Motivation to Get Stuff Done


the title is pretty self-explanatory.

My kids were away this weekend. I had the whole place to myself.I had big plans : I was going to get back into my running routine, start a mindfulness/yoga practice, clean the house,go grocery shopping, do a little bit of gardening, catch up with a mate, work on my report… and I've literally done nothing :(

Ok, I did something. I watched 2 seasons and a half of Hannibal and I ate all the kids' snacks :(

How do you motivate yourself to do stuff? Do you use an app? Do you use a reward/punishment system?




  • +3

    Start early…set the alarm for 4am ,head out for a run, have a good breaky, watch the sunrise, set your priorities with a list and get started.

    • Old me didn't even need an alarm to get out of bed at 4 a.m and do all of the things you've mentioned.

      The new me couldn't even get out of bed at 10 this morning:( No idea what's wrong with me or where this complete lack of motivation is coming from.

      • +1

        Maybe you need a checkup.

        • Maybe…

        • +2

          @Jar Jar Binks:
          Please see a psychologist ASAP. Like what waterlogged said, you are covered by medicare for 10 sessions.
          However make sure to see your GP and get a care plan. The psychologist clinic I work at charges differently depending on whether you have one.

          Hope you feel better soon!

        • +1

          @Banana: I've spoken with a psy shortly after Wiki moved out and again today. He said its grief and I agree. Its been a tough couple of months: I was injured in a car 'accident', had a visit from my biological mother, Wiki had a miscarriage, Gran passed away, wiki moving out … Its been hard but things are starting to look up again. I'm feeling happier and more positive about the future :)

          Thank you.

      • +6

        Sounds rather like depression, JJB. It can absolutely kill motivation and seemingly your ability to achieve the basics day to day (which previously would have been effortless). It sucks immensely.

        I'd also suggest speaking to someone. Find a great psychologist and you'll never regret it. I'd be lost (possibly worse) without mine. Good luck. (P.S. see your GP first - you should be able to ask for a Care Plan to take to a psych of your choice / one the GP can recommend, which entitles you to 10 free sessions per year covered by Medicare). You're obviously going through a lot so it wouldn't be surprising if they start to take a toll on you.

        Re: motivational issues itself - I find that writing To Do lists every day, covering even the most basic/mundane things like 'brush teeth', 'check mailbox', etc help a lot.. partly because I get a sense of accomplishment when ticking off each thing (thus I don't feel I've completely wasted the day and done nothing.. so that feeling of achievement in even the silliest things actually feeds my desire to do more and keep up that nice feeling of 'hey, I'm getting all these things done today!' when it comes to the more challenging tasks). Also partly to keep me focused and avoid neglecting everything when I do feel completely apathetic towards life, since that can spiral to extremes where you might not even see the point in getting out of bed in the morning.

        Not sure if this would help you. Others might find setting mini deadlines for each task throughout the day helpful.

        • find that writing To Do lists every day, covering even the most basic/mundane things like 'brush teeth', 'check mailbox', etc help a lot.. partly because I get a sense of accomplishment when ticking off each thing (thus I don't feel I've completely wasted the day and done nothing…

          Yep really helps. Thanks Turnip:)

    • Cheers:)

    • I've started using Todoist and It has made a huge difference in my productivity. Thank you.

  • +2

    The best way I found to get to the gym is to have all my gym stuff already in my bag and then just pick my bag up and go out the door without thinking about it.

    In relation to the housework just pick whatever you think really needs doing first. In my case it is the bathroom. I clean the kitchen right after I cook.

    • +1

      +1 for prepacking

      I go to the gym before work 3 days a week. I pack everything the night before and literally have my gym clothes beside the bed ready for when my alarm goes off. I put them straight on and then eat breakfast. By the time my brain realises that I have gym clothes on, I'm ready to walk out the door and I'm committed to it. When I trained after work (tried to anyway…), I'd get home and just think how tired I am and of course, skip it.

      I've never been a morning person, but going to the gym first up has genuinely made me like mornings. I feel less stressed, concentrate better at work and sleep much better. I crawl into bed at 11:30, am asleep within 5-10mins instead of the 30-40 it used to take me and I sleep straight through to 6am.

      • +2

        Oh.. and stop opening Ozbargain. I'm sitting here instead of doing emails (which are open, so intent is good, but procrastination is a killer for me when Ozbargain is around…)

  • +2

    Rewards have been proven (in most cases) to be far more effective than punishment. Make what you want to do an absolute necessity - give yourself some accountability (e.g. tell everyone your plans) so that you don't have the choice to not do it. Once you've formed routines from, say, going to the gym, it's much easier to continue doing it.

  • +4

    Two tips for you JJB,
    1. Swallow the frog… the thing you hate most first (always vacuuming for me)
    2. Set deadlines eg. I will go hard at the housework until 12 midday, then go for a run, straight onto the shopping…finish by 2pm then gardening, shower, catch up with a friend at 5pm.
    I find it really helps me to set little deadlines throughout the day to keep me motivated!
    Having said that, don't feel guilty about not achieving as much as you wanted this weekend…sometimes you do need a break and you might find you have heaps of energy to achieve everything on your list next weekend :)

  • +1

    Punishment and reward just didn't ever work for me. What did work was acknowledging the situations that procrastination put me in and working out that the cost of it outweighed the short-term benefits. I still slip back into it occasionally, but most of the time get stuff done as soon as I can.

  • +3

    yep, just think about why you want to do the things u want to do in the first place.

    if you truly want that result then you will do it. Otherwise, you don't really want it, so it's actually fine to watch Hannibal, coz that's what you want more.

    Recently, someone told me Arnold Schwarznegger wakes up at 4am everyday. While that wasn't the impressive part, it got me thinking, he has 3 more hours than me every day. I don't know where I'm going with this, but basically I found sleeping when you're not doing anything productive, and then waking up early to utilise that time has helped me.

    • a friend of mine does that and then has an after lunch 30 minute nap. wakes up refreshed and gets back to it.

  • +1

    Livibg in poverty is a great motivator.

    Look around at the people who "do" things that you aspire to do and monkey their actions.

    Look at your goals everyday and make a list.

    Dedicate reward incentive for time or accomplishment along your journey.

    Turn off all electronic devices or put them in flight or DND mode so you remain focused.

    Do not take what you do everyday for granted. You probably do a lot and do not actually think you are doing anything.

    Be sure to understand that even the small things are driving you towards your larger goals. Keep momentum by understanding this.

    One foot in front of the other.

    • Living in poverty is a great motivator.

      Its not just living in poverty.Its whenever you have your back to the wall.

      And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.

  • Did you really want to do those other things? I love a weekend like that! I'm not depressed - maybe a little lazy.

    My main problem is focus - I start something but quickly get distracted my something else.
    I haven't found a to do list that works for me. It would need to be on phone or synced between work and home pc, and somehow prompt me to check list without just a regular reminder that I would ignore.

  • +1

    Lack of a good nights sleep also makes your " cup half full " the following day instead of fully filled & recharged.
    I totally agree with "pascher" on the importance of making goals & writing lists of things to do . It's amazing how therapeutic it can be to put a TICK next to a job that has been accomplished - o.k. the list might not all be ticked & the next days might have 1 or 2 more - but it gives you the incentive to try for it , instead of taking the easy option & then suffering the guilt of not having accomplished anything - that easy option only fools one person - yourself. & it certainly doesn't make that list get any shorter.
    I'm off now to practice what I preach, as my own list still needs a few ticks !!
    Good Luck :)

    • instead of taking the easy option & then suffering the guilt of not having accomplished anything - that easy option only fools one person - yourself.

      Like Gramps used to say, in his thick Irish accent, "procrastinating is like having a wank. At the end of the day, you're only f@#%ing yourself."
      So true. Cheers.

  • Don't ask me. T'as taken me a week to post this comment.

    'Procrastination' is my middle name. (How could you, Mum and Dad? I hate you.)

    Everybody calls me 'Tas Procras'. They don't even use my surname, anymore. Even on my licence. Rude. (How could you, Everybody? I hate you, too.)


    scratches arse, sees selfie-stick deal on OzBargain

    sees 'OUT OF STOCK'

    sees nasty comments about the most important invention since the wheel


    Life is hard.

    Anyway, Jar Jar -
    You horrible, Hannibal, binge-watching, kids'-snacks-snaffling-serpent (you freakin' monster), I hope you're in a somewhat better frame-of-mind than this lazy-time, lard-arse, last-time, last week. I suppose.

    So, um, JJB…
    Were those snacks you sneakily snaffled, s-s-s-savoury, or were they in fact, s-s-s-s-sweet? Maybe I can interest you in s-s-s-some more? Lol

    ('Lol' is just short for 'Lollies'. No biggie, JJBinks.)

    extra Lol, if not enough…

    P.S. If things haven't improved, beyond not getting things done, you probably should listen to that s-s-s-waterlogged turnip chick.

    • I'm feeling a lot better.

      …and Dear Tas, when a woman tells you "its ok" , "I'm fine and "don't worry about it" , never believe her! What she really means is that its not ok, she's not fine and you most definitely need to worry because the next thing you know, she'll be packing her stuff,moving out, asking for a divorce and ripping your heart out in the process…

      Anyway, like I said, I'm feeling better :) Now that I know what's wrong, I'm pretty confident that I can fix this.

      Edit: This is how I pictured you … sans the tan but avec clothes. Your description of your "arse" and what you do to it has totally ruined this fantasy for me :(

      Edit 2: I'm not even scared of snakes anymore.Took the twins to see "Bella". No binoculars was required . Pretty stoked with myself.

      • 'Edit':

        Feel free to reconstruct at least part of your 'fantasy', and don't forget to add the snake.

        I've also had many a compliment on my arse, thankyou very much.

        Personally, I prefer my sparkly eyes as a best feature, but I do have the same 32inch waist as I have always had.

        I also haven't eaten anything since last night, which might be reason for it today.

        Posting one more comment elsewhere on OzBargain then going to eat and do other things.

        Heard the weather forecast for Melbourne, today. Suck eggs, Jar Jar.

        'Edit 2': Good.

        • Heard the weather forecast for Melbourne

          Bike ride with the kids and a younger, bustier and petite wiki-look-alike. Followed by a fish and chips lunch at my favorite fishbar: Tommy Ruff! The lady insisted on paying for lunch …so I guess dinner's on me. Suck eggs indeed :)

        • Assuming not just an un-me fantasy or 'petite wiki-look-alike' looking more like wiki's previous, Ewok, avatar - an interesting development. Ploy to make someone jealous? Might work.

          re-scratches & then bounces coins off arse, currently in shorts due to lovely Brisbane weather

          I trust the dinner goes well.

          Happiness is a warm snake.

        • @Tas:

          Assuming not just an un-me fantasy or 'petite wiki-look-alike' looking more like wiki's previous, Ewok, avatar

          It was no fantasy ,Tas. My date was a real, live, stunning-looking woman, with eyes so bright, that they must outshine yours.She smelled faintly of magnolias, vetiver and jasmine: fresh, lush,earthy and romantic , like falling asleep under a canopy of stars on a warm summer night.

          The lady in question is in love.So am I. She's in love with her fiance and I'm in love with my wife.She looks strikingly like wiki because she's her sister :) She's one of my favorite people and her soon-to-be hubby is a top bloke. He came over for dinner. So did wiki.

          Dinner went well.Wiki was wearing a dress.Her long, glossy hair was swept to the side, falling in loose, big waves on her left shoulder.She looked ethereally beautiful.I couldn't take my eyes off her.

          She has lost weight:( Her amazing cheekbones were more prominent and she felt fragile when I hugged her; like I would break her if I hugged her too hard. She didn't say much during dinner which is unlike her. she's the more social of the 2 of us. The kids picked up the slack though. They are so excited about the SIL and her fiance's up-coming wedding and the part they are going to play in the ceremony. Ewok was on his best behaviour, after he got over the excitement of seeing wiki. Darthie was nowhere to be seen.So yes, dinner went well.

          I better go and check on wiki. She's putting the kids to bed.Might be able to convince her to stay over… for tonight at least.

          Should I go with your crude innuendo or with a P.B Shelley's poem?

          Good-night? ah! no; the hour is ill
          Which severs those it should unite;
          Let us remain together still,
          Then it will be good night.

          How can I call the lone night good,
          Though thy sweet wishes wing its flight?
          Be it not said, thought, understood —
          Then it will be — good night.

          To hearts which near each other move
          From evening close to morning light,
          The night is good; because, my love,
          They never say good-night.

          Edit: I've no idea what SIL smells like. I've made that up.

        • +1

          @Jar Jar Binks:

          That was a rather florid post, JJB. That first paragraph, beyond. Glad to not have, any allergies.

          Should I go with your crude innuendo or with a P.B Shelley’s poem?

          What crude innuendo, and that wasn't a real question, anyway, was it?

          My character besmirched (compounding the earlier insulting of my arse) and you just went with the Percy poem, regardless.


          Good night

          You should probably show Wiki your post, before she says that to you.

        • @Tas: I take my hat off to you, Sir Bard Tas. Your wittiness has won the lady over :)

        • @Tas:

          JJB caught you with that one Tas. Surely the description was enough to have you wondering what relation she was?

          Glad someone is enjoying nice weather, it's raining cats and dogs in Sydney and there's no end in sight for several days.

        • @Miss Dior: Hmm, yes, but the thought that Wiki has a sister /one that would dare venture beyond Mauritian shores given for dire wiki-warnings about the outside world /Australia, is pretty difficult to fathom.

          Sympathies for the weather. App on phone says not-too-bad after tomorrow.
          21° for you, vs 14 degrees on Thursday for those You-Know-Who (Wretched-Melburnian-Egg),suckers.


        • @Tas: SIL is my biggest ally in the let's-not-move-to-mauritius-for-at-least-another-30-odd-years.She's an Australian Citizen. Has been for a year or so. The irony is that she met her future hubby, who is Aussie, while attending a friend's wedding in Mauritius. He was there on a working visa. Living the dream from what he says. He tried for a very long time to convince her to stay in Mauritius but she wouldn't have any of it. So he came back here… and is now counting the days until he becomes a Mauritian citizen.

          Edit: Wiki isn't anti-Australia and most definitely not anti-australian. She's traumatised by some of the recent events and wants to go home . If you say the go home in your best E.T voice , it kind of make sense.

        • @Jar Jar Binks:

          About the 'Edit': JJB, I am a bit of a stirrer, in case you hadn't noticed.

          Given a trim, I bet that dog of yours/Wiki's would do a pretty damn good E.T. impression. I suggest photo of Ewok in bicycle-basket for family / Christmas card purposes. You're welcome.

          I suspect that you let me down on the 'Ewok in a Bucket' photo-assignment, so this one is less 'suggestion' - more an order - JAR JAR.

          Additional photos of E.T. Ewok in a manger - optional.

        • @Tas:

          Given a trim, I bet that dog of yours/Wiki's would do a pretty damn good E.T. impression.

          He did and the mini humans( aka the twins) looked really cute in their red sweatshirts. That was in 2013. In 2014, Ewok was Waldo in "where's waldo?". This year, we're thinking either the yoda, which would require a shave or Teen wolf, no shave required.

          Re: stirrer. I've noticed… which is why I'm surprised that you haven't suggested that I might have married the wrong sister. That thought did cross my mind over my lunch with SIL.

        • @Jar Jar Binks:

          Re: stirrer. I’ve noticed which is why I’m surprised that you haven’t suggested that I might have married the wrong sister.

          I didn't, because I am a gentleman.
          One Hundred Percent Of The Time. *

          (*Less 20% eBay discount.)

        • @Tas: Don't forget the 2.5% from cashrewards.

        • @Jar Jar Binks: um, of course.

          Pashrewards is to Cashrewards, as eBay is to eBae, so no need to hand back OzBargain Card.

          That's how I'm rationalising things, anyway.


      • +3

        Sorry to interrupt your words to Tas. Yes you are right and if you have learnt this then it will stand you in good stead for the rest of your life. "I'm fine", "it's ok" and so on, in feminine speak, definitely don't mean that a woman is fine or ok, usually just the opposite. It often means something akin to: "You know what's wrong, I've told you, I give up, please stop asking me, would you please do something about it instead of asking me if I'm ok when I'm obviously not?". We often say this when we have run out of our 8000 words per day and are just at the end of our tether. It's easier than going over old ground again.

        Women are an interesting bunch and it makes me wonder how we can talk so much more than you gentleman do and still not be understood. Hope things are improving for you both. Time may not heal all wounds but it certainly does help a lot.

        The quietness at dinner may mean she is thinking and just soaking up the moment, and that's a good thing. Your dear wife is probably tired too after dealing with so many issues if your other post is anything to go by.

        Hang in there JJB. It isn't over yet.

        • Hang in there JJB. It isn't over yet.


  • I've just read your reply to Banana.

    (well, that sentence looks weird on the screen.)

    A couple of the happenings mentioned, and those not previously, do add some explanation for issues and other things. Sad to read of them.

    Glad that you're in a better frame of mind and hope that Wiki is or will be, soon.

    Have a good week.

    • +1

      Some of those 'happenings' were hard to talk about …

      Feeling on top of the world today. Happiness is indeed a warm snake.

  • +1

    I tend to do things without thinking too much about it, otherwise I will somehow convince myself to not do anything at all. This is especially true for exercising.

    So my strategy is simply to dive into something as soon as I think about/remember to do them.

  • +1

    To set priority for work and around time limitation for each work, help me to motivate stuff get done easily. Because priority setting for each work makes me very active all the time, as a result there is no pending work on weekends.

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