overall the best choice in the long run considering its price. It's good to learn the basics with but also suitable for advanced flyers since it has a very fast yaw rate. It's a fantastic little flyer outdoors too.
Did prices just increase to 18.01 for anyone else?
Price increased when I checked it. Probably because of foreign exchange rates?
seems like bargain effect not with foreign exchange rates
price went up to US 12.99
Just got mine (expedited shipping)… this thing is tiny but awesome :D
Haven't you bought the one in
Profile created 15 mins ago, and both comments link to the same site!!!
haven't got mine yet is this normal?
Free shipping? Then it can take a tad longer. Did you get shipping confirmation
cheers i chose the free shipping and was shipped 19th Aug, will wait a bit more
Mine only just arrived today, and it was shipped at the same time.
@Super8Tab: I'm sure there'd be something on YouTube. I haven't opened mine because I'm considering gifting it.
Just got mine today. Arrived at the post office on Friday.
Currently at Uni and it is killing me not to set it up and try it out in my lecture :)
im on the same boat here. did u get ur head around how to recharge the controller. no lights on the controller when i turn it on
Open the black bits with a small Phillips and insert batteries. :)
Just got mine today.
Are both controls supposed to be self-centering?
Only one of mine is doing this both left and right and up and down.
The other one is self centering but only sideways and not self
centering up and down.
yeah same the left is supposed to be like that for throttling. does your quad bounce up and down??
Dont know yet. I brought it into work and forgot the 4 x AAs.
And thanks for replying.
Got mine today. Thanks OP
I'm struggling to control this thing. I'm not sure if it's because it's my first quad or what.
Once I eventually sync it, I can fly it successfully for about 30 seconds before it seems to get a kind of its own and just fly away. I've already lost it over a house and in a creek.
Has anyone got some simple instructions?
Fly it indoors first where there is no wind. If it still flys uncontrollably then you should play around with the remote control's trim settings.
Any wind will really effect a light weight quadcopter terribly. Try to resist the urge to fly outdoors until mastering the steering and orientation skill.
Wind confuses inexperienced pilots because they often mistaken the direction the quadcopter is pointing. The wind can rotate the direction of the quadcopter and requires you to continually make adjustments when flying outdoors.
Remember that wind is quite complex especially on something the size of a micro quadcopter. Wind is made up of turbulence and eddies. To a micro quadcopter it is like a river with rapids and whirlpools.
My guess is the reason you are fine for the first 30 seconds is because you haven't reach any high altitudes and its still flying very close to you. The wind gets more unpredicatable depending on where you fly (eg. below fence line versus above tree line) plus its harder to work out the orientation once it gets further away. Find a basketball stadium and you will see that altitude isn't the problem it will be your experience with predicting the wind.
Got mine today well 2 of them. Instructions turn on quad, then turn on transmitter with throttle in low position. Move throttle up and back to 0. Its then bound.
Take off and fly. Some of the black buttons are the trim if its drifting look in instructions.
Usb charger is red when charging and off when full. Not tried transmitter charging yet. These things are solid kids flew them all afternoon maybe 20 flights out on the road no problems no fly a ways good distance plenty of crashes.
Do these come on sale often? Thinking of getting 5 more for Christmas presents.
Well the Eachine H8 Mini is currently on sale for $17.50. Bigger quad, faster, but not as beginner friendly.
On sale where ?
So I seem to have a handle on it now, but for the life of me I can't get it to just "float" in place. I can keep it climbing or drop it, fly around but can get it to sit in place.
Try recalibrating the gyroscope by pushing both sticks in the lower-right hand corner while the quad is on a level surface. If it still drifts you need to use the trim buttons to correct it while in flight.
Yeah tried calibrating earlier, no luck. And from what I understand of the Chinese-English manual, the trim is for forward, back, left and right - not throttle up and down. Guess I'll keep playing with it but for the amount I paid I'm not mad.
@shadowfax1007: So I just took mine out for a play today. The best you can do is replace the throttle stick with something longer, such that you get more control over the range of input. It's entirely possible to get it stable with a delicate touch on the stock stick though.
thinking the same re christmas presents. good news is that the original price on bg is $23 which is still pretty reasonable for these.. :D
Does anyone know how to replace the propellers ?
Pull them off, push the new ones on. Opposite sides of the quad should have identical propeller direction.
Thanks! I crashed into the roof :(
That's nothing kids crashed into roof, floor, car ,tree, road, dog, their mum, walls, TV you name it they crashed into it. And it's still on original blades not using the bumpers they were hopless.
This is one tough quadcopter.
Noticed that hair get wound into the blades requiring regular maintenance.
My dog hates it
and yes dog hair from the ground is a issue haha
Alright I need help here….
Last night I was playing with my drone and went to bed around midnight and left it to charge.
Around 5am I was woken up by this really weird noise and it turned out to be my drone on even though it was off while plugged into my laptop charging…
Before I contact banggood does anyone have any ideas?
I've had phantom prop spinning on other nano quads. Can't remember if it happened during charging.
Really, you should never leave a LiPo battery charging unattended anyway.
I know I left it and got distracted by something and forgot.
Just received mine its very cute :) however its arrived somewhat broken. It cannot charge from the controller
Yep mine is F***ed as well…
I sent them a email hopefully they'll replace it.
They aren't replying to my email. Ah well's last time I buy from these guys!
Mine either. I'm on live chat with them now.
Mine either, I'm on live chat with them now trying to sort it out.
@ohhidayo: Same with me I told them I did and I wanted a resolution…. The rather helpful agent said she'd try and ask her colleagues to hurry up haha.
I'd at least like a email saying "Thank you for your email, we will respond within 48 hours or something" just so I know they actually got it.
@knick007: I know right. They also want me to take a picture of the original packaging now… its in the outside bin by now, probably on its way to the plant…
@ohhidayo: Luckily I still have the box and the packaging
Mine is bloody haunted or something. It was doing this at 5am
@ohhidayo: they wanted me to see if the wiring was ok by taking it apart and I replied saying it was completely dead and wouldn't even turn on anymore
I have no idea what happened to mine, propellers move but it doesn't fly? I tried pressing the trimmer buttons but can't seem to get it back to the way it was. First time with a drone so I'm super noob. Any one point me in the right direction to get it flying again ?
Just bought one, see how we go!