Advice needed for insurance claim from RAA

Hi all,

I was involved in an accident in March 2015. Someone hit me from behind while my vehicle was stopped completely at the traffic light. She thought the light changed to green and accelerated into my back bumper. No one was injurred and we exchanged contact details. The car, as well as the comprehensive insurance they had were under her mother's name. Both of us were with RAA so I thought that would be easy. I had the car fixed and sought reimbursement from RAA on the hire car fee. However, up until now, I still haven't got my reimbursement back. I rang RAA a few times, they said it's with the recovery team. They failed to contact the other party to confirm the claim. I tried to call them directly and they said they never been in contact with RAA. I provided their details to RAA but nothing has been done after months. I don't know which party was lying. It's only $300 and RAA said there's nothing they could do before the other party accepts the claim. Any advice on what else I can do?

TLDR: Insurance company (RAA) refused to reimburse the hire car fee claiming that they were waiting for other party's response, but I had no problem contact the other party. What can I do to get the reimbursement?

Thanks All

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Royal Automobile Association of South Australia
Royal Automobile Association of South Australia


  • RAA said there's nothing they could do before the other party accepts the claim.

    Which other party are you talking about?

    • The party who hit me from behind. They have their insurance with RAA as well…

      • Something isn't adding up.

        You are both insured through RAA (kind of beside the point), you were hit from behind (so you're not at fault). You lodged a claim with RAA giving them the details of the "at fault" party (license number, name, car rego etc). Then what?

        Did your car get assessed and fixed by RAA? Did they recognise you as the "not at fault" party (so you didn't have to pay an excess)? Were you ever out of pocket for the repairs or is it just the rental car hire?

        • The car has been fixed. Since they got comprehensive insurance, I don't have to pay anything. The only thing left is the hire car cost, which I was asked to paid upfront and sought reimbursement. This is the outstanding payment that I got no traction from RAA.

          Sorry for not being clear. I tried to keep my story short or else ppl will not read it…

        • +1

          Cool, thanks for the clarification.

          The only thing left is the hire car cost, which I was asked to paid upfront and sought reimbursement.

          Was this RAA who asked you to do that? Assuming it was, they're giving you the run-around. The "reason" they're giving you (nothing they can do etc) is a load of crap. You have insurance so you're not out of pocket and they absorb the process of chasing money etc.

          Ring them (or go in store if they have them) and mention that you'll be referring this to the Financial Ombudsman if this isn't sorted within a week. Follow this up with an email (ask who to address it to) an mention the same things. Give them a timeframe to respond (eg 7 or 10 working days).

          They owe you the $300. You do not have to wait for someone to pay them the $300 first, that's why you have insurance, that is their job to be "out of pocket" (even if it's out of pocket from themselves).

          Once you mention the Financial Ombudsman things will probably move pretty quickly. And be firm when speaking to them…not rude, but very firm as to how long this has dragged on, how bad the lack of response has been and how you're still at financial loss.

  • Did you have the hire car benefit as part of your policy? its usually an optional extra that you have to pay for. If yes they should cover it up front.

    If not then it is much more problematic. Liability of the other driver so they have to finalise that portion of it. Each insurance company will have an Internal Dispute Resolution team. If you are not satisfied with the answers so far call them and ask to have the dispute raised to this team. It usually speeds everything up in my experience.

    Good luck

    • My policy doesn't have that. I called RAA before I brought my car to repair, and they confirmed on the phone that I can still paid for the hire car and seek reimbursement. If I know it takes that long, I'd rather borrow a car from a friend…

      Thanks for the advice.

      • It doesn't matter what your policy has, you're not the at fault driver. And it's not problematic at all - they are giving you the run around hoping you'll just give up…it's an unfortunately all too common tactic by general insurers. They don't want to be out of pocket and would prefer you were.

        Too bad. You paid for the insurance, and you're entitled to it. They have to pay up and they have to do it promptly.

        There is no dispute in this case, they're not saying you can't be reimbursed, they're just delaying you hoping you'll give up. If you start throwing around the Ombudsman word they'll suddenly find that this is actually an easy process and get it sorted for you.

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