Hi, I am Que, From NO.1 phone

Hi, I am Que, From NO.1 phone.

All question about no.1 phone/smartwatch, can ask me


  • +4

    Do you even lift?

  • +1

    Hi… I am NO.1 son.

    • +1

      Me, too - but not Me 2.

      My parents should have stopped at No.1 :-)

  • +1

    Hi i have a Q for Que, will you answer the Q?

    • +2

      Get in the Q.

      • +3

        Which queue?

        The Near Queue?

        The Far Queue?

    • Hi, here, What kind of problem?

      • +6

        Does Que have a clue?

  • If you are No1. who is no2

    • Funny, NO.1 is a brand of smartwatch and smartphone

  • +3


  • +1

    when will you buy me dinner?

  • What kind of phones and smartwatches do you sell?

  • If no one phones, do you really need one?

    • If a phone rings in the woods, and no-one's around to hear it, does it make a sound?

  • +1


    I thought Q and M are dead.
    And no No2's jokes please.


  • Do you have any good deals on your products or just here for free advertising?

    • We cooperate with many online shop, and yes, I have good deals on my product.

      • Ok, i'll bite… So what are these 'good deals' you speak of?

      • Yeah you havent said or offered anything to make me think you are anything but a time waster. Post your deals and if they are good enough than I'll ask questions about the product. That's usually how the rep scenario works.

        • lol but OP wants you to go on his website and find the 'deals' yourself

  • My mother told me to mind my P's and Que's

  • +1

    Do you know J or K from MIB?

    • She's probably closer to P. Sherman

  • +1

    Can the phone run Crysis?

  • I am phone.

    • *Groot.

  • I think there is a bit of confusion.

    You work at this site? or this site? or both?

    • The confusion is that no one knows who she's reppin :P

    • en.001phone.cn this site

  • Once you go No.1 phone, you will never go penguin.

  • hi agent 001, I'm 008; is it my turn yet?

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