How to Get Cheap Services, Like Plumbing, Garage Repair etc. Should I Bargain with Price?

When I try to find a service, I would google it.
However, there would be a lot of them. Some of them are ads so they are on the top of search results. How should I choose? Is it OK to call different companies and compare prices?
Normally after I calling them, they would ask for some photos and tell me how much it would cost. But the price are always different. Should I just choose the cheapest or try to bargain with them?


  • +2

    I guess you need to look at it this way.

    Imagine you're a tradesperson, very good at your job and you do it well. You have a set price because that's how much it's worth for your time to do it. People pay you and you're happy.

    Now you get someone who haggles you down to the last cent, on parts on the labour itself, they're not happy with the price so they really bust your balls on making it cheaper. Would you still be happy to do the work at the best of your capability knowing that this person has bargained you down till you're just head above water breaking even? honestly…?

    Sure enough, I have no issues with asking around to find the best price, but trades people need to earn an income too.

    I'm sure your boss doesn't haggle with your paycheque to see if you'll do the same work for less? And if he/she did, would you still work for them?

    • -2

      You sound like a tradie yourself forgetting this is a bargain site.

      @OP you should ask for some work reference contacts or photos from these tradies before you choose one of them.

      • Not a tradie, self employed though.

        I'm not forgetting this is a bargain site, far from it. You see moral and ethical things pop up all the time. But there's always a trade off from what you get and the quality of work.

        I enjoy a good bargain just as much as the next person, but I also think that being an ass is not great either.

    • +2

      Thanks mate! That is a great point. I totally understand. Now I feel so sorry for the person I rejected today because I told him "another guy offered me a better price"…
      I'm asking this just because today I damaged my garaged door. I googled some door repair and called them, sent them same pictures of the door. Then I got some quotes from $130 to $240. So I'm really confused. Why were prices so different.
      Also, really wondering normally how do you guys find these kinds of service? Google? Yellow page? Or other?

      • +3

        These are individual business and set their own prices accordingly.. Maybe one has to travel further. Maybe one is saving up for retirement. Maybe one has a stellar reputation and charges premium. Maybe one uses only genuine parts rather than bodged up macguyver parts. Maybe one spends more money on advertising and has an admin assistant, and therefore has higher overheads.. The troublesome thing is that price does not equal quality or experience.

      • Just be careful with bogans they will want to charge you arm and leg quoting best quality but what you will really get is sub standard quality of work. You should find the right balance.

  • +3

    price is one thing (and you'll get a range of quotes), but quality is also important. Tradies are reviewed by previous users.

    • +1

      I just used serviceseeking to get quotes for ac installation at my home and I would also recommend them. I got about 12 quotes in a day and I was able to look the tradies up on net and do some Google on them before making my decision.

    • +1

      Thanks so much. I tried it today! It's fantastic.

  • Don't use mr h2o. Reviews are the best place to start. Mistakes were made in my case.…

    read this replies from the company, funny as poop :D

  • Yes please read reviews. I found the cheapest pink slip place near me on gumtree recently and forgot to look up google maps review which 13 out of 15 ppl voted one star.

    That was bad week!
    I jumped through all he's hoops without paying that d any more than the pink slip fee after passing trivial things on my fourth return over three separate days. What a pain.

  • Thanks for replying.
    I tried serviceseeking for plumber. Got several quotes today. There was one quote for $100 from TJW plumbing, which is significantly lower than others (all others $220 - $275). There were no reviews on their business page, yellow page, google or product review. Probably a new one. Should I give it a try?

  • Then I got some quotes from $130 to $240

    I had to get a repairman to repair a fence a while ago. Got a quote from an 'experienced' repairer, who I found very unprofessional. Not only was he late, he didnt take any measurements/samples and his phone answering skills was lacking! He sent a quote of $500.

    Went online to find a handyman, one came to give a quote. Took measurements, colour sample, suggested methods to address our concern and was on time! Quote ended up being less than $300 and the job was well done.

    Bargaining is sort of asking them to half arse the job as a punishment for you being an annoying cheap-ass. Better off choosing the cheapest one with good feedback.

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