Go to http://eimg.me/dh/
get code
use code at deliveryhero.com.au to get 20% off
I have used it a few times on my account
You can also add them to the phone app to use later:
Go to http://eimg.me/dh/
get code
use code at deliveryhero.com.au to get 20% off
I have used it a few times on my account
You can also add them to the phone app to use later:
Awesome! How'd you manage to find this?
i didn't 😉
I interpret this as: "I cracked the code, lets keep it hush"
…while we tell everyone.
Well thanks bronsondawg!
no worries, just call LinkSeel on +61.393881828 if you ever need help
Hi daxington, on Ozbargain can you please go to "My account"-> "Messages" and tick the box that accepts private messages?
Impossibiliy to use after what DH did to us.
Do you have any more background on this website and the promotion? It all looks a little suss.
I don't think this is an offical site. Looks like OP found or created a site which has worked out the way DH generate codes. I doubt DH will like this.
I'm happy using codes, but only if they legitimately offered by the company.
Thanks for sharing OP, but not for me.
A thought-provoking comment
Where do you take the stand on the following issues?
Printing a barcode found on this website to scan at a register that gives you $10 off your grocery shop.
Phoning a number that a friend tells you about and receiving a free sports stream for a year.
The above companies legitimately offered the coupon to a select few, but they due to the nature and medium of their business they failed to control its spread. Is this DH code not the same: they legitimately offer the 20% off coupon to a select few via a generated code, but have failed to properly control the spread by (presumably) using a code that was able to be reverse engineered.
I am not advocating either way, it is just an interesting moral and legal issue for the internet age.
The difference between this deal and the two examples you gave are that they are controlled by the company (timed deals, one-off, etc). This site seems to generate an infinite amount of coupons and will never run out.
From zero to hero
Cheers bro
Pickup possible?
20% is a lot! Great deal.
Not sure if …
If your order is more than fifty bucks, it's better than the usual $10 off
the 'usual' a few months ago was $15 off $20 :( Good deal nonetheless.
20% off? That's like $4 off $20. Sorry anything less than $10 off $20 is not a deal from DH.
If you are a new customer this deal gives you 25% and is still current according to those who've tested it https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/203110
How do you scan with dh app, cant find it
Thanks, updated the app but i dont get that option on my iphone
Geez u people.. A discount is a discount, stop complaining! DH does not have to give you anything, your lucky to even get this code, you greedy customers lol.
the problem with DH is that if they don't give me anything, I simply won't use their site. Why bother when I can just call the store directly (and make the store more money)?
Because ordering online is convenient.
Passive-aggressive much?
Seems naybe this has been fixed? Image in link not loading for me?
Not everyone orders for only 2 people. I once used delivery hero for a hundred dollar order. This code would've been perfect.
Not working anymore it seems.
Nice find!