Facebook is looking to integrate a new 'Buy & Sell' feature, taking on the giants in the marketplace universe.
Buy And Sell is a new function Facebook is adding to Groups, which you can find on the left-hand side of your Facebook page (see right).
Currently, the function is only being rolled out to a select number of Facebook accounts. (Curiously, the feature has also been disappearing for some users, which suggests some fine-tuning and tweaking is still taking place.)
The function has price, location and description fields, and most usefully, has a way to designate items as sold.
Being OzBargainers, saving and making money is what we strive in. But the question is, would you turn to Facebook to sell those old Eneloops lying around, collecting dust? Or will you stick to selling with the 'traditional' marketplaces such as eBay and Gumtree ?
While I don't like buying from those groups (usually, they are overpriced, so who knows I might sell on there), I find the function reasonable. Got myself an EarPod for my gf at a reasonable price, so I might use those groups more.