Black Hawk 20kg bags for $85 at Petstock which is really cheap for a huge bag.
Delivery is free.
Black Hawk 20kg bags for $85 at Petstock which is really cheap for a huge bag.
Delivery is free.
Delivery cost???
You will enjoy it…
Free delivery also :)
$20.43 postage to me (cheapest option) so no, it's not cheaper.
How does this compare to optimum and royal canine ??
Are they holistic?
Cool, never tried those so if I see them at a decent price I might.
was using Artermis before which is made in USA and much more expensive. Can't tell the difference in quality between them.
black hawk is much better than both optimum and royal canine. they are not holistic and they use unsafe preservatives
Cheaper at the regular place I get it from even when its not on sale… $81.88 for the 20KG Bags, orders over $50 is free delivery. So total cost $81.88 to your door.…
Petstock still cheaper for me in Perth, $46.73 delivery charge with budgetpetproducts.
$30 Delivery cost kills me to in Melbourne
thanks, $7 postage for me then they take off the $7 so free its postage!
Optimum i though was a budget food royal canin is atleast double the price
I use which pricing is comparable to this special.
Thank you! this is what i feed my 4 legged daughter. Excellent grade premium food at reasonable price.