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Crusader Kings II Bundle 90% off ($9.99USD/$13.80AUD) @ BundleStars


Save 90% on the base game plus 10 DLC. With over 12,000 Very Positive Steam reviews, secure the future of your dynasty and expand your empire!

AUD price is approximate based on Google currency conversion at 11:35am 12 Aug 2015.

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  • +1

    This game has be ruining my evening. I knew I shouldn't have ligitimised my bastard. Kingdom splitting up is giving me headaches.

    Assume this is a good deal if I already have the base game and none of the DLC?

    • +1

      Some of the good DLC is in the 'bundle' (ie the actual expansions, not just the unit packs) so it's probably worth it if you have none of the DLC.

      It does go on special reasonably often and usually everything except the brand new DLC can be grabbed pretty cheaply.

      If you can be bothered though taking a look at isthereanydeal.com and seeing how cheaply you could get the DLC could be worthwhile too.


      • Cheers - looks like the best price and as it's just under 3 bucks per piece of the hefty stuff so might just pull the trigger.

        Thanks to you as well OP

  • +1

    don't worry your son will be able to murder his brother thus making him heir of both kingdoms. Gravelkind isn't so bad ^^

    it's an ok offer but 10 DLC is only 1/5 of them… hardly worthy the name "bundle".

    • Tru dat.
      Holding out till I can get the complete DLC on sale since playing a game on this scale, then having to "replay" it again when DLCs come in will take two lifetimes.

  • It's a great game you like drinking your own blood and tears.

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