900gram Nutella $1.01 @ Big W Northlakes
located where the self serve checkouts are.
scans as $8 but labelled $1.01. checkout staff will fix it.
Best Before date 25/8/2015.
as if there would be any left by then.
900gram Nutella $1.01 @ Big W Northlakes
located where the self serve checkouts are.
scans as $8 but labelled $1.01. checkout staff will fix it.
Best Before date 25/8/2015.
as if there would be any left by then.
I can say it but I doubt it would be true.
Doubt any others will have it at this price
As its stock expiring, I would say no
How many were left?
Store is closed
This is madness!
Should have taken it for free if there's a scan issue, I am not sure if this applies on discounts/clearance.
Big W doesn't do the "wrong scan= free" biz
I thought it was law?
It was never the law, that would be such a ridiculous precedent for retailers
you're thinking of the International Incorrect Price Scan Treaty which was ratified by the UN in 2004.
Australia refused to sign.
Only for supermarkets and only Woolworths do it.
Annoying Coles pulled out.
Didn't realise Coles pulled out! When did this happen?
@timting05: We pulled out not too long ago but this is still part of our own policy (I work at Coles).
Nutella crepes at Altomic's house!
A lot better than those crepes that stores try to pass off as 'nutella' crepes when the homebrand substitute is (imho) nowhere near as good as the original.
This is irresponsible.
BB 25/08/2015, its just 9 days for u to use it up, oops! But for 1 buck, lol!
Wow, just wow! I was at a Big W today in Vic, I saw no such special :( Probably just isolated stores. If it was me, I would have got all 13 of 'em!
Do you want to eat nearly 1.5kg of nutella each day?
Do you not?
Why do you assume I would eat it all? There are other people who live in my house, ya know.
or you could have used it for other things.. body paint, gap filler, make eneloops taste better.
Just so people understand, nutella and similar products utilise a BB date because there isn't actually a safety issue consuming the product beyond this date….only a quality issue (i.e. colour, texture, taste, etc may vary) so even if you stock up and consume well beyond this date no probs at all. Incredible bargain, stock up if you can I say!
This price is nuts
So, what nutella shortage?
there was 5 tonnes of nutella stolen from a van in Germany in 2013.. maybe this is grey stock from that..
The 1c means it's a that store only deal
So does anyone know if there's any left?
…and they're all gone :o
that's nuts! - hazel nuts!
Can someone say if this is nation wide?