Tri Band Wi-Fi Adapter (USB or PCI Express)


I bought the netgear nighthawk x6 that was listed a month ago.

At the moment my network consists of 4 x PoE adapters. They work ok if I reboot them once a week, sometimes the latency is pretty bad and my internet gets choppy until I go and reset them all.

I would like to try and put my main PC on wifi and see if its better. If it is I would then also put my HTPC / Home server on wifi.

Can anyone recommend a good wifi adapter to use?

Would sticking with netgear stuff be best? I can only find dual band… I am leaning towards one of these.



    • Thanks, looks good.

      Do you mean I need an adapter to connect this into a PCIE slot? Can you link to one.

      Does it matter that this doesn't have external antennas?

      EDIT: I see your link now. I will do that.

      • That is why you need to buy this…

        When you receive it in the mail, you pop the Intel Wifi card into the slot, then screw it down with PC screws (a nut may be required to hold it down, but I just used a bit of cable tie to secure it. Plug in the 3 thin antenna cables into the Wifi chipset.

        Then you attach the included black antennas (not pictured) into the card and you're ready to go.

        • Can I buy these locally?

          If not I will order from Hong Kong.

          Thanks again.

        • @daveaus:

          These parts are not sold locally. Will have to import.

        • @scrimshaw: Thanks. This would work better than the netgear USB?

          Is there any benefit to using netgear stuff with a netgear router?

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