Been a member for over a year but just sat in the background, not sure if I put this in the right place but wondering if anyone could help ..I recently brought a chromecast that I have hooked up to my LG TV all work well n I'm using my iPad Air to cast it..problem is I use Netflix with turbo flix added but when I try to start movies it tells me not available but if I just view it on my iPad or laptop they work ..TIa
Chromecast for Turbo Flix
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Thankyou for your reply..seems a little too technical for what I can do lol
If typing
"WRT-432I Block Google DNS" into Google and then follow the instructions is "too technical" how did you ever set up Turbo Flix?
Just stream the chrome tab playing netflix to your chromecast instead (with turboflix on), bypassess all the dns stuff. WIll have to change the router settings for it to work with all devices though, as above.
Does this work? Tried this and it just launches netflix through chromecast and doesn't stream the content in chrome browser to tv.
It works if you cast screen, but you need a high power device to do so, I'm pretty sure a tablet isn't going to cut it. A Decent laptop will be OK
It does work, i do it on my laptop all the time. You'll have to change it in the drop down arrow on the options though as netflix will load in a stand alone app from it if you don't change it.
Thanks! I'll give it a go tonight
Awesome it works :) didn't know about that little trick.
@MemE: Awesome! It can… get a bit laggy but that depends on what else you would be doing i guess, not a bad work around for most of the time though.
I thought of doing that but from what I have read you can't get the chromecast add on for chrome for IOS ?
In summary.. unless you are prepared to fanny around with the settings on your router you are going to be out of luck with bypassing DNS.
I believe Roku is similar to Chromecast in that DNS is locked.
Apple TV is easy and if you have an Ipad Air it works well.
I am going to give the bypassing the router options try ..thanks for the help..wish me luck !
Chromecast uses Google DNS (ignores the Router DNS, in your case Turbo Flix) by default.
You need to block Google DNS in your router. Each router is different so, search
"router model Block Google DNS"
for a how to.